BUT HER EMAILSSS!! Round 7.2x10^45. The small fraction of TD that is mentally capable of remembering something over two weeks old but not clever enough to realize when they're being conned discuss this VERY IMPORTANT topic

0  2018-06-28 by ItsSugar


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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You gotta at least admire the creativity the folks over there use to come up with dozens of different iterations of Rosenstein.

I think even Trump supporters would agree that your title needs an abortion.

Trump supporters

You can and should say "we", unless you're afraid of coming out as a mouth-breathing imbecile.

Oh nooooo it's not time for my daily reddit scarlet letter branding is it? You guys are worse than nxivm.

Shill for daddy
Get called out
"This is the single greatest witch hunt in World history!"

The mayo persecution complex comes to the forefront again!


I have nothing to say

Should have stuck to the script of doubling down and called me "the real nazi/racist/intolerant" smh

I take it back, your title was lovely and you're a very funny boy.

His title is shit you cowardly flip-flopping nazi.

Nice alt. Now try posting from you main you pussy.

lolwut. This is my "main" (and only account). Now you try posting without being a tryhard for once.

expecting us to be this naive

nice try, sweaty 👏👏👏

That's going to be a disappointing conspiracy theory for ya there.