ayyyy lmao

3  2018-06-29 by lolyougotreallymad


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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You sly sonofabitch

it's absurd to think that the crime of "ethnic intimidation" was meant to include citizens who angrily rant at cops who are arresting them mayos

One citizen can’t threaten another citizen based on skin color.

Dude broke that law and got charged.

y u mad

Mayos are not people. They were created in a mountain laboratory by the father of all modern science, Yakub.

Turn about is fair play!

So if a hate crime is just a designation saying essentially "This person committed a crime because of X reason" why wouldn't this qualify? The suspect pretty clearly was pretty clearly resisting arrest (a crime) and spouted off about how the police were [bad words].


>the suspect was pretty clearly resisting arrest

is there video? I hate this website.

The photo in this isn’t of the guy being arrested.

You’re on the case, Detective Down’s!