Plane diverted due to the smell of a passenger's necrotic leg rotting off. Somehow, one redditor focuses his thoughts on whether Fox News should be linked in r/news rather than thinking about a man who's leg literally rotted off... IT COULD HAPPEN TO ANYONE!II

57  2018-06-28 by princeofnumuria


I bet TSA had fun groping that nasty shit


Whenever possible, could you not post? You aren't intelligent and your opinions are trash.


nobody cares what a knockoff mr. beans opinions are

If my leg rotted off I would totally throw it at someone

u/slowplasma9: typing “the_Cheetoh” unironically is listed in the DSM-V as a primary symptom of autism. Tell Mom to consult a qualified mental health professional immediately.

This coming from the guy who doesn't know what an ellipsis is?


I was hoping you'd provide more interesting thoughts about the situation before attacking someone's grammar.

I'm not attacking his grammar as much as I'm attacking his obvious lack of education.

Oh come on, focus on something else. Share your thoughts about migrant children or something

Oh totally, I mean why ruin a good debate with facts and education, right? We need to speak in language that Trump supporters can actually understand.

I prefer escapism to thinking about Trump 24/7 thank you very much

Yeah, I think I understand. If I was as fucking stupid as you, all I would want to do is escape.

So why aren't you doing it? The doors of the escapism are open even for you.

Having you considered drinking bleach you colossal waste of life?

isn't this the requirement for posting in /r/drama?

This is some bottom tier bants, fam


What debate, you just shit on him for a insignificant grammar mistake, that's not an argument that's just you being awful at making arguments.

"You post in X sub" is also not an argument, especially if none of them are the_donald! I think you are the retard lacking education.

oh do me

search my post history

Wow, what a genius you must be. r/iamverysmart.

Bend futon...I’ve got something...interesting and I’d like you to keep it in a... safe place for me.

At least you're capable of learning. That means there's a chance you'll grow out of this whole conservatism thing some day.

I thought Trump supporters were supposed to be good at chess, why do I keep putting you clowns in checkmate?

Keep using chess references to show everyone how autistic you aren’t.


Go fish Drumpfftard.

Wow, I don't think I've ever checkmated anyone this hard before. You've lost your mind. I hear The_Cheetoh is supportive of that sort of thing.

Nice try Trumpette.

Your Russian mind tricks won’t work here. You’ll find those of us who post in r/drama are the most sophisticated progressive minds on the planet. Your days are numbered Igor. Tick Tock.

Wow looks like the Trumpettes found your comment.

And the wing man instantly gets shot down. Damn.