Retards get into an argument over electricity. One of them clips a power supply to his balls.

296  2018-06-29 by Derpus_Contagious


Dude has balls the size of raisins

I was shocked.

dawg /u/anon72c what in the fuck is the matter with you?

Fully committed to being a retard. Not much else to say.

dont listen to what anyone says, youre a fucking hero

I'm not really cut out for that.

Can I be an autistic shitbird instead?

This might shock you, but you're actually a viable drama mod

speaking of which, did murderclown ever post his butthole?

Man I’ve been waiting for that bussy sooo long 😫😩

I kind of love you, you absolute animal

That's a power move if I have ever seen one

*establishes dominance*

hot af! 😩


Shockingly punishing to watch

Holy shit that -43.7k karma drop. His post wasn't even that cunty. Just your run-of-the-mill Reddit know it all douchebaggery.

This one simple trick will win every internet slap fight, guaranteed!

You can only lose a maximum of 15 karma a comment.

Yeah, but this number is still a disproportionate indication of rage towards a fairly mildly spergy comment.

Idk man, I dream to make a comment with -100k votes.

Couldn't even make it to -100 lol. (Watch the gif for context)

Is that gif depicting some type of fetish?

Is pealing potato a fetish? Idk but it should be!

/u/Chaddingtater πŸ˜πŸ˜‰πŸ₯”πŸ”ͺπŸ’¦

It's PEEL you amerilard πŸ˜’πŸ˜€

You'd like wouldn't you? You slut! πŸ˜˜πŸ˜›

Calm your tits, sweaty

lol you post in frugal, ED IS A POORFAG HAHA

I think my most downvoted comment ever was when I called cutting grapes in half white people nonsense in SRD

You told them the truth! Amen! πŸ˜‚

Is that actually a thing?

Yes, you cut them in half so small children don't choke on them.

But I suppose caring for your children is "white people nonsense".

But I suppose caring for your white children *is* "white people nonsense".

/u/Kodiak_Marmoset was basically saying the 14 words.

white people have some pussy ass children lmao πŸ˜‚ can't even eat grapes properly

Uh, what?

The real reason to them in half is so that it's easier to stab them.

That sounds fucking dumb, who is choking on grapes? White people really are inferior smh

If your kids are choking on grapes that's natural selection, at this point the mayo bloodline is like one of those inbred dog breeds that are half retarded and die at the ripe old age of four.

This is exactly what the srdines said (like any of them have managed to procreate). I just wouldn't give babbies grapes. Raspberries are better anyway.

To be fair... Its this weird tradition in Spain on new years eve when the clock strikes twelve you have to eat twelve grapes, one on every bell ring, and I always fucking get choke and then they end up going up my nose. Then I spend my new years trying to get grape outta my nose.

Even when we buy the pre-peeled ones.

They go... up your nose? From inside?

Yep, like when people shoot peas out their nose.

That sounds super uncomfortable... πŸ˜“

But also I'm impressed

Mhm, tell that to your latina nanny

Only acceptable if you're making chicken salad

>Chicken salad


@ Yakub: Please come collect your mistakes

my dude put some grapes and walnuts or pecans in that chicken salad and it's out of this world

Yes on the walnuts and pecans, but actual grapes??? Like i could kinda maybe understand raisins, but grapes???

I'm not bullshitting you. You just quarter them and toss the little grape bits into the mix. It gives it a slight sweetness. I had it for the first time at a pub and it changed my life.

Ok fam... I'll try it out.

Definitely going to try that! Thanks!

Another good (but unconventional) use of red grapes is to cook them halved with white wine, red onions, and kielbasa. The wine, onion, and grape juice create a really zesty sauce reduction.

Fuck yes that makes the best chicken salad sandwiches.

isn't that a waldorf salad? there is some salad with grapes and walnuts

No, i think a waldorf salad is fruit salad with nuts in it. I'm talking about chicken salad with the only fruit being a small amount of grape slices

Something like this:

a waldorf is apples, grapes, walnuts, celery and lettuce with mayo, i just googled, sounds gross.

Try mentioning that "sober affirmative consent" is not the standard that real criminal courts use in rape cases. That's worth about 600-700 downvotes on SRD iirc.

β€œBrock Turner was not convicted of rape”

upsetting if true

Just go to r/Gaming and tell them that a bikini clad slut is cosplay

If this comment gets -100 points I'll drink bleach.

Really? That’s fucking stupid

It's because people got too good at trying to maximise negative karma.

you cant have less than -100 either, which makes trolling for downvotes a lot less fun

Not true, I lost hundreds sometimes especially if I commented on major default retard subs where anything not in conformity with majority's opinions gets your downvoted into oblivion. Unless they changed it recently

It'll show up on the comment but won't actually affect your karma score by more than 15 points per comment.

How come I would see on my karma score the reduction then?

You didn't; you probably made lots of downvoted comments, or this was years ago.

:( Maybe I am just a shit poster

I feel your pain, BrerSage


Really? Hold my balls...

Once it gets linked to the various meta subs the downvotes come in hordes

But they dobt brigade

Just like us πŸ˜‰

I believe teh The proper term is an "Intrusion"

It's only that bad because everyone thought the other dude was that good. If we didn't get the clamped ball sack, that other dude would probably be at like -6 or something.

Which is retarded. Without the one we wouldnt have the other.

You can't lose more than 18 karma from a single comment. He's safe.

that's retarded. it would be awesome to have -50k karma :/

There is a certain threshold of downvote that makes the redditor chimp out and smash that downvote to be a part of something.

the redditor chimp

It's in his DNAs

2% > III

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

I dont know if it still happens, but there was a time where people went through the entire post history to mass downvote everything.

I am guessing all of the attention was for the guy who took a picture of his nards, and there was a a negative karma sploosh to the douchecanoe.

It was linked to /r/bestof, they brigaded it like crazy.

the depressing thing is i know someone who has been an electronic technician for longer than I've been alive, and he believed that stupid "car batteries can kill you" nonsense. yes it's the current that kills you but you can't have high current without high voltage. 13 volts cannot push more than a few milliamps through the thousands of ohms of resistance the human body has.

What if the person has wet skin, or a cut, or if the electrodes penetrate the skin as could happen with jumper cable clamps and such? Then could a car battery create a dangerous current?

it's all estimation, but the human body typically has as much as 100,000 ohms of resistance. being wet and having cuts can bring it down to as low as 1,000 ohms. if you have a 12 volt car battery, and a resistance of 1,000 ohms, since current = voltage / resistance, you'd only have 12 milliamps. you'd definitely feel it, but it's far from lethal. it'd pretty much take at least 10x the current to kill someone. consider that a wall outlet (in the US) has 120 volts. even despite the fact that the human body conducts AC (like from the outlet) much more easily than DC (from the battery), most people who touch 120 volts survive. most electricians have done it at some point. if you're wet, chances of survival drop sharply (toaster in the bathtub for example). there are many factors for this, but there is absolutely no way a car battery by itself can kill you unless someone cuts your chest open and directly jumps your heart.

If you crack open your chest and put the electrodes directly on your heart then the car battery could deliver a fatal shock.

Actually, if there's no resistance from your skin (cuts), wet skin, etc then ~13 volts can potentially cause muscle spasms that will prevent you from letting go, which could end up being fatal.

Reddit comments can only lower your karma by 15 each, unfortunately.

TFW I upboated it ;*)

Once it gets to like -5k you've become Reddit notorious and a lot of people will just show up to see how low they can get it.

I think it's from the number of people that have seen this bizarre post now rather than people actually hating him.

The first wave was when it was posted to best of. Which seems to be more of a upvote this guy and down vote that guy sub. The hive mind hit him good when it hit the front page the first time.

He lost another 10k after this post hit the front page.

Lol! What a quality find OP. Absolute shit storm in that thread.

Wanting to win an internet argument so bad you attach alligator clips to your ballsack and LET ER RIP.

What do our users and mods do again? Pizzapost? Daddy Defense? Damn we're lame.

/u/pizzashill please hook up a car battery to your nutsack.

That is definitely an effective way to win an argument.

He’s lost 50k karma combined with his last three comments. That’s pretty impressive

Now his favorite politicians will never be elected 😭

God damn.

Hopefully the electricity was enough to sterilize him.

Probably not, just enough to mutate his sperm forever and produce the next generation of r/drama commenters


lol just lol if you think anyone in that thread or this one is going to be reproducing

Oh man, I really hope so too.

That's fucking alpha tbqh

sardines scooped us by like a day

Most things here that are actually funny are just lifted from srd

what's wrong, you dont like links to random news stories that came out like half a day ago?

who doesn't love crappy MDE agendaposts and "femoid did a thing" posts

delet this

Why did I miss that?

So much WTF, hilarity and Reddit history.

This is peak reddit honestly

100% sure I've seen this exact chair and location in a gay porno

God damn. When will someone assemble and use the bladed Dildo from Seven to prove a point?

Imagine being so retarded that you have to clip wires to your scrotum to prove a point on an Internet forum board.

Retarded or advanced autism?

If your dumb comment gets a guy to electrocute his balls, is it a dumb comment?

Weak. Steve-O totally shocked his taint one time on Jackass.

We need this guy in /r/drama. He's completely retarded, but he's fucking committed to that retardation.

And wrong by the way. His testee test didn't didn't "prove" anything other than the aforementioned retardation. Admiral Awesome is 100% correct. Current is what kills and hurts. Unless you crank the voltage up so high that you turn yourself into the human torch, but even then the current would kill you first.

Jfc is electricity fucking magic to you? Current is what literally stops your heart, but you need voltage to supply current. You can't "push" a high current, and the only way to limit current is to cap voltage. Saying "it's not voltage that kills you its current" is exactly the same as sahing "it's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden stop" and then proceeding to jump between rooftops pretending you're Batman.

Jfc is electricity fucking magic to you?


You're a parasite.

Just fix my power okay.

You're wrong, you can survive ungodly amounts of current, such as when you're hit by lightning.

It's the total charge, dummy.


Jesus christ I have been putting way too much effort into my shitposts.


Haven’t even read what this is about. The title alone is making me laugh uncontrollably

Who are these losers who pay money to gild a comment 30 times

That fetish must be niche as fuckkk

I wouldn't call him a retard, especially because he knew that it wouldn't hurt before he even did it and even explained to retards like the autist who got downvoted or you why it wouldn't hurt.