Surprising literally no one, the race of peace is confirmed to be at it again in Maryland

200  2018-06-28 by Matues49


This is why we need mayocide.


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You aren't a bot.

mfw paying a cambodian shitposter for 0.03cents an hour over months is cheaper than paying a top tier pythonista FAGGOT programmer to write a reddit bot for $500 and its still paying itself off.


Holy shit...

Snappy is starting to spook me with how fitting its quotes are

I keep telling people that (((snappy))) is controlled by the deepstate but the sheep never believe me. Q spells it all out for us in his latest messages.


Here is what Q has to say about all this. All hail his most glorious wisdom.

Freemasonry is literally just a bunch of old white dudes hanging out with each other.

Also instead of meeting to control the banking system, they meet to figure out who knows someone who knows someone that can do a roofing job on the cheap.

In the old days, they were literally just the stonemasons guild. They had more power back then, too; the symbolism was to keep their trade secrets secret. You wanted to build a castle, a stone wall, anything, they were involved.

photo stretched vertically.

Snappy is no puppet. You're the puppet.

Real eyes realize ai eyes.


MAGA 2020!


What if Q is Snappy?

There's no way snappy doesn't tailor its posts according to keywords.

Are you questioning his wisdom?

dude, ok, hold up, if serious, idk, but its just a random quote

unless snappy weighted it

then fuck snappy's creator

I mean, according to the source:

return "" if not self.texts else random.choice(self.texts)

Said source is a lie, but that's what it says.


I love you.

Suspect in Maryland newspaper shooting is a white male in his 20s who was armed with a shotgun, sources say

You can feel the r/T_D chud vibes just from the description.


pls no Theodoros

God dammit I missed this post, I will delete my post in glorious sepuku.

P.s your snappy quote is better

It's okay. It's easy to lose track of the most recent mayo nonsense, considering how out of control they've been lately.

When will those mayos learn... smh

If they could learn, God wouldn't have made them mayos

his name was ramos retard

Actually, his name was Seth Rich.

They're on full damage control lmao

White hispanic! Like George Zimmerman!

Uncle Juan

lol that White Hispanic bullshit to shoe-horn that into a “muh racism” narrative was probably the most ridiculous example of media fuckery in the last two decades.

I think that reporters digging through the San Bernardino shooters' house was probably the most ridiculous example of media fuckery in the last two decades.



oh wait...

The mayo from his mom's side canceled it out.

Miguel is such a white bread name

Why would a Mexican be in Baltimore?

Lots of restaurants.

Why would anyone choose to be in Baltimore

Imagine being so crazy you root for the Ravens

The name "Ravens" was inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's poem The Raven. Chosen in a fan contest that drew 33,288 voters, the allusion honors Poe, who spent the early part of his career in Baltimore and is buried there.[ As the Baltimore Sun reported at the time, fans also "liked the tie-in with the other birds in town, the Orioles, and found it easy to visualize a tough, menacing black bird.

Lmao He died Penniless because the entire city is full of tasteless hacks who are scared of birds.

Washingtonian here. It's either them or the Landover Redskins


Fuck you that's our word, you're a D.C. city folk

You live in Hollywood for Ugly People you don't get a cute nickname, the magazine was created in 1965 fuck off




My summer mansion in the Palisades says otherwise


That famous parking lot?

Wrong Palisades lol

> Implying I know anything

well actually parkopedia proves you are wrong

/u/Imgur_Lurker confirmed for being a poor lol 😂

I'd never be caught dead at the Palisades unless they had a ethically slaughtered delicatessen with small-farm french cheeses and good karma coffee beans raised by battered women with gluten free goods sourced by local homeless persons.

None of this is ironic you have no idea how /r/drama is my only outlet for shitposting Republican things

I'd never be caught dead at the Palisades unless they had a ethically slaughtered delicatessen with small-farm french cheeses and good karma coffee beans raised by battered women with gluten free goods sourced by local homeless persons.

This is exactly how I know you’re poor as fuck. Saturday markets there are full of this sort of white and republican urban self-hatred

They are called farmers markets you uncultured swine

Lol no. There are two trees at my house alone and like 86 on the Mall, is ur entire concept of DC the Capitol building?

Oh wow that's so many trees, that's totally comparable to a literal rainforest you dumbass city person who lives in such a concrete jungle Lou Reed sung about it.

More Inglewood than Hollywood


Birds are food, only vegans are full of food therefor Baltimore=Vegans

It's basic science

Oh okay

"Bussy LMAO!!" ~ The Raven

Didnt he die drunk , face down in a ditch wearing someone else's clothes supposedly because he had been used multiple times to vote

scared of birds.

then why the fuck is the eagle a western civ national symbol for many areas? lmfao? scared? more like honoring.

fucking idiot.

tough, menacing



Eagles can't even beat something used to kill bugs and city folk like you think they are tough

Franklin was right,

Annapolis isn't in Baltimore retard

For Hamsterdam

Weak borders.

Are you saying I was lied to?

Would somebody just do that?

Just work for the media and tell lies?

Jarrod Warren Ramos is White af lol

You even omitted the most mayo parts of that photo.

holy mayo lmao , it has to be even money that this guy is a Megadeth fan and possibly also belongs to a satanic cult


Nah, that's a cholo beard too. It's definitely not white, non-hispanic only.

No self respecting cholo would have page boy hair and a rectangular beard like that.

We're talking about an incel that shot up an office. Let's not give him credit as self-respecting anything.

You know what, you are 100% right my man. He is literal ubermensch because of the fact that he’s an incel alone.

He looks like what happens when you click Randomize in a character creator

He looks like what happens when you click Randomize in a character creator



Spain made it!

That's because hispanic isn't really a race. Though for some reason it has become one.

Actual Spanish people are gonna be pissed.

Who cares about those snack eating idiots. Tapas were a mistake.

Appropriating white culture 😤

lol @ being desperate enough to try and claim this guy isn't a mayo

but weren’t you pillow biters trying to say this was some MAGAspiracy to impress Milo or some shit?


Nowhere in this thread has this been said. You're experiencing oxycontin-related hallucinations again.

pillow biters

That's an awfully old-fashioned insult. Is it what your daddy used to call you every time he'd sneak into your room at night, or you're just a typical Q-posting semi-senile boomer?

lol LE BEWMERZZ stole my Nintendo Switch

Oh, so it's both of the above then?

Man Milo really works fast

literally the second comment in the thread


You seem upset.

It's a joke, you inbred mong. You've never actually been here before, haven't you? You've just made this alt to cry about Daddy being wronged lmao

Definitely not mad.

My mistake.


cry gramps cry

respond, lolcow, respond

You seem upset.

the DDF member says, as he defends his token gay papa

The who to the what now?

Besides skin tone, this dude looks latino as fuck

If never need a Latino look as much as troglodyte as this guy. The narrow eyes and wide jaw are just bizarre.

Clearly some mutation.

r/greatawakening actually came through with pictures of his beans. Idealology is leaning towards disgruntled/incel mayo and that really matters more than his ethnicity.

However, I'm going with the qultist belief that nothing matters except the demonic possession of his cellphone and how 5g will turn mild mannered Americans into killing machines

r/greatawakening actually came through with pictures of his parents

Praise Q.

Do you have a link to the post?


Its gotta be, Q is never wrong

man, you really desperate to call him a whitey, aren't you


This actually makes me sad. I can't imagine being a parent, and raising a kid, and having to deal with them becoming that much of a shitbag.

is this irony?

it disgusts me that anyone would claim that 56%er is white

The harassment case centered on an online relationship Ramos tried to kindle with a former high school classmate. Hartley’s column said Ramos sent a friend request on Facebook to the woman, and the experience turned into a “yearlong nightmare.” Ramos allegedly wrote the woman and said she was the only person who ever said hello to him or was nice to him in school.

Ramos then allegedly called her vulgar names and told her to kill herself, Hartley wrote. He allegedly emailed the bank where she worked to get her fired. Ramos pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor harassment charge, receiving probation from a judge who called his behavior “rather bizarre,” the column said.

His inceldom reveals his mayo tendencies.


Cops literally said he was a mayo.

Try harder.

Why are you lying?the murderer is Mexican. There's pictures of him and his family. Why lie?

Totally not mad and damage controlling

its one of the fakeawakening Q-tards you just know it

You know someone having the last name "Ramos" doesn't mean they aren't white?

Imagine you coming in to a thread to say something retarded. What an unusual turn of events.

How is that retarded? It's literally an objective fact.

The universe is re-aligning and that fact is now retarded because it came out of your Hot Pocket scented yawp.

You seem angry, is it because another mayo has carried out mass murder?


He’s most definitely white, just take the L.

These pictures let his mayoness really shine through:

yEa BuT hE hAs A hIsPaNiC sOuNdInG nAmE!!!!

The descendants of Spanish rapists and poor innocent natives.

Do you really think Moorish half-breeds are white?

if they pass the paper bag test, ofc

Paper bags aren't White

yes, and?

If your skin is the color of a paper bag

What around here is called the paper bag test dating back to 1844

You aren't white

aka Spaniards

this guy's skin is lighter than a paper bag

So we agree you are retarded and don't know what color a paper bag is great

this guy is way more of a manila file folder than a brown paper bag, sorry

How nice of you to restate my point for me

are you actually unironically retarded

your point is that this guy is white?

If only I posted some sort of article saying just because of his last name this picture clearly shows he's white

if only you aren't retarded

just because of his last name this picture clearly shows he's white

please edit your comment again I am too retarded to parse this statement

what article did you post btw?

You are doing just a stellar job of showing you aren't retarded with your lack of being able to use websites btw

Find a article with his PICTURE in this thread maybe it will be posted by me

ok, found it. he looks like a greasy southern European, so he's obviously not the good kind of white, but compared to the mestizos that make up the majority of Mexicans his face doesn't betray much of the subhuman Amerindian phenotype.

White Trash Flordian aka Greasy like I said

he's not mexican

why do you keep restating what I said like you think I said it

because its what you said

Here's a hint hoss, what I said and what your brain said your eyes said aren't the same thing

because you are retarded

honestly I didn't even know you said it until you just told me you said it

It's okay I just post something retarded then pretend it was the opposite of whatever caused people to respond to me, it's my bit welcome to /r/Drama, don't ever serious post or agenda post and if you care enough to know what you are posting you are doing it wrong.


Not that it matters to me, because I'm not retarded, but Spanish Americans do exist.

> Beard without mustache mainly on the neck


Brown skin. Beaner dad. Another creatura strikes again.


Opinion discarded. Every word in the sentence is correct except for that, but it can't withstand that terrible word.

Cannabalistic humanoid underground dwellers? Or just new york homeless people? Find out on CHUD!


Kill urself my man

Must suck that he is Hispanic and crazy with a grudge against the paper. Better luck next shooting.

Man, Milo really works fast.

In all honesty if it turns out he was inspired by him there will be an interesting fall out

Turns out there's no connection to milo but that won't stop white women from using this tragedy to attack him.

Turns out when you make a career out of shitting on people and making yourself an easy target, people take advantage of that.

"someone is a retard so let's be equally retarded and blame him for random unconnected shit"

lol ok

hey guise im just going to randmly call for peoples deaths (TOTALY A JOKE 1000% THO!!!1!) how could this possibly backfire on me?????

Stop that homophobia

He said them privately to journalists so even if they did (they didn't) it seems it would be just as much, if not more, on the journalists who printed it as it would be on Milo saying it.

But again, it had nothing to do with Milo. I understand why he wants to be back in the public eye but why do so many liberals want to publicize him too? Ignore him.

Oh I agree. Liberals themselves give these people more power than anything else, be it him, Crowder, that cunt that just graduated college and spatters some gay ass shit about guns. Just ignore these people and they will go away. Unfortunately their heads are so up their asses they simply can't

that cunt that just graduated college and spatters some gay ass shit about guns.

This one cracks me up because she is so clearly, desperately trying to get people to pay attention to her. Like shes angling for a Fox News contributor slot but just cant manage to upset enough people to get it.

Ya that's the most ridiculous part lol. She so obviously pandering

I suspect shes actually not a particularly bad person because she never really gets mean. I think the meanest thing she did was challenge Dave Hogg to an arm wrestling match. This is her big problem though. If you want to get lots of people riled up and get a fat contract with Fox News youve got to be fucking cruel. Like that other blonde chick who made her niche going on crazy Islamophobic rants on Twitter. That chick knew how to make some bank off this shit.

Or maybe shes just too dumb to understand how social media celebrity is attained.


Ugh. Hate that guy. Did you see that episode where he put on black face?

ugh need a quote for a story

I know I'll call this moron

lol he hates spammers look like I got my quote run it!

privately to journalists


Not enough LOL in the world for this level of retard.

You mean Milo will once again be able to find a camera willing to stand still long enough for him to talk into it? Sounds like exactly what he was hoping for.

Imagine trying to stay relevant but accidentally looking like you caused a mass shooting


And people actually think whites have privilege???

Everywhere I go I get accused of being a mass shooting pedophile. This SJW culture has got to end I tell you!

It's not my fall bullets kill people!

Guess he is a dangerous faggot.

Only if you're an altar boy

oh bullshit he was rationalizing his own molestation as a teen, he wasn't supporting pedophiles

He's said he's seen pedophillia at rich mayo gatherings but hasn't named any names.

Guess you didn't see him in the amazing atheist, talking how kiddy folding should be legal? Wonder why he disappeared for a few years?...

It's so nice to have Mil Yiannopolous' psychotherapist come and join us here in r/drama

listen I actually have some white friends okay?

once you get them away from other white people, they are actually not so bad. Its not white poeple, its white culture, okay?

most of my white friends have never perpetrated a mass shooting. They are not all bad.

Did they at least off other mayos?

Motivated by anime too, anime ban when?

Fucking Griffith reeeeeeee

Griffith did nothing wrong

Where are the archives for these tweets?

Want to stay safe from violent crime in the USA? Sadly there's only one way. Move to an area without a lot of white people.

if you choose to ignore statistical reality that is a good plan.

I thought Sam Hyde was in his 30s.

he doesnt have health insurance

Conspiracy retards are already saying this was a false flag

What the fuck else would they have to say on the matter lol? “Oh let’s let the authorities and the media sort this out guys.”

Yeah assuming it's a nefarious plot is the rational assumption here.

I would think that conspiratards, by definition, wouldn't be making rational assumptions.

On the other hand, the perpetrator appears to be either a delusional nutbag or a victim of a conspiracy by a newspaper to destroy his reputation for some reason, so at least there's some grist for the conspiracy mill there.

It's rational if you're a schizophrenic Boomer though.

I mean...that's exactly what they would say if the first indication from LE was that the suspect was brown or had a funny sounding name like Ramos...

Oh wait.

I don't think it was because of his long standing feud with the Gazette, but it is super weird they were doing mass casualty drills there this week, and also that cops were on the scene within 60 seconds of the first shot. Obviously coincidental but weirdos are gonna run with that shit.

Hey reddit told me shotguns were find and AR15s were evil, so I don't know how this happened.

His name is Jarrod Ramos and he went after them for a story they wrote about him harassing women then beating him in court.

Womp womp.

That sucks, I was hoping for a Qtard




Are you saying spics can't be Qtards?

Your typical mayo La Creatura, then. And a salty incel, to boot. Seems to fit just right in with your lot.

Better luck damage controlling next time, Cleetus.

Imagine thinking someone would take ownership of some rando they've never met and couldn't care less about. Don't be butthurt your thread now looks retarded in hindsight, just accept it and move on yurofag.

I'm only seeing race, not ethnicity mentioned there. In fact, the ethnic differences between the men in those mugshots and your fellow incel that commited this shooting are blatantly obvious lol

Move them goalposts harder, baby. It's the most exercise you've had in years.

There's no goalposts being moved Mohammed, and in the thread I made on this I said he's obviously half/half. The point being this country classifies basically all Hispanics as "white males", and his last name is obviously Hispanic. Regardless, some unhinged incel obviously isn't the story you were looking for, you wanted a deranged Trump supporter going after the fake news.

uMatues49 is a verified Lolcow and he’s sperging out all over this thread mourning the loss of his muh violent Drumpfftard agenda lol

Oh the irony...

You have to go back now.

you wanted a deranged Trump supporter going after the fake news.

No, I didn't. Nowhere in this thread have I mentioned such a thing. Good for your for still moving those goalposts tho, it'll help you with the diabeetus.

he's obviously half/half

Except he's white, and listed as such. He's a white incel neckbread who's fond of daddy.

Just take the L, my dude. You're only further humiliating yourself, at this point.


Please leave the pizzaposting to the professionals, ma'am.

"I wasn't wishing he supported Trump, and I'll prove it by linking a tweet that has Trump's name in it from three years ago and doesn't in any way show support". Flawless.

You're the one who brought it up, buddy. I never mentioned Donald in this thread before. Don't get salty because proven wrong yet again.

Mhmm, that's what's going on here bud.

  1. Looks at link of shooter supporting trump.

  2. Buries head.

  3. Looks at shooter being Republican

Repeat 2.

he's hispanic not white, his entire twitter feed is being perpetually assblasted at this one newspaper, and the only mention of Trump is from 3 years ago and shockingly also targeted this newspaper.

please stop being an agendaposting faggot

Listen to my REEEEEason!

I swear SRD is trying to migrate here.

waaaaahhh stop posting comments i don't agree with :(


I like how you're posting less Ed :) the 'MDEtards' are finally running you out of town

le mde xd

dude, you're mad af 24/7. Especially your comments in reply to mine. Don't kid yourself lol.

Don't stop tho. It's good for metadrama

"everyone who calls me retarded because i'm retarded is mad"

waaaaahhh stop posting comments i don't agree with :(

everybody is retard but me

I'm totally not mad guyz! Believe me! :(


He said, while worshipping a literal retard.

/u/Jackdom95 have long self awareness? Oh sweaty! Don't hold your breath over it tbh 😄

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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Except he's white

Here are some more "whites".

Except, unlike the rest of these people, his ethnicity is explicitly listed as 'non-hispanic'.

Damn, you guys really need to diversify that script you read from.

Yeah that's a white guy, these conservative nibbas are desperate as fuck.

how do you think he got that designation, you dumb fuck? the race police? this isnt germany

"some idiot typed the form without looking this proves everything hurrrrrrrr"

Imagine caring as much as you do about a silly subreddit meme

Take a breather there, lad

silly subreddit meme

Now you're trying to communicate through Microsoft paint strawmen. You doin alright, my dude?

Just take the L, my dude.

The whitest thing I've seen all day.

it's not ok to be wh*te, Bob. You need to accept the reality! 😂😂😂

4 Eduardo comments on one thread! I know you love me bby but I'm flattered.

I'm not buying your nonchalance act here lol. It's funny to see you this worked up over the race of peace

I'm worked up but you hit me with 4 comments in a row without a response, lol.

commenting means u mad

Oh pls. Try something else since the "no u" defense doesn't work. Always remember, mocking =\= butthurt. People can laugh at you without being angry 😁


But ed, umad.

you wanted a deranged Trump supporter going after the fake news.

No, I didn't. Nowhere in this thread have I mentioned such a thing. Good for your for still moving those goalposts tho, it'll help you with the diabeetus.

he's obviously half/half

Except he's white, and listed as such. He's a white incel neckbread who's fond of daddy.

Just take the L, my dude. You're only further humiliating yourself, at this point.

He listed that himself. Many do. He is Latino. He is a dreamer.

where's that screenshot from, friend?


Pretty sure that pic is older than that subreddit. I've seen it floating around for a long time now.


Slatton was on the list from June 15, 2016 and arrested on Sept 11 of the same year. I can't find a web archive during that period of time. The earliest I can find of the entire page is August 26, 2017. So it's either doctored or they have updated the way they label hispanics between those times.

I mean this is just one of those instances where Americans colloquial use of race and ethnicity as interchangeable terms bites us in the ass. Hispanic isn't a separate racial category, they're all white, or a white and native admixture. They are a visibly distinct set of ethnic groups.

Womp womp

Hispanics are white.

When did you become such an idpol faggot? You never used to be this whiny

calling /u/boyoyoyoyong to post his DINDU statistics! You know you want to! 😂😂😂

I'll give you a Hispanic one since the dudes a mexican. Only 36% of Hispanic high school graduates can pass the military entrance exam.

Hey Vasquez, has anyone ever confused you for a man?

Damn Gaston really let himself go

Imagine thinking someone would take ownership of some rando they've never met and couldn't care less about

you and lolyougotreallymad seems really buttmad that someone shot up the media after violent rhetoric against the media has become normalized. You've even busted out some weak as shit dodge that people with the name Ramos can't be white.

I personally don't give a shit which colour he is (he's white), but your lies speak volumes.

epic reeeees above

no u butthurt

oh look! hamburger sperging again over mayos of peace drama! i mean, who could've thonk that 😂😂😂

Your typical Amerifat mayo La Creatura, then

Nah, he looks like that Brummie bell-end, John Oliver.

Nah that's Bob, he listens to Bread and drinks cheap scotch.

hahahahahah that fucking beard

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^ soyboy, possible future male feminist.

yea.. but why is he white?

His Twitter account is still up. He's a cray cray for sure. What's that symbol he has photoshopped over people's foreheads? Does that track to any recognizable conspiracy theory, or just his own flavor of batshit?

(that's not him in the photo, FYI. That's the guy he was targeting, I think)

It might be the 'Number of the Beast' or something similar.

Uhhh, fuck, is that from Berserk?

I did a google image search for Berserk and yes, the original image definitely shows up there. (towards the bottom of this page: TinEye didn't find any other results for that particular shot:

I'm not familiar with Berserk, so I don't know what significance the symbol has.

Welp, looks like we're gonna need to outsource some research to, dare I say it, weebs.

just keep an eye on /pol/ - this in their ballpark - they cover all retarded shit at one place.

This is /pol/ we're talking about. They'll produce 10 different theories about the guy, and at least 9 of them will be wrong.

but they all will be fun, and thats all that matters

also - its same shit that Gestapo (and by gestapo I mean US Police) does?

Something stolen? Go arest 10 black guys, and one of them is guilty. Throw all of them in jail because not sure which one. They all look same.

Agenda post on my watch? Consider yourselg gulag'd

Go arest 10 black guys, and one of them is guilty. Throw all of them in jail because not sure which one. They all look same.

Statistically speaking though, about 4 of those guys are guilty of some type of felony. So really, it's hard not to get behind this kind of reasoning.


I mean if you are going to arrest me anyway, I might just as well do something before getting arrested

They'll produce 10 different theories

And 8 of them will be pizzagate.

You monglefties won't shut the fuck up about "pizzagate" and passw0rd Podesta. How about explaining what the coded language was all about.

Adults don't share single slices of cheese pizza. What were they talking about?

Found the retarded qultist

Fantastic reasoning 👍

Whats your guys latest theory anyway?

Obama getting lynched during the world cup final?

It some be rude to call you retard, so I will settle with calling you American.

Ok retard. Enjoy getting led on by 4chan trolls.

post boomssy

In Berserk, people who make a deal with the Godhand (who's nature and motives are still mysterious after 30 years of manga), must sacrifice people who are important to them in exchange for power. The people they sacrifice are given the Brand of Sacrifice during the process.

Normally you wouldn't see it because they all, well, get sacrificed, but in the case of Guts and Casca, they're just such fucking badasses that they managed to survive a demon blood orgy long enough for a spooky skeleton knight to show up and save them on his kickass horse.

That last part makes sense in context. You should read Berserk.

I hate weebs and 99% of Japanese media but Berserk rules.

same tbh

true and true. Berserk is probably the only thing worth checking out in a sea of mediocre weebshit giant eyed p3do garbage that comes out of there

The Brand of Sacrifice (生贄の焼印, Ikenie no Yakīn?) marks those for a sacrificial ceremony in which an apostle or God Hand is created. The sacrificed, usually someone close and dear to the summoner, is then ritualistically murdered, with the deceased's life force used to complete the summoner's transition into either an apostle or a member of the God Hand His twitterfeed has Berserk videos and images too. Is this the first weeb shooter?

Is this the first weeb shooter?


Also there was a guy who called himself Mr anime who killed his family before a school shooting that never came to pass

berserk is super mainstream anyway

He did it because of how shit the new Berserk anime was

yeah that remake is terrible

It means you've been sacriced to a bunch of demon gods so someone else could become a demon.

It definitely is.

If I know my conspiracies, then it has to do with pedophiles.




Fuck I can hear his voice.

Still a white Trump supporter, sorry about your luck kid.

His name is Jarrod Ramos

Huh so Hispanics

Dude looks like a light brown anonymous mask

I just LOVE the comments trying to call this dude Hispanic when he’s completely YT passing. My favorite part about the identity of mass shooters being revealed is when everyone wants to call him everything but YT.

Nah, he’s one of yours. Yet another unstable YT dude shooting up a place.

Regardless the color of his skin, he is seen here embracing mayo culture.

Truly a melting pot

Account made in April and this is the first post made?

Sorry that I didn’t post in a timely manner 🙄🙄

He's a hispanic who is culturally appropriating white culture

Wtf is YT? Don't forget retards use this sub.


How can someone be "YouTube" passing?

i don't know, the way these millennials talk makes no sense

Millennial talk? Not my fault you can’t use your brain

Sound it out like a word

got it, thanks.



Yolo Tomkins?

Young Turk?



The Chinese phone company?!?

It’s cute when you play dumb

Best of (in)Breed(ing) Award goes to this fine specimen of Master Race genetics.

A literal neck beard. Of course.

Ramos isn't high on the list of white people names typically.

Hispanics are fully mayo when it comes to crime but PoC when it comes to oppression.

Here's one of the most famous Ramos on the planet.

Tell me how he's not white. And that's a dude that gets a lot of sun...

If you'd like more:

  • Jorge Ramos
  • Luisel Ramos
  • Sarah Ramos

- Lazaro Ramos (a fucking black Ramos I dont know what to believe anymore)

He’s not white because his skin is brown and his dad is a beaner. Lemme know if this clears it up for you, genius.

Lmao your a fucking idiot

Still not white, retard

Whiter than you, neckbeard.

I would love to have a picture of me taken next to that beaner and for you to explain to me how we’re both white hahahah a


Hey what race is his dad?

Hey what race was his mom?

What does the police report say?

Yeah, this is you admitting you’re wrong. Thanks for playing you big dummy.

Do you have his daddy's birth certificate or something?

Or are you just talking out your ass because you're a triggered Trumptard?

I'd totally start a metal band with that guy if he can play bass.

I don't know about Bass but something tells me this guy is gonna learn to play the skinflute real good during his vacation.

Thanks for stealing my link you fucking PoS




if only there were a mayo country on the mayo continent that was spanish 🤔🤔🤔

Spain used to be ruled by blacks, ancestors of the great black general Hannibal. All of the conquistadors were former jewish and muslim mercenaries that fought for the Spanish crown during the Reconquista and then left to conquer the new world.

Only mayos attempt to dissect the essence of mayo like this.

t. Alberto Barbosa

We wuz Spaniards

What a cool life that guy had

North Africans arent black. See: Qaddafi


Spaniards are mutts.

Spaniards are niggers same as Italians, French, slavs, Greeks etc.

We've been over this before

As American as Si Senor and Elote

... Wait

chipotle mayo is still mayo

It's called aioli thank you

alright fucksticks, here's your daily dose of drama try not to drool on the naugahyde, mmmkay?

pro se

oh ho ho

Yeah, that's always a good idea.

When will the Mayo Menace be stopped?

There's no stopping this train baby.

Well...other than via the injection of Tyrone and Pablo's superior genetic code.

So yea...sooner rather than later.

Don't forget heroin and fentanyl

Pablo's seed wasn't enough here, the necessity of the one drop rule is proven again

Seriously is he mayo or Latin tho?

The Ramos' have it.

What does that even mean

his dad is a short mexican and his mom is white. but look at his goblin like features. there is nothing anglo about this dude.

half white, like elliot rodgers and george zimmerman.

One can be both mayo and latino. Half breeds like him with one full mayo parent and one latino parent usually pick a side to identify with. It looks like this guy chose the mayo side lmao

Mayo side


And this is why the concept of race is completely retarded.

Lmao at all the whiteys desperately trying to disown him tho.

I'm Asian.

Yes, and?

I don't really have a dog in this race

Because you are it?



Uh, that dude is might be like 1/2 or 1/4 Hispanic but he certainly has become a cultural mayo.

Also, why do white people think Hispanic/Latino = Brown? Believe it or not Mexico is a large country with people of all sorts of backgrounds.

Yeah...I once got punched (repeatedly) in the face by a guy from Argentina when I was in my teens by insisting that he was not white. Apparently, people descended from Spanish colonists are kinda touchy about being excluded from the European fold. I learned many things that day.

And in that vein, my mother is a half-Chinese, half-Cuban and my dad is FOB Irish, I don't even know what frickin' box to check anymore...

Probably Hispanic if you're looking at colleges tbh.

Oh, I graduated many moons ago. I used to get invited every year to the Minority Student Honors Banquet to receive an award for Outstanding Minority Student. My roommate said, "You go looking like you do, they gonna beat your Caucasian looking ass in the parking lot after."

Argentina also famously harbored Nazis, had German villages in the mountains, espoused Aryan rhetoric in certain schools etc theyre pretty racist in their history, if I remember right I believe a former military dictator from there spent time in europe and molded his rule after the Nazis as well

that’s all probably true, but what about Messi?

im not gonna lie im completely retarded when it comes to argentina futbol knowledge other than that one time they blatantly cheated when that guy nudged it in with his hand on his head

That dude is Maradona. He is a very reasonable personality, humble, well mannered, and absolutely has no substance abuse issues.

To be fair Argentina also had jewish refugees.


Dont forget Hitler retired there

Argentina was mostly populated by Italian immigrants...

So yea that doesnt really clear anything up, sorry.

Lol Argentinians suck ass

When they aren’t getting hopped up on Mate and smoking cigarettes they are drinking beer, smoking cigarettes and being loud obnoxious assholes

Thots and Allahu Akbars



Yea but someone on reddit told me his last name is Ramos so he's totally not white guys...right?

You’re right, he isn’t white. What race is his father, can you tell me? nice try sweaty.

There are pictures you mongoloid.

This country is full of people with hispanic last names who are less than 1/4 hispanic. I married one.

Yeah, there are pictures of his brown face and his fully Mexican father. That’s my point you stupid fuck. He’s non-white and you need to get over it.

Are you actually blind and retarded?

He's not brown. He's listed as white and non hispanic in the police report. Denying reality like this must take a fuckton of effort.

Does being a dumbfuck racist exhaust you or what?

He’s a fucking Mexican you idiot, get the fuck over it. This is so pathetic lmfao

You fucking MDEtards are hilarious.

What race is his father? cmon little coward baby boy, don’t avoid the question again 😊

Yeah, he’s a beaner. I already said that. Answer the question you little slimy weasel boy 😊

Imagine being this retarded that you can pretend white skin is brown and the police report is lying.

MDEtards have to go back.

Still not answering my question 😊

kindly provide some proof of whatever race you think he is.

Lmfao dude you idiot the police call people 5x browner than him white. Google ‘4chan white hispanic criminals’ and stop being stupid

So no actual evidence then?

Just you reeeeeing on reddit?


There are pictures of his gross beaner face and there’s a picture of his Mexican daddy, peanut brain. La raza strikes again, dork. Cry me a river 😭😭😭😭

So show me one, shouldnt be that hard.

There’s a picture in the comments here you fuckin big dummy. Feel free to click it if you’re brave enough 😭😭😭

Are you talking about the random picture of the mexican american looking dude in the ravens jersey?

Are you actually that stupid? Assuming that actually is his dad, he's barely brown and almost certainly not "full blooded" anything.

Thanks for this though, confirms what we really knew all along.


This is someone who realizes they’re wrong but can’t admit it hahaha SAD

Speaking in the 3rd person now eh?

That’s some pretty clever stuff, keep it up dummy

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ITT: angry 56%'er Mutts

Continue for massive lulz

He can't keep getting away with this



Weird how Hispanics are white when it can push an anti white agenda.

Same happened with Zimmerman

We need a immigration ban on white countries

His last name is Ramos and people think he is White?

Imagine being unironically this sad. His dad is a fucking pure bean blooded Mexican faggot, look it up. Little scared coward boy

Prove it genius. Lets see that birth cert.

Right, of course looking at pictures of a brown man with a Mexican name isn’t enough proof that he’s non-white. You realize that you’re a cartoon liberal, right? You realize that you’re literally a caricature?

Ahhh, look at you running away from the argument now that you've been tasked with providing actual evidence of your bullshit.

Durrrrr I can’t tell what someone’s race is by looking at them durrrrrr is Obama white or black I dunno gimme proof durrrrrr

Literally you

Whats his listed ethnicity again?

Remind me real quick.

Can you give me his parents birth certificates? I can’t tell if he’s black or not

Ahhh, afraid to answer the question sweaty?

Bbbbut the police said so, and the police are always right!!! 😭😭😭😭😭

Great defense.

It’s a perfect defence when you look at the 4chan ‘white hispanic’ mugshot pic hahaha but you’ll never acknowledge that because thinking hurts too much

triggered AF

That’s exactly what I thought, don’t think too hard big guy

Hey ate you still trying to separate yourself from that other alt right retard mayo that murdered a bunch of people?

It’s abbreviation for white. I forget I’m not on FB and can’t be zucced for using it