"Men who engage in relationships with adult women are rapists", claimed by expert authority on healthy relationships/anime fag degenerate femcel

0  2018-06-26 by HateSpeechIsFree




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Ur dum

Men are scum, they often are into and prey on younger women

Why drive a 1960s model when you could be in a 2018 Ferrari? Nostalgia?

I’ll take that 21 yo gussy alllll dayyyy long.



Imagine getting baited by our resident pedophile.

trying to trigger a clearly mentally ill 18 year old with visible self-harm scars is kinda a dick-move though.

Fag and his fag moral-policing

What are you even talking about?

op is broken

you seem upset

dude got rapevanned

our resident pedophile

There's at least half a dozen pedo regulars.


I wouldn't out anyone even if I knew their main accounts.

I don't want you to doxx them, I just mean the accounts they use here. Because I haven't seen anyone but you.

Aren't you a lolicon? I'd consider you a pedo even if you don't call yourself one. I know that's a topic of significant debate though.

/u/yameteoniichanitai says ephebophile but isn't a fan of tits, which sounds just like me, so more like hebephilia.

/u/watermelonmcnuggets looks like someone's alt, another hebephile.

/u/shallowm has me very suspicious at least.

/u/goldswitchblade is honorary for producing and distributing child porn and because I don't want to ping everyone.

There's a couple of obviously pedo usernames I've seen around but can't spell off the top of my head, not sure if they're alts or lurkers or randos. I'm autistic enough to make mental notes but not quite autistic enough to take actual notes.

u/ComedicSans he's broken the code!

Completely unrelated to the pedo hunting, I wonder how long someone can keep up a charade of pinging their own alts to pretend they're actually different people. Surely someone here holds the record?

Ask u/Ed_ButteredToast, he's the one with a bot army. I'm just a shmuck with some free time on my hands every now and then

idk if having a preference for small over bigger titties makes me a hebephile (it's not even that uncommon of a preference, I think) but I also am a lolicon so I probably am by your standards at least, not that it matters really ...

Btw, any porn actresses you like? Or are you more into manga? (I like both personally.)

what about /u/shallowm?

Lolis are different from humans, but similar enough to make some comparisons. I think Megumin is around the upper end of hebephile range, for example. I'm not too familiar with the 2D world beyond loli threads on /b/, and a few visual novels.

Personally, I prefer solo models over "porn" porn, like Armour Angels, MPL Studios, Marvel Charm (Alissa especially), TokyoDoll, plus a bunch of cam models on MyFreeCams or ManyVids.

SnugglePunk is probably my favorite cam model overall. Emily Grey comes to mind as a cam model who also did porn. Hannah Hays is adorable but I feel bad for her because I think she's actually being taken advantage of.

Lolis are different from humans, but similar enough to make some comparisons.

I think lolis are to real children like My Little Pony is to horses - sure there are similarities, but they are still too different to be considered the same (unless you are actually insane or something).

I think Megumin is around the upper end of hebephile range, for example.

She's 14, how loli she is kinda depends on the artist too

I'm not too familiar with the 2D world beyond loli threads on /b/, and a few visual novels.

Lots of quality loli manga out there, can only recommend checking it out

I'll have to check the solo models out. I figured you might be into JAV because women with a more petite bodytype are way more common in those but I guess not? Also the gravure shots solo stuff is quite nice.

SnugglePunk is probably my favorite cam model overall

Will have to remember her, super cute and a redhead too 😍

Hannah Hays is adorable but I feel bad for her because I think she's actually being taken advantage of.

I've seen a few of her videos, she's cute but in one of them she said she had a boyfriend who didn't know she was doing porn which I thought was a pretty shitty thing to do ... I'm curious, why do you think she's being taken advantage of?

Btw, any porn actresses you like? Or are you more into manga?

Vastly prefer 2D tbh, but there are some exceptions. I like Monroe aka some Russian name a lot. Also Emily Grey and Sasha Grey (seems to be a good name for porn stars....).

I like Monroe aka some Russian name a lot

Hm, I remember her, cutie. What about manga / doujins / drawings? Any favorite artists?

Depends on what I'm looking for. For plot, Ichihaya, Gesundheit. For making me feel bad, Quzilax. For fapping, I already told you about Light of Tsukimi Manor, but I haven't read many others by Inuboshi yet. Plan to though. I also love Yupiel-Sama chi no Genboku by Nanashi, and his style in general, but the content of his older works is a bit too extreme for me. Also really like MuK (dude who made the Tiny Evil series) but unfortunately there's only like 4 or 5 translated doujinshi by him. Yaminabe is good too, he has some vampire loli stuff. Also honorable mention to Mizuryu Kei, barely has any loli unfortunately but I love the way he draws ahegao faces.
Also, Shadman is the best western artist right now. Fact.

What about you?

I mostly just look up characters from shows I liked so I often don't pay as much attention to who the artist is and I don't read as many original works (for instance I quite like the Azus@ttack series, think there's four of them now).

Then I like Ichihaya and Gesundheit as well. Malcorond and Higashiyama Show appear a couple of times in my favorites list so I guess those too. But mostly I just search for tags and see if anything promising comes up. I kinda want to read more though, especially original ones, lots of quality works out there that would be worth reading.

From Quzilax I only know Geiger Counter and I haven't read that because it's a bit too fucked up for me (I mostly like more wholesome ones really ...). I'll make sure to check the others you mentioned out, sounds promising.

Also, Shadman is the best western artist right now. Fact.

As far as western artists go I only know him tbh. I'm not too big a fan of his artstyle personally, but I also haven't looked at a lot of it. His whole shtick, trying to create drama and controversies by being overtly offensive is kind of off-putting to me.

I actually started the same way as you, going by shows and tags. I was mostly looking for Megumin, Shinobu and vampire femdom stuff. But then I came across some other stuff too and some artists, like Ichihaya, just grabbed me. I will have to check out Malcorond and Higashiyama Show, I don't think I've seen them yet. Or don't remember, anyways.

From Quzilax I only know Geiger Counter

That was my first one too, since someone on Reddit linked it. It's disgusting, but the art is amazing so I still wanted to check more of Quzilax's works, and I appreciate them for how emotional and thought-provoking they are. They're not something to fap to but reading them for the plot is well worth it imo.


I think it is good that he constantly pushes the boundaries of what's acceptable. Art should do that. Also some of his stuff, like the Hilloli Clitton series, is fucking hilarious.


Sorry, that's a risk of expressing views that a pedo thinks are reasonable. Which is why I use an alt account that lets me tell the full truth.


Comedy answer: I'm a long-time regular and mod here. No, not really. Or am I?

I initially came over here because my pedo accounts kept getting banned from SRD no matter how careful I was. Side note, it's apparently highly offensive to Jewish people to use the obvious abbreviation of "hebephile". I guess I'll stick with this account over here, but I have to avoid talking about anything that could narrow me down too much.

For this account's purposes, I have no hobbies besides arguing about pedo/autist things with SJWs and arguing about SJW things with pedos/autists, and I do not consume any forms of media other than lolicon and tiny-tit porn.

...Shit, maybe that's not too far from the truth these days.

I initially came over here because my pedo accounts kept getting banned from SRD

What a shocking surprise. Everyone knows that SRD is one of those communities whose view of free speech is "everyone is free to say what we think is right".

Aren't you a lolicon? I'd consider you a pedo even if you don't call yourself one. I know that's a topic of significant debate though.

Well, yea, but I'm coming more from a free speech angle. It's true that I like lolis a lot, but I would have the exact same stance on the topic if I didn't.

goldswitchblade is honorary for producing and distributing child porn and because I don't want to ping everyone.

Only by retarded american standards, if we believe her accounts. It's not CP if she looks like an adult.

I haven't actually seen watermelonmcnuggets at all, or at least don't remember it.


hey, when he's right, he's right

Her AMA from two years ago where JewDank challenges her claim of making $100K off her videos.

Doesn't this mean that women who look like teenagers are condemned to celibacy because dating them is immoral ?


yes, but I'll take them.