Twitter Explodes After Homeland Security Headline Appears to Mimic ’14-Words’ Neo-Nazi Slogan

117  2018-06-29 by snallygaster




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Grasping at straws much?

On the one hand this is clearly retarded, on the other hand I could easily see the type of fentanyl-American whose life is devoted to LARPing as a Nazi doing this exact type of retarded thing.

don't think they'd be working at DHS

Would it blow your mind if the Trump administration had made some really shitty staffing decisions? Their campaign chairman is in prison, they let known LARPist Seb Gorka work in the Whitehouse, and they tried to get an actual pedo elected Senator.


Manafort worked the Trump campaign for a month. He's in Prison for shit he did while working for The Podesta know, Tony and John Podesta (Hillary's campaign manager) Manafort was a plant.

Your being serious right now aren't you?

Other than the "being a plant" everything else he said is verifiably true.

I mean that person working on the Hillary campaign was just arrested for CP.

I'm sure you could file charges against almost anyone who's worked in politics in the past 3 decades if you really wanted to.

he unironically posts on r/greatawakening

only worked for a month

Bro lay off the Qoolaid

Lol, unpaid volunteer for two months and then campaign director for three. It's so obvious the guy is a plant. As soon as Trump won the nomination they started bringing up Manaforts ties to the Ukraine... which the DNC knew about because it was when he was working for the Podestas.

Last paragraph pussies

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props if you can find the article your screenshot came from, with its corresponding text.

Took you a while to come up empty.

By the way, you fucking illiterate, the paragraph you point out:

A federal grand jury indicted Manafort and a longtime associate, Konstantin Kilimnik...

The indictment you linked. They seem to have typed Kilimnik's name wrong.

The paragraph I'm quoting:

The Virginia indictment charges him with bank fraud and tax evasion and accuses him of hiding tens of millions of dollars he earned advising pro-Russia politicians in Ukraine from 2006 through 2015. It also accuses him of fraudulently obtaining millions in loans from financial institutions including while he worked for the Trump campaign. Manafort also faces charges in Washington of money-laundering conspiracy, false statements and acting as an unregistered foreign agent for Ukrainian interests.

When was he campaign manager again?

He joined Donald Trump's presidential campaign team in March 2016 and was campaign chairman from March to August 2016.

The indictment I'm talking about, straight from

Proof that I, unlike you, know how to read

Relevant piece in page 33

Stop posting in /r/greatawakening, it's obviously turning your brain into mush.

You're so sweaty and all you did was expose more people to the indictment which clearly shows that none of this has anything to do with Trump.

Congratulations, you played yourself. Take a timeout, tryhard.

Lmao you're totally retarded.

You fell for my ruse!

-Any Trumpie who suddenly finds himself out of his depth

So in your view of the world, how retarded is to Trump to hire an "obvious plant" as his campaign director?

how retarded is to Trump...

Who's the retard?

Oh no, an extra word! Surely my keyboard will never recover from this!

Nice edit scrub. To answer your question, think hindsight. It's obvious now, obviously.

Good thing we'd never need a President to exercise judgement about things that might happen in the future, then.

Hiring a plant was 8 dimensional chinese checkers, right?

Lol, unpaid volunteer for two months and then campaign director for three

So he worked there for 5 months and not 1 like u/akawest claimed?

one month


Five months, but, yknow, reality has a well known liberal bias, so who cares.

Doesn't change the fact that that what he's in jail for has nothing to do with Trump but everything to do with Tony and John Podesta. The guy was a plant.

Doesn't change the fact that you lied knowingly and won't change your lie in the foreseeable future.

You're right, my lie Trumps the real truth that Manaforts crimes have nothing to do with Trump. You got me!

What's it like to want to be right so bad that you ignore substantial truths yet remain hyper focused on innocuous lies?

Hey everyone I lied about ManaFort being with the campaign for one month becaUse in the grand sCheme of things it doesn't make a goddamn bit of difference because the crimes he's guilty of stem from pre 2014 when he worKed for The Podesta Group. You know John Podesta... HillarY's Campaign Manager.... yOu know The Podesta no longer exists because it was a criminal organization.

There, you happy?

You're right, my lie Trumps the real truth that Manaforts crimes have nothing to do with Trump.

No. The lie about "one month".

Yknow, the only thing I've said so far.

Your reading comprehension is so bad, I'd recommend you as mod for this sub. Next level autism.

If Trump wasn't bringing back concentration camps he'd be completely unvoteable, but at least he's got that going for him.

One month

Actually it was 157 sunrises you NaziHitlerDrumpfskin Reeeeeeee!

This is why we need a genocide against white people.

The Zombie Apocalypse is a metaphor for people like you. You are the Zombie.

Okay, by now we're six comments deep and I'm almost afraid to ask, but...

you do realize which sub you're on, right?

Or are you really that much of a retard. Either way is fine by me, honestly.

Deary Diary, today I realized I'm a Zombie... it hurts.

Oh wow, you're doing it unironically.

I should've listened to daddy when he warned us. They're not sending their best, folks. Not sending their best.

A gift for you, friend.

Don't call me friend, buddy.



Doesn't change the fact that Trump makes terrible staffing decisions, if indeed he was a "plant" that somehow managed to be promoted from "volunteer" to top level management in less time than the 90 days most companies have established as a transitional period.

What can we really infer about a Chief Executive who is so careless as to allow "plants" into his inner circle with only a few months' exposure?

reality has a well known liberal bias

The qultist is retarded but you need to go back to r politics.

Read the rest of the chain and give me some credit for outstanding retardation or I will cut off your cuntflaps.

If he's so obviously a plant, wasn't Trump's team kinda incompetent for letting him in? Might they also make other similarly shitty staffing decisions, like letting in LARPers?

Manafort was a plant

I know mayos are subhuman and whatnot but I'm pretty sure they're animals at least

Remember when this guy was on the NSC?

DHS is the retarded, neglected step child of national security. If LARPing fentanyl-americans are going to be in the government DHS and the TSA are going to be their (wonder)bread and butter

I imagine the best of the best is put in charge of their twit.

The tsa retards are part of dhs, so it is at least possible if not probable

i dont think you know much about the dhs

I don't know, the phrases do seem somewhat similar.

"secure" is pretty much the number one verb used when talking about the border (because no one but blatant "no borders" people can argue with it, it's so general).

With that in mind, people are flipping out over "we must". That's lame and dumb lol

This is nothing. I remember when Ann Coulter was counting the days till Obama was leaving the White House, and when she reached number 14 people all over started claiming it was a dog whistle to neo nazis.

You linked to the OP article about DHS.

Woops, thanks for that. Fixed.

/pol/ or someone that actually cares about Coulter: hey guys, wouldn't it be fuggin EBIN if we all started hailing Hitler at 14?

*does that*

Journo, without realising she's been at since 30: Nazi sleeper cell confirmed

As I remember it people jumped the gun and started claiming she was referencing the 14 words before the goons said anything, then the people from /pol/ etc decided to have fun with it in response. Kind of moot this late in the game though.

Like do ignore the fact she was going "16!", "15!" etc.


I know. Like a wink could have a deeper meaning than irrigating the eye ball.

I think it's legit, starting that headline with "We must" sounds too stupid to be accidental.

Not just 'we must' but 'we must secure', along with other markers in the rest of the sentence, its length, etc.

"less than 13 out of 88" seems certainly forced because its not even like they reduced the numbers to a proper fraction. Why not just say less than 14 or 15 out of 100?

Because that's how you get retarded "politifact" articles written about you.

I feel you have missed the point entirely 🤔

Possibly. But there's no real reason to believe they tried to reduce a fraction instead of just using the statistics from a day/week/month.

Then wouldn't they just cite the exact number instead of saying its less than 13?

They said "on average." Usually you do averages either out of a number less than 10 or a multiple of 5.

Yeah, obviously it's just a coincidence. Out of 88 libtards, Henry Harris is probably the one who gets triggers and posts about this one twitter.

Nothing to see here.

Read the article much? I don't want to sound like an SJW but having a 14 word title that just happens to start with "We Must Secure", while the content of the article just happens to contain 14 bullet points, and the last bullet point just happens to include the number '88'.

It includes the 88 as a statistic, which if you’re trying to keep whole numbers or close to them would make sense. It is also a bit messy sense it covers the 14.6ish% of asylum cases.

But honestly I think this is all straw grasping. I’m sure the top minds at /r/conspiracy can look into it.

And buddy let’s not forget: if it’s dog whistling why are only liberals hearing it? 🤔 is it possible you’re the racist?

It includes the 88 as a statistic, which if you’re trying to keep whole numbers or close to them would make sense. It is also a bit messy sense it covers the 14.6ish% of asylum cases.

A source would be nice, I can't find one in the article.

And buddy let’s not forget: if it’s dog whistling why are only liberals hearing it? 🤔 is it possible you’re the racist?

Is this le satire

If their number is correct then it could be: 13/88*100 to get you final results, based on their claim. Dunno if that’s true or not, I don’t really care.

Im just saying, the purpose of a dog whistle is to call the dogs 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m not seeing the connection everyone else is, but people running amok screaming racism sure do hear something.

I mean I didnt hear it either until people started talking about it. But yeah it doesn't seem obvious enough to be a dog whistle, which could have been the point in order to signal to the alt-right without triggering the left.

Obviously that backfired, or whoever wrote it is some sort of troll and decided to conceal it like some sort of time bomb for people to find in the future. I only hope it's true because a government organisation sending nazi signals is funny.

Most this things are written by interns and then reviews/release by a higher up with minimal least that was my experience when I was a cadet with a sheriffs department. It is possible that a T_D retard got in there, was told to write a thing, thought he’d be cute, and we got this.

I doubt anyone is doing time capsule messages.

Ultimately, I think it’s just a regarded coincidence and people are being retarded for nothing.


Mfw no nazi government

😣I know, and after I called Hugo Boss to get me outfitted with a shiny new uniform.

just happens to contain 14 bullet points

there's 13 bullet points, retard. you're counting a line that's bold as a bullet point.

Just because it doesn't have a bullet point doesn't mean it isn't following the format. I feel like I'm being pedantic but it could be a way to you know what you're right this is retarded

I admit 88 is a weird number of claims, but maybe the person who wrote it is dumb too.

I thought it was retarded until the article mentioned the 13/88 ratio, which is way too specific a number to be a coincidence.

It's like PizzaGate, but even less believable somehow.


Y⭕️u're👊 n🅾w ⭕️ne☝️ 🅾f 3️⃣ 🖖🅿️e🅾🅿️le👨🏿👩🏻👦🏽 ℹ️'ve 🅱l⭕️cked😡❌🚷🚫‼️ 🅾n 🅱eddit👽. ℹ 💁d⭕️n't even Ⓜ️ℹ️nd💅 🅿️e🅾🅿️le 👦🏽👴👵🏼👮🏻 s🅿️er🅱ℹ️ng ⭕️ut😡😤😤 at Ⓜ️e😱, 🅱ut wh🅰t ✋☝️ℹ d🅾 Ⓜ️ℹ️nd👀😤 ℹ️s just the c⭕️Ⓜ️🅿️lete😣 l🅰ck 🅾f re🅰l™💯🕵 🅰r🅱uⓂ️ents.📚

Y⭕️u're 👊👐✋just 🅱🅾rℹ️ng🙄😣.


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13 out of 88 is a random ass number too be fair...

13/88 can't be reduced

13 is an unlucky number, and we all know that mayos only bring despair upon any other race

It says less than 13 so it doesn't make sense either. Why not just say less than 14 out of 100

Is this what it feels like to be a Qultist?


14 is the original member count of the KKK.

Alt Right confirmed!

omg guys guys guys I was 14 for a whole year.


Less than 13* so it's not like they arrived T the exact fraction either

Oh man, is this a deep state prank

Daily reminder that people who post on twitter or take anything posted there seriously need to be gassed. This is especially true for """"""""journalists""""""" who include tweets in their articles.

Blue ticks get the bullet too.


/u/distortedlines ju unst murdered five journalists holy shit


lol all this is going to do is make people go

"...wait, why are those 14 words such a bad thing? Don't blacks and every other race think of themselves the same way?"

and shift the overton window further right


darkie coons, whatever

Excuse me,

African-Americans (blacks only)

Elon Musk is my favourite African American.



the source awards aren't on AAET, stupid

those aren't words or things

BET is black entertainment television. they have a whole network calling them black, calling them african american when the majority know nothing about their ancestry is retarded.

You might think it is retarded, but a sizeable amount of US MSM think its better to say African-American rather than black.


why does their opinion matter? if irish, german, welsh etc gets called white, why are we calling all of them african americans? why aren't we called european americans? shit is retarded

It doesn't matter to you but I'm measuring objective influence. Otherwise known as culture, for better or worse.

I only downvote gay people

oh god one of these kinds of white people

I’m not white I’m a person of light


Goldarnit, Abner, ya done drawed the swastika backwards agin!

Yes flirting with Neo Nazism has been working out so well for the far right

who controls the house, senate, and white house again?


what happened in Italy recently?


who's surging in pretty much every election lately?


By all means, incorporate 1488 into the platform, I'm sure it will work out wonderfully for you

88 is only good with 14, but 14 is just fine without 88

Your tiki torch is showing

prove me wrong nigga

Whites aren't people so 14 is a pointless statement. Antimayocide is not welcome here.

not an argument

Lol you think normie is an insult.

Christ, the alt right is retarded

To be fair it is pretty retarded.

60 years of cultural cringe unseated by an unprecedented wave of third world migration and people start LARPing as the political party that made nationalism "bad" in the firsr place?

Rightoids can be just as retarded as leftoids.

It's working great in much of Europe, America is not to far behind the trend.

Don't forget SCOTUS

thats only because of the first thing i said tho

who controls the house, senate, and white house again?

Are you saying that conservatives are Nazis?


i'm just arguing according to my opponent's POV


He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love.

The Negro revolution is controlled by foxy white liberals, by the Government itself. But the Black Revolution is controlled only by God.

It actually has


Did you guys know the nazis liked roads , and so does america! No trump , No kkk , No Nazi USA

Nobody in the States gives a fuck about infrastructure. That'll shoe the nazis.

The Nazis liked having borders

Trump likes having a border

Therefore Trump must be a Nazi

This is good for dramacoin

Top comment is an edgy RATM lyric:

Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.

Yeah fight the bourgeois power by referencing that song published by Sony Music Entertainment!!!

paul ryans favorite band



This guy in /r/politics starts to question the nature of his reality

Every time I see shit like this I always question my sanity: "Is that really what I'm seeing? Do these theories have any credibility? Is this the same level of stretching as shit like pizzagate or other clearly-bogus right-wing conspiracy theories?"

Every time I think like this, it makes me think I'm just as bad as Newt Gingrich's "feels = reals" comment. It's been really fucking up my mind.

Of course the rest are having none of it.

It's called gaslighting. Part of the way that this administration is getting away with this stuff is by convincing people they're crazy for believing it.

MFW r/Politics turns into r/TheGreatAwakening

It just really shows that the ultra left is just as retarded as the ultra right with pizzagate. At least some on the left seem to realize their delusions

Donald "Godwin's Law" Trump

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for inbred Orange children."

David Lame

So another thing on the list of things you're not allowed to do is being a sentence with "We must secure".

It's beginning to be an awfully long list for a group that's opposed to fascism and various types of authoritarianism.