So if a hate crime is just a designation saying essentially "This person committed a crime because of X reason" why wouldn't this qualify? The suspect pretty clearly was pretty clearly resisting arrest (a crime) and spouted off about how the police were [bad words].
1 SnapshillBot 2018-06-29
This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke
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1 lolyougotreallymad 2018-06-29
You sly sonofabitch
1 trapochaphouse 2018-06-29
1 lolyougotreallymad 2018-06-29
One citizen can’t threaten another citizen based on skin color.
Dude broke that law and got charged.
y u mad
1 trapochaphouse 2018-06-29
Mayos are not people. They were created in a mountain laboratory by the father of all modern science, Yakub.
1 rationalhuckleberry 2018-06-29
Turn about is fair play!
1 Butch_Patterson 2018-06-29
So if a hate crime is just a designation saying essentially "This person committed a crime because of X reason" why wouldn't this qualify? The suspect pretty clearly was pretty clearly resisting arrest (a crime) and spouted off about how the police were [bad words].
1 lolyougotreallymad 2018-06-29
1 shitpost953 2018-06-29
>the suspect was pretty clearly resisting arrest
is there video? I hate this website.
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2018-06-29
The photo in this isn’t of the guy being arrested.
1 lolyougotreallymad 2018-06-29
You’re on the case, Detective Down’s!