u/The_Reason_Trump_Won pt. 29993

13  2018-06-27 by ltedt


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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always on point. amazing

"if you're being civil you're being complicit tbh" - https://twitter.com/RileyJayDennis/status/1011378928974376960

Sounds like a Snappy quote.

Going after Riley Dennis is pretty low hanging fruit tbh im surprised people unironically like her

i dont know who this is, just showed up on my feed

She's a tranny that makes a living off of angsty teenagers that think transitioning will solve their problems. She also makes super clickbaity titles like "Biological Sex is a social construct" to attract as many radical loudmouths as possible

What's their sex?

Look at him. It’s obvious that’s a man.

Read their Twitter profile: she/they.


He also loves to, or used to love to get into it with Andy Warski over him being honest about well everything. I kinda feel bad that he tries so hard to look like a woman buy comes off looking like an anorexic skeletor.

I first heard of this Riley nutter when they tried to argue it was transphobic to not want girl-dick or fake vaginas.

You're a fucking dumbass if you wouldn't prefer someone without a gussy, tbh.

Trannies aren't yet successful in imitating how fucking stupid women are.

Lol trannies have long surpassed women on that front

also a queer, trans, nonbinary, polyamorous lesbian

I’m amazed one could be so oxymoronic and redundant


I'd watch, tbh.

Its hate speech to talk about Rileys's fruit thay way.

Oh wow, an insane tranny on Twitter.

It must be a day ending in 'y'.

Why is an Aussie complaining about Republicans?

Not Australian, just came to make Sydney worse.

Because Trump is putting tariffs on everyone whose first name isn't Vladimir and whose last name isn't Putin. Lots of the Anglosphere hates our guts for the first time since the Suez Crisis.

Or because this person is an autist; idk.
