Jahi McMath has finally passed to the other world (legally)...(again). Thus ending her mama's internet fundraising tugboat.

170  2018-06-29 by pewkiemuffinboo



Guess heaven finally got its angel

Hope they kept an XL in child's size for Jahi.

Girl was biiig.


Correction: XXL

damn bitch u cold

RIP sorry your fat dead corpse got exploited by a retard.

☝️☝️☝️ This, but imagine that I thought of a really polite and sensitive way to say it.

Wow that was really poetic

Thx 4 recognizing the poetic hustle, fam.

yup, definitely looks like someone from Northern California

btw this bitch is famous on sites like kf and lolcow.farms but I can't link to those so feel free to google.

I thought this would be a snally post if it ever got here. 2 real 4 me tbh

I'm the effort post queen before snally even existed.

/u/snallygaster this bitch is stepping on your turf. If you don't put a shiv in her, we're going to lose respect for you.

/u/snallygaster would tear her face off. Seen it before.

Feel free to google for her threads on kf, lolcow.farms, pretty ugly liars, and fb groups.

Snally would never make us find links ourselves you turd. You're low effort.

Can't link any of those websites (except Facebook groups) on reddit without getting banned, fam.

You can if you're not a lil bitch.

correct! The fb groups were pretty boring tho tbh. Old people on fb are scurry.

Show us your work then BITCH

Honestly thought they would be mayos.

They wernt?

Jahi and Nailah? Those names ghetto af

As someone not from the US, I’ve noticed a surprising amount of of retarded names from mayos in recent years. This one was a coin-toss.

But I mean, think about it. You think it’s black people calling their kids Khaleesi? Nah.

Mayos are doing this thing where they retardedly name their kids semi normal names but spelled in fucked up ways like ashliegh, Brooklynne, Kennade, etc.

They are also now giving boys the faggiest names possible. Brendan, Liam, Carter, Hayden, etc.

The one conclusion we can draw from this is that women cannot legally be allowed to name their male children.

And it doesn't matter what they name their female children, since all femayos will change the spelling of their name somewhere around age 20.

Linzi. Teena. Caren.

Fuck off. Also women should not be allowed to clothe their male children to look like miniature fuck boys

We need another 30 years of boys named Chris and Mike, like the good old days

Is it worse that they're naming their kids after a TV shows, or that they're naming their kids a title because they're too dumb to realize it's not the character's name?

Is it worse that they're naming their kids after a TV show, or that they've watched the show for half a decade and still think that character's title is her name?

implying whites don't live in the ghetto

All whites are privileged you dipshit.

It you want to see a similar mayo case look up the hartley hooligans. Or don't because it's absolutely repulsive.

I regret that greatly.

hartley hooligans


Are those Zika babies?

Also unless you have no heart don't look up Jaxon Buell, the child of Brandon Buell & Brittany Buell with anencephaly. I think it's even worse than the delusional Hartley mother. They used him for donations and then dumped him.

Oh god, I've heard of that one too. Any updates?

Not recently. Not sure what last you heard. Their foundation and social media went mostly silent, and the parents divorced or at least separated, but the father said he's still alive when pressed.

Some think he's being taken care of in a long-term care facility, which would probably be the best scenario if still alive.

Honestly why does it even matter? Not like it has a brain to realise it's living a miserable life and has been abandoned by the people who are supposed to love it. But let's be honest, Dad probably gave it the old yeller treatment after donations dried up

i googled that, holy fuck. like, seriously. jfc.

we need space aliens to keep this planet safe.

We have Adalia Rose for that job

looks it up

There are too many humans on this planet.

I'd probably have a hard time letting go tbh too.

Thanks for reminding us yet again that you succeeded in making a totes adorbs hapa while the rest of us are doing a workmanlike effort to grind one out before we go to fill up our pets' bowls for the night.

totes adorbs hapa

wait til it grows up

If your kid died would you:

A: Let your child rest in peace.

B: Demand the state pump them full of chemicals that make their corpse look not dead so you could get your nails done and buy handbags.

Either way your kid is dead so idk.

It's a hard decision.

I mean three years is ridiculous but I'd probably leave them on life support a few weeks longer than I should.

3? Try nearly 5. This girl died in late 2013

I've seen South Park so I know it's important to ask my children if they'd like to be exploited on national television in the event of their sudden demise.

I've seen South Park

we know

Chemicals? I thought it was just a respirator.

I mean if the kid is gonna be dead either way I'd rather at least get some designer handbags fam

Yet another reason why I am not pro-life or pro-choice. I am pro-abortion. I believe all children deserve death. All government funding across the world should go towards planned parenthood. No more military, no more healthcare, just abortions. Unite all the countries in the world for this cause. Change the UN into the UA, United Abortions. All these silver spoon politicians sitting up in their ivory towers, not giving a single fuck about what happens to the common man? Without us, they are nothing. What about the real problems, huh? The human race needs to be eradicated. That's just the simple truth. #humanabortion2018

This is unironically correct and the only way to save Earth

I'd vote for it

summer mood

This but unironically

women are evil. all of them.

Pizzashill? Is that you?

Post bussy 😋

Was this the one that went brain dead because her mom gave her food after an operation or some shit like that?

That's almost right! How do you do it?!

Look at that fucking disgusting pinkie nail

Hope she doesn't copyright strike this, cause as we all know from recent events on this sub your own disgusting fingernails are intellectual property

This is a cursed image holy shit

Rules don't apply to them, i guess

Ah, the true American way to go, choking on a Mickey D's burger.

Lot of mentions for the killer burger, no actual proof that I could find. Sounds like mayo lies to me.

Found the proof, which as an anonymous comment should be obviously believed.

"Approximately a year ago, there was an article in the NY times which was highly critical of the hospital and under the comments section, a person, probably an employee, wrote a well written rebuttal which described very factually and in great detail what happened that day post operatively in the Peds ICU.

Because of the extent of the surgery, the pt was not allowed to talk and was given a white board for communication. The pt wrote "I'm hungry" The Grandmother brought in and fed her a hamburger. The pt bled immediately and the grandmother who is an LPN, was belligerent, used a Yankauer suction despite being told to not to do so and threatened the PICU nurse. The pt hemorrhaged and and code blue was called. It was a difficult prolonged and traumatic intubation.

This is a terrible tragedy for everyone involved. The reason the post in the NYT rings true is because the Grandmother has kept silent, knowing now that she is responsible the events of that day and the death of her granddaughter. It must be a terrible burden to carry that secret as well as to have to watch opportunistic family members trying to profit from the death of one's grandchild. Last edit by icuRNmaggie on Mar 4, '15"

Maggie on that HIPAA

yeah good way to get your career hippo-ed

They were saying this is what happened almost immediately after though, so I tend to believe it.

No, they were claiming see randomly went into cardiac arrest during the surgery and they weren't able to resuscitate her.

W ho claimed that?

All early articles did. This article clearly implies the surgery went wrong

There were many developments in this case that I didn't follow much afterward. based on the timeline and after more information came out, I would tend to believe they tried to feed her something and she started bleeding.

That's funny. I read not too long after the suction thing and don't remember articles blaming the surgery.. Hmm

What crazy doctor operated on a brain dead child? This seems super unethical

A fairly wealthy one.

One has to draw the line somewhere and I draw it here. This aint drama or funneh. This is sad and serious. Wow, what terrible people.

This aint drama or funneh.

You're actually wrong

And that's because you're retarded.

literally who?




a young child that due to obesity had to go in for various surgeries due to sleep apnea. While the surgeries themselves went fine, once left in the care of her family she was left entirely brain dead, and had been declared legally dead

/u/toenogo This is what's going to happen to you if you don't shape up.

I may be home schooled, but I'm smart enough to see the evidence for the Jewish agenda in the MSM, Hollywood, government, etc...


  1. This Post - Outline

  2. Jahi McMath - Outline

  3. she was left entirely brain dead, a... - Outline

  4. Terri Shiavo - Outline

  5. Her family quickly moved her corpse... - Outline

  6. Nailah - Outline

  7. she received a lot of online backl... - Outline

  8. Nonetheless she persisted. - Outline

  9. Here's another informative link for... - Outline

  10. very well documented - Outline

  11. life was all champagne and shit - Outline

  12. http://www.foxnews.com/health/2018/... - Outline

  13. https://www.mercurynews.com/2018/06... - Outline

  14. https://pix11.com/2018/06/28/mother... - Outline

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*get her nails did

Would hitting that be necrophilia, pedophilia, or both?

Wow, I followed this case when I first read about way back in 2013. I thought it was sick the way they were just keeping her corpse fresh. All the stories I read about her mother scamming for donations, then going on shopping sprees..So sad, at least the girl can finally be buried.

The grandmother of Jahi admitted in a televised interview that she took it upon herself to suction Jahi which most likely led to her bleeding out. Other reports say that the family fed her a cheeseburger after surgery.