Fox News subscribers try to make sense of gay swans in comment section of video about gay swans fighting to protect their nest

64  2018-06-27 by wbdnsfad




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This is why your should ban boomers from the internet.

I'm fine with them inhabiting YouTube comment sections, it's not like they can make them any worse.

New quarantine site?

Google should put a cookie on /pol/ users through the captcha and secretly create a segregated comment section so same people don't have to read it.

This is great. It's so good I have 0 clue who's trolling and who's legit retarded.

If you dont know who the retard at the table is, its you.

Liberalism has now ruined nature. :(

Now there's a hot take

He's a real one too, not a troll account:

What an interesting collection of videos about Harley Davidsons, Islamaphobia and World of Warcraft. And a PragerU claiming JFK would be a Republican today for good measure. I think weve found that Youtube account of someones embarrassing retiree father.

That quality boomer iq.

It's true. These were straight swans who volunteered their time spreading the word of Christ and campaigning for Daddy until they took a gender studies course.


first we had black swan, now it's GAY swans???? fucking libruls I swear

I must hear what Alex Jones has to say about this.

Gay penguins steal the eggs of straight penguins? Thats actually pretty sad

The comments section of the Fox News yt, sounds just like the comments in r/drama lol.