Post about Elon Musk attacking homophobe quickly gets filled with rabid communists calling for his death by guillotine, among other things

89  2018-06-28 by Ayylmao11023


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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Lot of AIDS in those pics, be sure to wash your hands

Dude you gotta post bussy before you can say stuff like that

Wait, you were serious about subscribing.

Lol unironic boomerposting

Im just here to GRILL

whats up with faggots being commies lately?

We had a meeting; did you not get the email?



They'd been shot or jailed had they lived in the USSR.

right? when did /r/ainbow become a tankie haven?

Fucking "rainbow capitalism," wtf is that shit. LARPing tankies are the worst thing to happen to the gay community since AIDs.

Stalin did everything right in relation to gays.

Losers blaming society for their own failures?

Of course the LGBT lobbyist are commies, it's a perfect fit.

Faggy idealology attracts faggots

im banned for questioning this

The normal ones got mainstreamed once they could marry and the public accepted them.

When parental support runs out they still want their buttfuckery to be subsidized.

communist shit

/u/hotchocletylesbian Western corps are the most friendly to LGBT and without them you would have been tied to a chair and got a fast ticket to Allah.

Honestly, the gay community might be the most privileged in the high corp world. I suggesting checking it, buster.


I saw your name, went "this is a tranny," checked, and lo and behold, I was right.

You can't even pass on the internet lmao

Keep it coming babe.

The way you talk is an extremely poor imitation of feminine speech. You might see this kind of talk in an old movie where the entire joke is men dressing like women and hilariously failing to be convincing.

For christ's sake you say "hun" unironically. I can hear your deep voice and five-day stubble from here.

I'm bathing in it. Shower me more, ya bootleg kiwifarm bois

I mean it makes sense. Narcissistic men do love negative attention almost as much as positive. At least do a little jig for us as thanks for helping you chase the dragon today.

I was hoping you'd run out of regurgitated content and come up with something original


Nice punctuation, stupid.

Eww we're not pedos, don't compare us to KiwiFarms.

Can you fucklords stop downvoting lolcows before I make the 30th self post on the issue

Drink Bleach

no u

No like I unironically think you should, since you're rude.

rude? on /r/drama? Well I NEVER

The radical centrist would support the drinking of bleach for all.

The way you talk is an extremely poor imitation of feminine speech

feminine speech is an extremely poor imitation of feminine speech

Not to mention that an autogynephilic man trying to be a lesbian is yet another layer of hilarity here.

I know, right? How a single person on gods green earth takes these people seriously is beyond me.

hes kinda right tho u would probably be stabbed like anywhere else lol


would u rather be a freak on a street in colorado or qatar?

qatar is lit

Fair point my man!

done by a fag hating muslim, big surprise

I suggesting checking it, buster.

Stay safe out there! ⚠⚠☠☠⚠⚠☠☠

Lol do these losers not understand that cops are a resource many lgbt people have to use to stay safe? It must be really nice living in places where the absolute majority of the local community supports gay rights, but sadly that's not the majority of America and the rest of the world.

Also nobody is allowed to insult Daddy Musk in my presence.

Musk has little bitch titties

I want musk to exploit me and pump his capital into my prole bussy

This is everyone's wish, tbh

Even if the majority does support gay rights, all it takes is one person that doesnt.

/u/gingerbreadmancan bootlicker this bootlicker that, fucking kill me please

I take it coming up with an original insult wasn't covered by the five year plan? Or did some food shortage force you to eat the thesaurus?

Lmao 😂

Boots are only tasty when they’re firmly attached to the right ideology of brutal dictator

I really digged the part where they mentioned he had a child that died as an infant due to SIDS, as if that's his fault for being a capitalist or some shit.

Lenin decriminalized homosexuality

Lenin got rid of all the existing laws. I am about 100% sure that decriminalizing homosexuality was a byproduct of that, and not something he targeted.

  • ~1000 gays were punished (1-2 years of prison) in the last 40 years of Russian Empire.

  • ~35000 gays were punished (3-5 years of prison) in the last 30 years of the USSR.

Bolsheviks only decriminalized homosexuality in the RFSSR but introduced more harsh laws in "minority" republics.

Soviet power inherited from the tsarist regime the notion of the existence of "savage customs" among the peoples of the Caucasus and Central Asia, which allegedly caused the widespread spread of same-sex relationships in these regions. This phenomenon was considered a harmful outgrowth of social conditions, a consequence of the backwardness of indigenous peoples and was subject to eradication.

I wouldn't be surprised if more gays were punished under Lenin than under Nicholas 2.

So you're telling me that Mongolians and Turks gaysexed so much that USSR literally had to act on it?

Nomad bussy


Person: that’s great but what about the exploitation of-



Musker the hustler actively responds to 'tarded journalists who complain about "u abuse ur workers lol".

And the socialist shtick was an obvious joke you dumb tankie

Space Daddy getting the guillotine


The amount of Rainbow Capitalism that's starting to pervade Pride events is troubling, to say the very least.


I know it may come as a shock to you, but all the most LGBTBBQ-tolerant countries on Earth are capitalist. In fact, name a non-capitalist country that doesn't have legal or societal prohibitions on homosexuality (to say nothing about trans rights) worse than even the most backward of US states.

I'm no commie scum, but Elon should get the guillotine

Why? Because people are stupid enough to be taken advantage of by Tesla? Guess what, if you're willing to do anything to work for your favorite fake car company, don't be surprised when they abuse you.

No, because it'd be hilarious

When a CEO is in the news as much as Elon is, it precludes bad news for the company he represents.