Maryland shooter identified as Jalapeno-Mayonnaise Jarrod Ramos, went after the paper for reporting on him harassing women and beating him in court

39  2018-06-29 by Oh_hamburgers_


This reads like something a wasted sorority chick would write in a yearbook. We can observe the complete absence of any moral framework or intellectual ability in this one sample of writing.This should come as no surprise. These are the same people who literally argue in favor of the mayocide. Did you forget about that? I didn't. /r/Drama posters are literally pro-mayocide. That's not even me being hyperbolic or making insults, it's simply a fact.





They are autists. And they are completely irredeemable.


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TFW you forget a comma and two quotes mix.

But it works really well. You should leave it.

Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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As a Maryland native, I can already visualize all the "HURR DURR MURYLAND HAS DUR GUN CONTROL AND THEY STILL GOT SHOT" shit that's going to get flung for the next month.

Guess we should get rid of car safeties while we're at it, people are dying in accidents anyways.

It is a very sad day for the seafood state.

I mean, anecdotal evidence works both way.

The point is he used a shotgun, which is exactly what the left says is the only gun you need for self defense and uses as a basis to ban rifles. "Assault rifles" are actually a poor choice to use for a mass shooting. Final point is most mass shootings are done with pistols.

Dang must be a pretty big magazine, with an insane fire rate too!

"only" five people were killed, im not sure this story will stick other than obviously journalists scared of fellow journalists getting killed staying with it


You need no gun for self defense. I have my fists which are more powerful then a buckshot and my mind which is quicker then a trigger pull.

"HURR DURR MURYLAND HAS DUR GUN CONTROL AND THEY STILL GOT SHOT" shit that's going to get flung for the next month.

Yeah, but it's true.

Murderland is a shithole though.

Story is he showed up to mow their lawn and then the white half took over.

Hola, señor. ¿Que tal?

teletransportes detrás de ti

"Nada personnel, hijo"

Fucking lol






For real, I think this guy may turn out to be an incel.

The article described the accusations against Ramos, including that he had sent a Facebook request out of the blue to a woman and thanked her for being the only person ever to say hello r be nice to him in school. The woman said she didn’t remember Ramos, so he sent pictures. When she Googled him, she found they had gone to Anne Arundel High School together. She wrote back to him because he was going through problems and told him he should get help at a counseling center.

The woman said Ramos then sent months of emails in which he asked for help, called her vulgar names and told her to kill himself. He also emailed her company and tried to get her fired.

told her to kill himself

r/drama regular?

Yeah, terrible editing. But, they messed up a quote that was in the court case.


Bet those people wish they had a wall now

How many retarded leftists are gonna continue blaming Milo for the beginning of the incel insurrection?

How many would it take to trigger every single dumb faggot who gives a shit about milo?

Ask Mr. Owl.

He wouldn't answer, said he's afraid milo will send out one of his death squads.

milo is a journalist himself. he created his death squads with the hope that they will one day break into his home and fulfil his own suicidal homosexual rape and murder fantasies.

Dont worry, r/greatawakening is on the case....boomers are working round the clock battling dementia with autism to solve the mystery.../u/IR2-MXYJU-HQRRYJ give us an update gramps

Who are you people and where is my horse? Iwo Jima was Hell...

Oof, it was a bean. How will reddit ever recover?
