Lmao Germany

408  2018-06-27 by Odemdemz98

Absolute rofl


Biggest German defeat in Russia since 1943

This makes Brexit defeat to the Merkelreich seem like small potatoes.

Be defending World Cup champions

Have world class players in nearly every position

Can't beat Mexico, can't beat South Korea.

Same thing happened to Spain in 2014.

Don't remind me. That was a heartbreak.


I wish you were dead or dying

We're all dying, but at least we aren't all disgusting Spaniards

Motivational poster quality right here.

That's true. I'm a white boy from Idaho, but I believe I was supposed to have been born as David Villa.

Would that make you David Methlab?

We have long shed our image of subhuman tweakers here in Idaho. We take our fentanyl tablets with Diet Coke like civilized people.

Diet Coke

Soda is Haram in the Mormon caliphate of Idaho-Utah

After the Battle of Twin Falls in 2015, we have successfully pushed the Mormons out of the major cities. They still have a garrison in Pocatello but God Willing, it will be destroyed soon.

What is "haram"?

Against the will of Allah, in a nutshell. aka, forbidden.

I did a meta-ish joke by combining muslim related memes/ideas with mormons, so the joke isnt really that great unless you get all the terms

*disgusting Gypsies

iiii DIOS MIO!!!!

Why must you hurt me in this way?

Sports. Don't. Matter.

Yes. That clearly was a hilarious.

It was a very hilarious

You mean it was Spainful.

You might've taken the cup, but Nigel de Jong took your soul

How did Mexico beat themselves in 2014 tho

Same thing happened to France in 2002.

And in 2010 and 2002, only the Brazilians managed to beat the curse in 2006.

The Brazilians were the OG of the curse, winning in 1962 and losing in group stages in 1966.

And getting rekt as the host.

They at least faced 2 solid opponents in Netherlands and Chile...

World Cup curse strikes again

This is the future and it's beautiful


Did you know that soccer is actually an American word?

It comes from a mishearing of the phase "sock her", which when visiting dignitaries heard it, they thought referred to the game, but did not understand that "sock" is a colloquialism for to hit someone.

That's how domestic violence created the name of the game we love so much today. Kind of inspiring imo.

The real story of 'soccer' and 'football' is even more hilarious.

Super short version: The Brits are xenophobic as fuck (shocker, I know) and stopped calling it soccer in favor of football because other English speaking countries started playing the sport while calling it soccer.

Soccer is actually the posh version (like rugger for rugby). Football fans, being the working class sport, said fuck off to Oxbridge posh cunts.

Sorry for seriousposting

That's not even close to being accurate. Brits always called it football, some posh gits tried called it soccer for a while, it didn't catch on and everyone went back to calling it football.

Getting raped by Mexicans and Koreans as well as Muslims.

Merkel's Germany eliminated in 1st round by Moon's Best Korea

Team Daddy's buddies ftw


Trump's a right-neoliberal.

Merkel's a left-neoliberal.

I don't see much of a difference.

One will suck corporate dick by drastically reducing taxes and getting rid of important regulations, all to the detriment of the common people, while the other will suck corporate dick by letting in a flood of disposable low skilled labour rapefugees that will inevitably change the country's character, all to the detriment of the common people.

Neoliberal, got it.

Trump's a right-neoliberal.

fucking lol, okay

is this where you tell us that "right-neoliberals" and nazis are the same?

Ackshully everyone who isn't Bernie is a Nazi.

Ummm sweetie? Burnie cinders is just another uh capitalist imperialist reactionary in disguise cuz he's a socdem so he's just a capitalist.

Dad it's just 5 dollars a month I really like this podcast

Dad it's just 5 dollars a month I really like this podcast

i'm dead. you killed me

This is where he says bash the fash

Either that or whine about Russia.

No, but I sincerely believe that neoliberal are unnatural, probably mentally diseased and should be burnt at the stake.

Lol no. Merkel is the rightwing neoliberal (calling her a liberal conservative or christian democrat is more adequate).

Trump is no neoliberal, he is a nationalist/diet coke fascist/king of retards.

Diet Coke fascist

New area on the political spectrum

How the fuck is Trump a neoliberal, and how the fuck is Merkel left wing?

US definitions are retarded, that's how.

Neoliberalen being for closed borders??? What the fuck

Christian conservatives are left

Everyone that responded to this responded according to the politics of whatever the fuck shithole country they come from. There's a mish mash of answers is great. I like that we have called Merkel both left and right wing within one screen worth of comments. It's beautiful.

If you look at it from a German perspective, centre right is the most correct though. There's not a lot of discussion there.

In Germany any white person who doesn't commit ritual suicide as soon as they turn 18 in atonement for colonialism is considered right wing.

But then how do they vote? 🇵🇰

Votes of immigrants are counted 60 times as reparations, votes from whites have no impact.

I know you're joking, but Germany has three leftwing parties in parliament.

Your mother is a fucking difference

Best Korea

Umm, no sweetie


LMAO soccer.

I don't watch poor people sports

Too busy eating smegma for a living?

Good one?


He probably watches eSports unironically

Is there a way to watch Esports ironically?

That's how I started. Kinda like how I started listening to meme rap ironically and then liked it and listened to it unironically

Allah, pray for your soul. 🙏🏾

Who the fuck cares about feetsball?

Fucking poor pieces of shit that live in boring 2nd world shitholes.

Damn, Germans getting molested worse than their women on NYE in Cologne.



their women

Women aren't property, shitlord

Got a source for that?

> cross examines the lolcow

for now



Stupid kuffir

Imagine being yuropean

Fucking Mayo's gtfo

Retreating from Russia again. Fuckin Krauts lol...

Germans and getting BTFO in Russia, name a more iconic duo.

The real Aryans are no longer honorary

gochujang gangbang


If only it was North Korea that won...

juche gang gochujang gangbang

real Aryans are no longer honorary

In Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth.

It is uncanny how on point this 200 yr old pasta is.

well that has nothing to do with Aryans but yes, northwestern Europeans are the whitest of them all, skin color wise.

eye color wise it's northeastern, and hair color wise it's north-central

In summer though, that's a first.

Funny how it also involved a nation from the Far East as well...

Everyone's partying in Austria right now, we're always for the team that's vs Germany

Well, not always...

As if Austrians aren’t Germans too.

wannabe Germans (In Germany)

Wellll, Hitler was Austrian and fucked Germany up.

Thinking WWII is still relevant

Lmfaoooooooooooo old

thinking lmfaooooo is a cool thing

Lmfaooooooo mayo

Complaining about dead memes in this sub

Post bussy, hun, and keep yourself safe, and your centrism radical

being a hypocrite

Actually, wait, that’s fine by me and most everyone else here

I don't know another way to live honestly

Prussians are still superior to Bavarians though. At least they're not lazy Catholics.

Bavarians are the only acceptable Germans, and even that only because they don't want to be Germans

Euw, they're Catholics.

So are Austrians. The Catholic church knows the true value of bussy, you heathen... Smdh

I'm a Calvinist so I'm chosen unlike the papists!

Bavarians are the Inbred Germans.

Superior Teutonic genes

Isn't Austria just mountain Germans?

It's irrelevant Germans.

Same but for England.

Is Turkey still in the running. Maybe all of the German player's wives are being threatened with extra daily gang rapes if Germany doesn't throw.

Nah Chicken didn't qualify

I'm officially going to refer to turkey as chicken from now on.

Thank you for this

Np xx

le thank you based redditor xDDDDD

turkey didn't even qualify for the finals

Fuck yeah! 🤣🤣

That was bad.

England then?



I can't really put my feelings to words better than that.

Not you too!

u/shitpost953 please tell me you’re not a soccer fag 🤞🏿

All Portuguese people are soccer fags. Dagos can't help it.

isnt it huehuehue?

They wanted Germany to read

Should be been hohoho then

WELL its Brazilians. they are not that smart.

Luckily Germans are, and they will know what this meant.

Hey be nice. They're too busy ducking bullets, machetes, and killer mosquitoes to type out full sentences.

I thought it was jajaja

That's Spanish, not Portuguese.

Lol at the Hans in the comments section coming up with excuses.

Germanlets absolutely btfo

272 chars though??? 🤔 did twitter increase from 140 to 270ish??


Ah yes, because this is clearly equal or worse than the worst defeat ever for a team on their home soil during their home world cup where the all time leading goal scoring record, that was originally held by a brazilian, was also broken.

Salty salty salty.

You got beat by gooks though.

I agree though. Brasil has no business making fun of anyone after the last 4 or 5 tournaments.

Most of this sub has no business making fun of others for any reason if you extend that logic.

Making fun of others does remain fun.

But i'm not going to extend that logic. I'm just saying that Brasil is too sucky for schadenfreude.

You by the phone, you all alone.

Oh I was thinking this would be about their politics, not soccer.

Radical Centrist need not for such a thing.

I forgot that soccer was still going on tbh.


My wish for the world cup is for a country where they don't even like soccer to win.

Well you'll struggle to find that.

I know. I'll settle for a non-European country.

You have all of South America to choose from.

It's tricky though. I really want Maradonna to have a cocaine-induced heart attack on TV so I'm not going with Argentina. I was really hoping for soccer violence but the Kremlin unfortunately has the yobs under control.

I'm definitely no expert but they definitely like soccer at least as much as Europeans, probably more.

Yes, that's why they do well at the sport.

England can be very british about it.

The US didn't make the finals this year.

Water is wet, sky is blue, what else is new?

The dead Kennedys gained a member

Paulinho's resurgence has been unreal.

caring about people pushing inflated balls across imaginary lines in the 21st century. climate change please.

Shut up you fat loser nerd faggot

Go chew on a feetsball you fucking yuropoor

Go watch some brown people kneel

DAE sportsball???

NDT got a Reddit account I see.

Go to Russia and choke

Typical Germans.


germany bows to the korean

I am genuinely disappointed.

Great job, fucking krauts. I guess Sweden is all I have left, other than Russia meme-winning it. that'd be cool.

If you can't beat the last place group members with 75% possession when you only need one fucking goal to advance, you don't deserve to advance.

Fire Low. Out of a cannon. Into the sun.

If you want to actually get him there you should fire high though.


Worst time a group of Germans have had in Russia since the 40's

So fucking proud of Sweden. Top of the group MFers.

Thank you for not swearing. This is a christian server.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╯╲___♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿ Don't mind me, just taking my German National Football Team out for a walk

Krautcide now!

Germany gets fucked by poc in more ways than one

Rolling on the floor losing?

Ah yes, the infamous World Cup curse...