Idiot asks how likely it is he'll get caught if he does something stupid, gets told not to do it, does it, gets caught, and says he'll do it again.

61  2018-06-28 by snallygaster

Thread one (OP removed)
Thread two


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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u/baseethrowaway Yoshi?

I'd love not to pay any taxes. [...] so am morally quite ok with committing tax fraud

bitch me too, the fuck?


I'd love to have sex whenever I want, so am morally quite ok with committing rape.

What I did is really close to *victimless crime.

Rape is not a victimless cime.

*I would argue that it is precisely victimless, other people disagree. It's a topic for a different discussion.

Hey man, i hope you can import all your shit without getting caught. Srsly

Thanks! I wish you get to import your shit for free too!

If customs is mostly just paying attention to laptops and cellphones, maybe he should try gold bars next time.

I'm pretty sure that would raise more red flags than they have at the airport :p

But you're not too far off from the idea: small, high-value items are easier to smuggle than larger items. Makes sense, doesn't it?

Tax avoidance: the Europoor way

Will I attempt to avoid tax again? I think I will.

Lol this fuckin guy

How did you find this snally

it was sent to me by someone who posted a screenshot on twatter

My post rustled so many jimmies that I got tweeted about? Fucking gotta put this on my Tinder profile.

“Those taxes you’re so keen to avoid pay for the high quality of life we enjoy in Europe”

Yurops lmfao 😅✌️✌️🤭

Throughout history we have evolved and evolved. From apes into sweaty man, this has allowed for many different ways to express and communicate with each other. Starting, most likely from primal grunts and hand motions (you still do this at bedroom at night by the way), we’ve worked our way to advanced forms of language and yes we don’t really use it as much as we could. Instead we resort to archaec forms of communication and colorful hieroglyphics because we find this method more efficient and let’s face it, FUN. HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAH crying laughing emoji. EGGPLANT. For the years in the Internet we found many different ways to express emotion and our tastes have changed. It may have started with “Wow, I find that quite funny”, then it became “LOL”, “haHAA” and the dreaded “XD”. Now it's the degeneracy of crying face emoji. You my friend are a true degenerate and the evolutaionary step backward.

Is this guy an Amerifat? He doesn't sound like a German, but he said he wrote his appeal email in German.

He said he provided a letter in German, didn't say he wrote it.

Last time I checked, you could learn German outside Germany.

Burgers only know burgerspeak.

"A nation of immigrants", as JFK once said. People speak their parent's languages or learn other big languages, like Spanish is in the south.

Immigrants aren't burgers, that's why they keep them in cages.

The only spanish burgers know is "yo quiero taco bell"

The quote refers to the fact that most Americans originated elsewhere.

I freaking hate yuros.

The feeling is mutual