Pseudointellectuals debate the definition of racism

11  2018-06-28 by MG87


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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Lol at /u/GreatEmuWarVeteran doubling down on his retarded stance that being born white is an accomplishment.

I didn't say that, lol. I said I'm proud of my peoples' accomplishments.

my peoples'

Who the fuck are your people? Nigga, White is a broad ass term. If you so unsuccessful in life you need to live off the accomplishment of others but you have to share the same skin color? How fucking retarded are you? What about hair color? Height? Or any other dumb fucking qualifier for "my people" that is an arbitrary gate to keep out people you don't want living next to you cause you a scared ass cracker.

A leftist that agrees identity politics is cancer. It's a miracle.

What about your accomplishments? Oh right you have none

I mean yeah, I'm not a Napoleon or Ceaser. But then no one on Reddit is.

Is saying "We want to keep Europe, European" racist?

What do you mean by that? Exactly?

I'm talking about their culture and traditions. They're heritage and history.

Why was it so predictable that this silly cunt going on about European cultures would be American.