Moid incel trespasses into femcel territory, their response: "REEEEEEEEEEEE"

17  2018-06-26 by Khungghar


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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Femcels just need to learn the beauty of alcohol blackouts. Incels just need to transition.

Male Incel: “I’m retarded”

Femcel: “No, I’m more retarded”

They deserve one another

Let me summarize that whole conversation

no u

no u

no u

No u me

I refuse to believe that sub isn't completely made up of trolls

The core members are legit

That's mind boggling to me

Nearly all of the femcels are just pathetic salty fucks because Chad doesn't approach them like they do to Stacies. They think they are incels because men don't line up to date them(literally a paraphrased femcel comment).

Incels have a similar thing as well, plurality of them are just salty because they can't fuck Stacies like Chads do on daily basis. But at least we are not deluded enough to expect women to approach us.

The top comment in there is very true and would solve the entire incel problem

We would take you. Lol. You won’t take us. There’s ugly girls in your area who are praying for you. You think you deserve better though.

This? No.

Ugly girls don't want ugly guys.

The existence of both male and female incels is ultimately the proof there is such a thing as too insufferable to f#ck, regardless of whatever looksmatch or whatever BS they try to conjure up.

I unironically want to have a reddit meet up of both groups where they fuck.

Me too

How fucking sad this whole *cel thing is