Days since male feminist is a paedophile 0.

221  2018-06-28 by Couldnt_think_of_a


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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true, this wouldn't have happened had he stayed with 2D lolis

He didn't know better. He's brown. Them 3d lolis get you every time. His parents should have immigrated to Germany or Sweden. Would have been fine there.



Thnx couldn't read that shit on mobile








I'm gonna kill myself b/c the sc seat ;_;

seriously guys, this is the end 4 me ;_;

pls remember me as the retarded troll I was ;_;

Literally who

Yah not this ;_;

Cool call for attention nerd

Im for real tho ;_;

doubt it you drama posting autist. pull yourself to fucking gether you fucking fuck. dont kys you fucking bitch

Livestream it


Remember that shotgun suicide a few months back?

There was this one a week ago, even better, attempted shotgun suicide.

shit it's krillin from dragon ball z

I read the headline and immediately looked at the fucking Aziz pic on the next column and ended up squirting soda out of my nose.




head of anti child-abuse charity position == feminazi

Could OP be hoarding a collection of 3D loli of his own?

Before the ephibiphdafgjfcile comments:

The 22-year-old allegedly arranged to meet the nine-year-old daughter of one of the undercover agents and with the purported two-year-old daughter of the officer's girlfriend.

were they hot tho?

I think of it as being attracted to "cute" instead of "hot".

i will defer to your expertise

I think you need to be taken out back and put down

Get in line and wait your turn.

How about you don't diddle kids?

I promise that I'll castrate or kill myself if I ever feel some irresistible urge to molest anyone. Made that promise to myself a long, long time ago.

Ethical CP

It's all about ethics in kiddie-fiddling.

that didnt' stop you alt blighties from sucking milo's schlong

Milo only diddles black kiddies, which is affirmative action. Totally ethical.

White supremacists need their own white George takai

They were really milf-y 2-year-olds.

Yeah that's going to be a no from me dog. I know a dozen pregnant kids that I went to middle school with, but it was majority latino and you're technically an adult at 14 with latinos

how convenient that he was (allegedly) trying to molest the children of kkkops. of course kkkops would never perjur themselves or suborn testimony in order to fuck a black person over. /s

Yeah but what if they were actually 1000 years old vampires ?

Chemical castration when!

Mandatory puberty blockers until adulthood for everyone, when!

Chemical castration when!

This is causing top qultist drama as well.

how is a 22 year old the head of a prominent charity

Maybe he's just very, very good at what said prominent charity deals with.

What it deals with being child abuse, there is no surprise here.

buttblasted 23-year old NEET detected

If you weren't such a shiftless fuck, you too could have been fucking kids and making mad nonprofit $$$

diversity/affirmative action circuit

He's really motivated to work with kids with low self esteem.

Wow what the fuck. Also hilarious he has a Tedx tag on there after the Germany pedo speech of theirs

You got like a normal link, not this shit that opens the mobile website?

This is good for pizzagate posts.

But look at that golden smile!

Fuck I hate people that get so easily offended but at the same time are so easy to manipulate. Im such a hippie, peacenick leftist at heart but I despise most people that are around me in those circles so :(

"The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife."

Goddamnit I liked that quote and hoped it had some good context but it comes from Star Trek. Can't use that in public :,(.

It's from DS9 that makes it acceptable in any conversation!

Well to be frank, I don't mind showing my geeky side at all but it's just that I don't think quotes from fictional characters hold much water because they are based on fictional realities.

But yeah, maybe it's a bit of a narrow perspective though I haven't found much reason to change it unless the story is really proverbial and intended as some sort of life lesson.

Well to be frank, I don't mind showing my geeky side at all but it's just that I don't think quotes from fictional characters hold much water because they are based on fictional realities.

That's actually a really fair and acceptable reason, the home spun bullshit from fiction really doesn't apply to reality.

That's not fair, OP. They're usually rapists so this one is uni-oh god I can't even mock this properly.😥

A paedophile? He must be a big star among the so called "alt right" (neo nazis)

do you want a date with him or something?

Playdate maybe.

This is good for pizzacoin

he started a charity to prevent people like him doing what he does? fjdklsdfgjfasfghkafjlasgf

Years since the majority of black children were born to married women.

Nah dude, it's r/Drama who has a narrative

Time to reset the clock!