/r/liberalgunowners is triggered - PUN INTENDED - that there's so many Daddy lovers at gun ranges

14  2018-06-28 by QueenOfTheIncels


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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I just remembered I need to order another ISIS hunting permit. Some fucker tore the old one off my gun case when I went to take a leak.

Thanks /r/liberalgunowners! See you at the local SoCal range!

Libtards are going to be owned epic style by your sticker 😎

Eh it’s more for the very angry, “why the fuck do you have that? Do you know where you are?!”

Yes, in Los Angeles, where a sticker triggers the local soyboy who finally sprung for that problem solving Hi-Point.

You sound retarded enough that handling firearms seems like a big safety risk. It's cool your range is inclusive and let's your handler take you there though. :)

:) I know right? And when I hit the paper I get tendies at Chik-Fil-A afterwards!

It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


I can hear the sound of your chicken tendies through the screen

Because of my long hair, every time I go into a gun store or range, people treat me like a liberalgunowner. I have to insult a racial minority or two just to fit in.

Straight cock-fanciers triggered that there are so many faggots at this gloryhole

This is odd since usually thread in /r/liberalgunowners are full of libertarians who are pretty ok with Trump.

Yeah I know. It's a disappointing sub if you're interested in guns from a non-right wing viewpoint. :/


2018 most overused adjective on Reddit imo