Today marks one year since DarqWolff pitched us his give-me-money-and-ideas-to-become-rich-in-a-few-months business

102  2018-06-28 by shitpost953

Let's see how his "trillion-dollar business" is coming along.


  1. Did you make it down to see your totally real girl in Georgia?

  2. Who was that in the car with you?

  3. Have you shaved your magnificent neck mane in the last yer?

  4. What was the best idea that people gave you?

  5. Did you make enough money that you no longer need break into people's houses when you have a jones for weed?


Mercilessly eviscerated.

Snappy is self-aware. Skynet is real.

Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?

Death to those who insult Snappy.


I'm probably smarter than I think I am. In childhood I usually did better at new tasks than I even expected (when I expected myself to do well), then that made me egotistical and for a while in my mid-to-late teens I sometimes did much worse at new tasks than I expected, but usually did how I expected to. Now I usually do about as well at new tasks as I expect, often a little better, rarely any worse, but it's slowly stopped adjusting in response to the better/worse outcomes and I've lost the ability to consciously estimate the difference my instincts aren't picking up on like I could before. This makes it seem like it was set up that way by natural selection - start neutral, get more egotistical through puberty, test all the different self-perceptions so your brain can collect data on it and have the most effective understanding by adulthood. If it weren't set up this way by natural selection, I'd have an idea of how much smarter I am than my instincts say, and my instincts would probably adjust accordingly, since that was how it worked through adolescence. And my understanding at one point in adolescence must have actually been closer to accuracy since it's where I most often did as well as I expected to or as close as possible to that, so I guess minimizing the disappointments/failures is a bigger advantage than having the most accurate possible assessment, thus the brain's gradual settling into a slightly underestimated perception and simultaneous gradual loss of the thought processes for rapidly adjusting it.

If I'm not as smart as I think I am, I guess "beginner's luck" is a real thing and I have way more of it than anyone, and am insanely hella lucky at finding information. Sounds like bullshit though, pretty sure it's just intelligence.

My heart tells me this is pasta, but it is not one with which I am familiar. Is this a pizzashill quote?

I question your commitment to the cult of our extremely stable genius of a mod, /u/Darqwolff.

He said it yesterday.

As a large and ever-growing number of disappointed women will tell you whether you ask or not, I'm not really good with commitment.

Lao wow


OK, I'm pretty sure this one is from Game of Thrones.

are you sure?

Hello 911, this is Voiceless, I just witnessed a neckbeard being slain by his own blade by Snappy.

Thanks to u/manerewegoagain for reminding us it's the anniversary of this unexpected DLC.

hey no problem man!

I am rich now. Thanks u/DarqWolff !


Only because Trump's not gonna tax his trillion-dollar business as hard as Hillary would.


The self-delusion of white trash is always impressive

Unironically believing that Trump is actually stupid.

Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.

Never thought i’d see /r/poetry on Drama

Anyone who thinks this is a sign of lacking intelligence lacks intelligence.


Unironically thinking he talks like a retard on purpose as a grand stratrgy

Speaking extemporaneously is how I measure intelligence.


how much you wanna bet trump doesnt have the faintest idea what that word means?

Only fags say that word

so ur a fag?

Hey ur pretty smrt

not really, but im smarter than trump, which means nothing

You certainly must be

80ish% of the human population is smarter than trump, not really an accomplishment

Imagine defending daddy this hard

Nah fam, the day Daddy becomes popular on Reddit I switch sides.

that went in my cringe folder ;)

It's the bare minimum, really.

A true mark of intellect is not being able to string together a coherent sentence

I mean. I have no doubt Trump is smarter than /u/kippot but that is a very low bar to pass.



wait what? what are you trying to convey here centipedo?

Lmfao kid 🎣😆

rekt another libturd xD xD xD

Wow 😲 you’re so 😠😅

I have doubts

You are probably on par with him.

every wack job retard extremist narcissist conspiracy nutter and all round dim wit end up being trump supporters.

most dont even know WHY they support him, its just like "I like his style!" or some idiotic dumb shit like that

its unreal

Cool agenda post

t. butthurt m*yo

Do you not live to further the mayocide?


everything is an agenda post



Darqwolff is this your alt?

/u/Darqwolff, what "trillon-dollar bussiness" refers to? trillion-dollars assets? trillion dollar liabilities? trillion dollar equity? trillion dollar market cap?

Any of the above but I focus on by assets

Not sure if a company having trillion dollar liabilities is something desirable but anyway. Also, why you're going to focus the assets?

Because assets are the only measure that actually counts, numbnuts.

But owning assets doesn't generate revenue. You can own a trillion dollars in underwater mortgages. You can own a trillion dollars in tulip futures. Legal ownership doesn't magically generate profit.

I have $11 right now, so if I managed to gain a trillion dollars in underwater mortgages without gaining any revenue-producing assets, you'd really have to credit me as a mastermind.

You are confusing price and valuation. I don't think anyone has to credit you with much tbh.

Explain in actual reasoning how I confused price and valuation.

You paid a price X for a thing, but it is valued at Y. You are acting like having paid a lot of money for something means it's inherently valuable. Assets that simply sit on a balance sheet don't generate revenue, they tend to be a cost sink. Nobody besides you looks at a company and says 'well they own a lot of assets, they must be doing well.'

Like, the plan isn't

1: Steal underpants



It's PROFIT!!!

You are acting like having paid a lot of money for something means it's inherently valuable.

Where is anything I said acting like having paid a lot of money for something means it's inherently valuable?

Assets that simply sit on a balance sheet don't generate revenue, they tend to be a cost sink.

No, by definition in order to be assets they have to generate revenue. If they're a cost sink, they're liabilities, not assets. I'm sorry you're literally retarded, but please look at some educational sing-along videos instead of wasting my time being a dick to get me to hold your hand through the basics.

No, by definition in order to be assets they have to generate revenue or help you generate revenue

No, they have to be something you own. Cash by its very nature doesn't generate revenue by itself, but it's still an asset. A car that loses market value every year but doesn't cost an exorbitant amount of money to maintain is still an asset, despite losing you money. A fucking Piccaso that you keep in your basement or some shit is still an asset, one that can make you money through appreciation instead of revenue. A bond that brings in revenue but doesn't outpace inflation is, you guessed it, an asset.

It's sad that everyone here who needs to look up "what's the difference between assets and liabilities" are just upvoting each other and circlejerking about how triggered they are at the one person that knows what they're talking about. You're giving yourselves cognitive dissonance over simple business terms you could just Google. It's pathetic af

I'm sorry you can't read

Your definition of asset...

No, by definition in order to be assets they have to generate revenue or help you generate revenue.

What an asset actually is...

An asset is anything of value that can be converted into cash.

Are you intentionally retarded or is it the result of oxygen deprivation at birth?

Who is this smart person who's triggering us? Can you introduce them to me so I can talk with them instead of you?

I have about $17 right now

Didn’t you pitch this idea to us last year using a picture of you holding up $20?

What investment did you make that lost you the 3 dollars?


smh shoulda gone with Buttcoin 🍑🍑🍑

It was Dramacoin, actually

Lol pedo

Thats alright Warren Buffet, you just keep investing in memecoins and eventually you'll strike it rich!

Hey now, that was a whole $100, more money than he's ever had in his hands



Are you intending to buy a trillion dollar's worth of child porn? Come on, don't be coy.

Nah I'm planning to buy a trillion dollars worth of mercenary assaults on the sex trafficking industry fam. Donate today

That's what all child porn collectors say, tho.

That doesn't sound right to me but I guess I wouldn't know since I'm not a child porn collector

You're just an aficionado, due to lack of funds. Noted.

Going from this

I have about $17 right now

To this

so if I managed to gain a trillion dollars


you'd really have to credit me as some kind of mastermind.

Oh I see

I was going to write an appropriate response for this but I gave up. What your corporation will offer?

Don't know yet because I don't give a heck at the moment since there's way more important shit going on in my life. Pretty possible that my plans will change from what my previous plans were last time my life was on track, because next time my life is on track enough that I feel ready to start a business I might be in a different place or have different resources.

One venture I definitely would like to do and would never want to create Stark Industries without is the Mr Job Man business. I've prepared to start this business twice but had personal life shit pop up that got in the way both times. This would be me giving people generalized job interviews that just find out their skills, interests, experience, etc. and then finding them jobs that don't suck and explaining to the people in charge of hiring for those jobs why they won't suck at them. It'd basically be like a headhunting service but cheaper, applicable to literally any type of employment from dishwasher to hitman to whatever, just as oriented towards the people looking for work as the people looking to hire, and all-around better and more effective and reliable. As Stark Industries grows, this would obviously also serve as a great recruitment tool or even a complete hiring process, plus a great general way to constantly hone business acumen and keep comprehensively in touch with communities. Another business idea I want to do early on is a small (like a few people in a workshop small) engineering and manufacturing firm I'd simply call Cheapest Version Possible. We'd try to take the least expensive models we can find of simple products and figure out if there's any way to manufacture something sufficient for the same tasks even less expensively. For example, most wooden smoking pipes are carved with aesthetic designs to increase profit margins and reward craftsmanship, but no matter how skilled that craftsman is, they could make way more fully-functional pipes in an hour if they were just drilling a hole through a piece of wood and using a dremel to carve out a bowl in the top until it meets the chamber. And I think if you sold those pipes to a local gas station for $1 each and they sold them for $2 each, people would definitely buy them and everyone else involved would be making a good profit margin on it even though they're no longer making $5-10 minimum per sale. Point is, I think there are many niche product markets with virtually nobody trying to make the cheapest version possible of the product because what's available is already considered "cheap enough," even though there actually would be a market of people buying even cheaper versions if they were available. This company would also post our designs to an online blog with a creative commons non-commercial share-alike license so that people who own their own shops can use our designs but if we actually make something some major company can't beat, we'd get money licensing the patent. We could also post to this blog every time an existing model we find on the market defeats us and we can't think of any way to make a cheaper version, which helps us by earning customer trust, and helps the world by helping reward good efficient engineering in the market in general plus helping people find out the actual cheapest version of a product that really suits its purpose (because we'd always disqualify any design that's so cheap it lacks basic capability - that's essentially just false advertising, not affordability).

I'd keep listing ideas, but ultimately the company should expand to do everything productive that there is for a business to do in the world, so it'd probably go past the 10k character limit eventually. Those are two of the ones I like best and am most likely to end up doing soonest


You want to be better at headhunting despite zero headhunting experience, ever.

And you want to do cheap manufacturing of doodads better than the Chinese?

Oh sweet Jesus.

Give him a break. According to the first paragraph he got arrested again. Ain't that true, /u/Darqwolff?

Felonies are now referred to as personal stuff.

True. and Aliexpress

Why you don't open a weed shop and take advantage of the ongoing movement for legalization of drugs? Just don't consume your own goods.

Yeah right, like anyone would do business with this retard who probably smokes that snicklefritz laced with pcp.

But real talk, if I walked into a store and Darq was running it I would leave based off first impressions alone. He's the kind of guy who you know will be judging you as he sucks on his vape and blowing giant clouds of ass-berry e juice at ya.

Listen I could totally make this trillion dollar company but you know, I've been busy.

Are you mocking me?

I just doubt your priorities. Being a mega rich entrepreneur would probably be a better thing to focus on than whatever personal issues you are having and in fact would probably solve most of them. In fact most super successful people in the business tend to dive headlong into their work, putting their other issues to the side until they get established. Gates, Buffet, Bezos, Musk, etc all put everything they had into their endeavors. They didn't get distracted by personal issues.

You say you're going do the things on the cheap, but how?

Not sure what's so hard to understand about this premise as it was already explained:

For example, most wooden smoking pipes are carved with aesthetic designs to increase profit margins and reward craftsmanship, but no matter how skilled that craftsman is, they could make way more fully-functional pipes in an hour if they were just drilling a hole through a piece of wood and using a dremel to carve out a bowl in the top until it meets the chamber. And I think if you sold those pipes to a local gas station for $1 each and they sold them for $2 each, people would definitely buy them and everyone else involved would be making a good profit margin on it even though they're no longer making $5-10 minimum per sale. Point is, I think there are many niche product markets with virtually nobody trying to make the cheapest version possible of the product because what's available is already considered "cheap enough," even though there actually would be a market of people buying even cheaper versions if they were available.

Does your local gas station have $1-2 pipes, or do you not think enough could be made in an hour the way I described to be very profitable for the workers?

Not sure what's so hard to understand about this premise as it was already explained

Reading your shit is hard, famlam.

wooden smoking pipes

So your big plan to create a trillion-dollar company is to manufacture smoking pipes? LOL.

I think if you sold those pipes to a local gas station for $1 each and they sold them for $2 each, people would definitely buy them and everyone else involved would be making a good profit margin on it even though they're no longer making $5-10 minimum per sale

This won't work very well, buddy. The price difference between a fancy pipe and a drilled wood is negligible. People might buy the fancy pipe because its not only more visually appealing but might indicate that it's better built and has superior quality.

Point is, I think there are many niche product markets with virtually nobody trying to make the cheapest version possible of the product because what's available is already considered "cheap enough," even though there actually would be a market of people buying even cheaper versions if they were available.

Why you didn't say this earlier? Instead of vomiting the smoking pipe nonsense. Also, you should take some marketing lessons.

Does your local gas station have $1-2 pipes, or do you not think enough could be made in an hour the way I described to be very profitable for the workers?

The closest one has a pump for gasoline, one for ethanol and one for diesel, and a display with some food.

This won't work very well, buddy. The price difference between a fancy pipe and a drilled wood is negligible.

You're literally retarded. It's not about whether it's negligible to you, it's about whether it's negligible to the market, which you have to be retarded to think it is. Easily a double-digit percentage of people care about the price difference between $1-2 and $5-10, those are whole different leagues. You'd have to be retarded just to think nobody cares about the difference between $1 and $2, let alone the difference between the $1-2 range and $5-10 range. I can't fathom how you can be this retarded and still want to condescend.

People might buy the fancy pipe because its not only more visually appealing but might indicate that it's better built and has superior quality.

Yeah, why the fuck else would it be that way? Seriously, how did you convince yourself this was some kind of insight or otherwise worth typing or wasting someone's time having them read? How do you do so with any of your retarded thoughts?

You should visit a therapist ASAP, buddy.

I'm not the one wasting my time trying to pretend I know business better than an actual genius on the internet just for an excuse to harass them

Dismiss the therapist and hit your head into the wall at full force, buddy, but not enough to break your skull. Healthcare in Burguerland is expansive.

Why the fuck else would it be that way? Seriously, how did you convince yourself this was some kind of insight or otherwise worth typing or wasting someone's time having them read? How do you do so with any of your retarded thoughts?

Do you live a bubble, pal? People zerg-rush to buy Apple stuff even if it's overpriced or buy Coca-Cola even if it's unhealthy. Price isn't the only factor that determine consumer behavior.

You're so retarded you not only think there are people who can't comprehend that people pay premiums for aesthetics and build quality and that it's some insightful business sense to point out, but then when someone calls you out on how retarded that is you pretend they "live in a bubble," like they must just not know about all the people who don't understand this stuff because they don't talk to anyone, you'll come up with that to defend your delusion of insightfulness even though there's no chance you yourself have talked to people and found out they have a hard time understanding that people might pay a premium for aesthetics and build quality because the people actually having a hard time understanding that don't actually exist. Truly amazing

What I am trying to tell is: 1. A trillion-dollar wooden smoking pipes is retarded; 2. Being cheap isn't enough to make your products more appealing. You still have to worry about design, brand, quality, packaging and so on; 3. You erratic personality and your superficial knowledge isn't going to help you.

What I am trying to tell you is:

  1. You are seriously a loser for inserting extra pointless sentences that you aren't even pretending to intend as clever or sincere just to troll me.
  2. Since I'm much smarter and better at business than you, you're being even more of an idiot than your peabrain dooms you to be by acting like I could possibly not already know the importance of design, brand, quality, or anything else you can even bring to the table with your infantile cognitive capacity, when I've already been exhibiting a fine understanding and you yourself wouldn't even be able to independently consider the simplest of relevant concepts I've already mentioned like how the quality standard needs to center on the difference between high quality, sufficient quality, and false advertising.
  3. You're not and probably could never even be qualified to speak on the substance of my knowledge or the potential effectiveness of my "erratic" personality.

You are seriously a loser for inserting extra pointless sentences that you aren't even pretending to intend as clever or sincere just to troll me.

It's still retarded.

Since I'm much smarter and better at business than you


You're not and probably could never even be qualified to speak on the substance of my knowledge or the potential effectiveness of my "erratic" personality.

And you're qualified?

If you honestly want more detail on my ideas for that company's operations then I'd be happy to discuss it since that always helps me flesh out my ideas and is fun and worthwhile anyway, but it sounds more like all you want to do is jerk.

Alright, lets go:

  • Stop having delusions of grandeur;

  • Take a look where you live and start having some ideas of what you're going to do and if opening a company is the best choice;

  • Be aware that opening a company has high risk (doesn't matter where you live) and will take a lot of money, effort and time;

  • Start studying finance, marketing, logistics, accounting, management and so on, or better yet, go to a college.

Gonna break into the booming pipe smoking industry there, what year do you think it is, 1950? Also no way your dremel idea is more efficient than that, especially considering the hardness of the wood used for pipes.

You say "especially considering the hardness of the wood used for pipes" to make it sound like you know what you're talking about, but no, a factory like the one you just linked spends much more per pipe than I could do on my own, and a full assembly line to increase efficiency past what one person can do alone would only need about 4 people tops before you're just multiplying the same process in a linear way. You probably didn't even comprehend what I just said, but point is, no, you didn't get it right just by being vaguely aware that assembly lines and machines improve efficiency and that "wood b hard." You just retardedly assumed the person you were talking to didn't do a true well-informed analysis and somehow that meant you could correct them with your own garbage analysis. You were somehow stupid enough to think the analysis you know for a fact is baseless and uninformed must be better than the one you assumed based on fee fees was baseless and uninformed. You were wrong in all aspects and didn't even get upvotes for it which isn't hard to do by saying dumb contrarian shit to whatever I say for all the other retards.

You probably didn't even comprehend what I just said

Nope I sure didn’t. I’ve always found it hard to understand inane proclamations from people with no experience in a given subject.

Tell you what, I’m a person who has achieved way more success in life than you by about 100 different measurable metrics, and I think every counterpoint you tried to make in the above response are some of the dumbest things I’ve ever read. I will continue to think that you are probably one of the dumbest people I have ever encountered in my entire life unless you can explain to me how a tool with a 1.6 amp motor can ever shape a wood with a Janka Hardness of at least 1200 lb/ft2 faster than an industrial tool with a 20 amp motor and how your much less powerful system could ever match the economy of scale of the more powerful system.

Or you could just post a video of yourself performing the first step in the video I linked faster than they did.

and I think every counterpoint you tried to make in the above response are some of the dumbest things I’ve ever read.

Really? You think the fact that it only takes 4 people tops to optimize an assembly line for the process I described before you're just getting linear returns from multiplying that set of roles is the dumbest counterpoint you've ever heard, or you just don't understand what it means? If you can actually comprehend it, go ahead and explain how it's cheaper.

I will continue to think that you are probably one of the dumbest people I have ever encountered in my entire life unless you can explain to me how a tool with a 1.6 amp motor can ever shape a wood with a Janka Hardness of at least 1200 lb/ft faster than an industrial tool with a 20 amp motor

You're even fucking dumber than I thought if you actually think someone has to agree with you that a 1.6 amp motor beats a 20 amp motor in speed or else they're "one of the dumbest people" you have "ever encountered."

and how your much less powerful system could ever match the economy of scale of the more powerful system.

If you think your understanding of the superior speed of a weaker motor is what makes you smarter than me, why aren't you already confident in the weaker motor to beat the other's economy of scale all-around? If it's faster, what aspect of economy of scale would it fail to exceed the other in?

In my eyes, it seems the cheapest possible toolset would actually be much slower, and would beat the heavy-duty tools only economically, not in raw output. But that's just my opinion as someone who isn't retarded. If you can't comprehend math, critical thinking, or the cost to operate factories with the equipment you describe vs dirt cheap bare-minimal assembly lines, I can see how you might need to pretend the realistic understanding is an exhibition of stupidity in order to feel better about yourself.

Or you could just post a video of yourself performing the first step in the video I linked faster than they did.

It's not about doing it faster, it's about doing it cheaper, you absolute dumbshit. Those tools are far overpriced for the purpose and would not be being used for the same purpose. They're being used because they're trying to produce pipes at an arbitrarily "sufficient" level of cheapness and a high quality level. The simple difference between this and trying to produce things as cheap as possible at a sufficient quality level, as is done with many other commodities already, shouldn't be so hard for you to grasp. It shouldn't be hard for you to tell pipes are currently outside the list of commodities there's a "cheapest version possible" of on the market, yet could easily and profitably be added to that list, if you look at the mainstream manufacturing processes of pipes today, even just the one you linked me to. This shit isn't hard, you really just need to face the fact that you're incredibly dumb.

It's not about doing it faster, it's about doing it cheaper

Your whole argument boils down to this, so I'm gonna destroy it. You won’t be able to even make one pipe with the 1.6 amp motor before it overheats dumbass (remember that Janka number? It’s important), and in the time it takes it to cool down, the guy working on the much more powerful machine will have made 30, and because the company using the more powerful machine can outproduce your shitty small production line exponentially, it won’t matter how much cheaper your production line was to create, because they will always beat your price point with a better or same quality (doubtful) product. Because the smarter line is out producing you by so much, their ROI will come quicker. Their raw materials will be cheaper, their labor will be cheaper (because the work is less labor Intensive) and every minute they operate they make more money than you per pipe because they are out producing you by such a large factor. You are priced out of the market before you even begin.

You aren't even the first moron to come up the dumb idea that a small group of people using cheaper methods can produce as good a product as an industrial process for cheaper with the same efficency, it's been tried before and failed miserably.

I can tell you haven't done the math because you have all the conclusions of the math so wrong. Try again

Show me the math then. Show me how you can produce a pipe cheaper than the cheapest wood pipe you can find on a website and still make money.

/u/DarqWolff? Bueller? Bueller?

Just to make it more of a challenge, you find me the cheapest pipe you can online, wooden or otherwise

You can subtract 1.00 for the metal parts.

Fucking lol, that's the cheapest you can find?

You said cheap and durable. There like 5-10 dollar ones out there but some are plastic and the others would probably catch on fire the 2nd time you smoked them.

what is the more important thing you refer to in your first line?


in georgia? elsewhere? dish, hon!

Dreamkillers, as I'm sure you're well aware by now. Focus on the goal not the pussy, kid

She cute

it's always so telling when you write 8 characters versus 8000.

? There's no hidden message, she real cute

That's not how assets, revenue, market cap, liabilities, or anything else work

Aren't u a smart cookie

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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Nigga you been getting high and watching Shark Tank.

I think I'd be all about that "equity" then

Trillion US dollars? Trillion Canadian dollars? Trillion Australian dollars?

Let’s cut to the chase, we all know this is about a trillion Zimbabwe dollars.

1 trillion zimbabwe dollars is still 2.7 billion USD.

dudes already lost 83% of his starting $100.

No. When it was first introduced in 2009, the one trillion dollar note was worth approximately £20 or $30.

So he’s still exaggerating. Yeesh.

No. When the comment was first made in 2018, the Zimbabwe to USD conversion was worth approximately $0.00276319 USD.

So one trillion Zimbabwean dollars is worth about 2.7 billion USD.

That wasn’t the original notes though. They keep restating it by chopping off final digits.

The only business /u/DarqWolff is interested in is the business of receiving a great amount of child porn

He's just trying to help those women overcome their self esteem issues duh! He saved them!

He just wants to complement them and make them feel good. If you think that's grooming, then you're probably a pedophobe.

Tedx told me not to discriminate against pedos as their sexuality is not a choice. Those poor dudes. I'm sorry for teasing you /u/darqwolf, you can't help being a filthy pedo

Has anyone actually reported any of that shit to the police yet?

I have, I know others have. Report it to Ulster County PD

its downright freaky how many neckbeards have actual IRL fucking neckbeards

like wtf?

some sociologist need to study this

Seriously. Like, at some point you'd think they would look in the mirror and say: "Hmm, it turns out I literally am a neckbeard and perhaps I should shave it off and stop being one."

This kid sold me a reverse mortgage and now I'm 30k in debt

/u/Darqwolff i'd like an update on ur neckbeard

cus you dont really have anything else going for you

boo hisssss

Try to use your grown up words, flair

Girl in video

She cant be older than 17

Well when you think about it the average net worth of a moderator of r/drama is probably in the hundreds of millions of dollars, so statistically speaking becoming a moderator here is the best financial decision DarqWolff ever made

I know how we can all become ridiculously rich, but first I'm gonna need a lot of money

Surprisingly his voice is not shitty as I thought.

So that's what a drama mod looks like.

Not surprising.