Women rapes man with machete , not charged with rape .

18  2018-06-28 by MrSmallANDLoud


Wow, you just proved what an absolute retard you are.


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Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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Women? Common OP you made this sound like a sexy gangbang.

It’s a woman. One. Uno. Whatever 1 is in retard. Which is why you speak, read, and write. Fluently.

My shitty grammar isn’t as much of a threat to the world as she is 😂

She also didn't use the machete to rape him you dullard

You should probably resubmit this and note that the woman is 3d.

Mears has a history of assault charges against the man, who she had been dating for approximately seven years, the Great Falls Tribune reported.

The article also mentioned Mears is 19, meaning they've been involved since she was 12. Thats one crazy childhood crush story.

I expect nothing less out of Montana.



was the guy's name Humbert Humbert?

Samantha Ray Mears. This is what happens when you let your wife hyphenate their last name.

She’s used it.... so she could rape him . As bad as my grammar is, that I know is correct

You didn't even properly reply to u/MG87. You really are a retard OP.

Sounds like /u/MrSmallANDLoud could use a machete rapin'

Ooo daddy .

The other article I saw on this said they hadn't finished charging her yet. Is it actually confirmed that she won't be charged with rape?

I’ll be extremely happy if it changes

She allegedly told police the man kidnapped her and then gave her a machete to protect herself, according to the Great Falls Tribune.

Yeah this makes sense. Most people don't realize this, but it's extremely common for kidnappers to give their victims giant fucking knives.

Now, bragging, I'm good at getting it up.

But unless machete sex is your fetish, how exactly does that work?

Fuck me or I'll kill you with this machete?

I've never had anyone threaten me body harm unless I fuck them, but I have a feeling things wouln't work out.

1/3 of women who are raped become aroused . It’s complete possible for someone’s body to enjoy the physical sensation of sex while out right not giving consent .

1/3 of women who are raped become aroused

The male and female sexual response isn't exactly the same. Do you limp hump her until you get hard with the knife on your throat?

Are you honestly suggesting that males never can become aroused without mentally wanting it to happen?

I'm honestly saying that if you threaten to kill me unless I get it up for you, odds are I'm going to have a hard time getting hard.

Hell 1/2 the guys can't get it up while I'm fucking their wives, and they wanted me to do that, and I don't have a knife. I'm not joking about the 1/2 part either.

is this LARP where you're a bull actually true? lol

Never claimed to be a cuck or bull. Just a swinger.

Wtf I love foids now.

Titles makes it sounds like the machete went up his asshole. Feels good

Experience ?

Not exactly, I used a hammer

Hard time =\= impossible.