r/fuckthealtright thinks centrists are just as bad as the alt-right.

126  2018-06-30 by Ayylmao11023




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This is probably the most autistic, divorced from reality understanding of "centrist" I've ever seen.

Eat a bowl of dicks, commie

u/pizzashill is a commie?

U/pizzashill is everything wrong with the world.

I hear he did 911

When Hitler heard /u/pizzashill, he was aghast, and just screamed , "No! There has to be a better way! Human lives MATTER goddammit!"

Then he did the holocaust. It was literally just his way of trying to high road shill.

I heard that once Mohammad and /u/pizzashill got into a big fight because shill was taking the misogyny thing way too far. Shill was like "I thought you were cool bro!", and Mohammad just turned his head away in disgust and never spoke to him again. Every time he stoned a little girl for being too slutty afterward, he felt like a saint for being so merciful in comparison to the stuff shill had advocated.

memerson mcmemefag fan


Lol do you have zero reading comprehension or social skills? He was speaking against the commies who hate centrists.

You should see what "centrists" look like in /r/Drama /s

Says a 17 year old with a fucking anime child pic on his twatter....STRANGER DANGER.

Anime profile pic? Ya boy Sonic got you

You spin a dreidel, not a menorah.

You're a fucking ugly bitch. I want to stab you in the neck and play with your blood.

I want to unironically genocide the people who post this every other week.





Pick one

how real is climate on a scale from "obviously yes, there is a scientific consensus" to "Chinese hoax"

Obviously yes, there is a scientific consensus.

Now, how real are non-dysphoric transgenders?

non-dysphoric transgenders

I literally don't know what that means :(

People who do not have clinical dysphoria yet claim to be transgender.

Makes up the majority of the current MtF "trans" community AFAIK.

i don't really think about transgender people that often

I don't either, I'm just being a centrist scum and pointing out that radicalizing political factions begin embracing anti-scientific ideas, which now gives the wingnuts an excuse to say that "hey well you support non-dysphoric trans" to disguise their contempt for climate research.

i've grown tired of this exchange

cuz u dumb

u/mcslibbin BTFO

Lefty strawman.. Most people don't believe in 76 genders. Righties just like to pretend they do to try and act like they aren't the crazy ones as they praise cosmic sky God

Tips Fedora. Also, in that case the non-crazies better speak up since the crazies are super loud.

Some teenagers enjoy being special snowflakes, so they make up word salads to sound like sexual minorities. A lot of gender/sex/orientation neoligisms are different ways to express pretty much the same thing, because any subset of a spectrum can be given a categorical label, and the categories overlap.

are you sure, cause i've gone through my entire life without someone claiming that they are a gender other than male and female

It's not real life, it's the internet. Unfortunately, a lot of powerful figures, including the current president, considers internet a part of reality.

My roommate uses 'they' pronouns, and is a MtE after getting the old one-two downstairs, if you know what I mean.

the crazies are super loud

only if you spend an unhealthy amount of time on the internet and constantly consume outrage clickbait

Tips Fedora. Also, in that case the non-crazies better speak up since the crazies are super loud.

no they aren't - just get off of tumblr

I'd rate it about "Loch Ness monster". Not disproven like "Vaccines cause /r/Drama", but subject to Occam's Razor.

Isn't it interesting how the rhetoric in the summer is "global warming", but in the winter it's "climate change"??


I really can't imagine what it would be like to write out that comment then think "this is a compelling point and I should definitely post it".

Summer it's hot winter it's cold! Checkmate climate scientists

You can’t explain that

rly maeks u think


i mean i'd use tactics like that too if there are still retards who deny climate change lmfao

rly makes u think 🤔🤔🤔

It's as real as you believe it to be.

That's the best part of any religion.

Does not matter because there is fuck all we can realistically do about it.

sighs deeply

The technology to create power without creating carbon dioxide is scientifically impossible. I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do.

I like how leftists try to claim that they're pro science when the vast majority of them deny anything that has to do with race or biological sex.

Bang on dead centre, of course. Are you even paying attention?

Do you not understand what was meant by that statement? China pushed propaganda onto leftist think groups to get them to put heavy handed restrictions on American businesses to allow them to gut punch US businesses.

Meanwhile China moves all of its coal plants into North Africa and continues to pummel the environment w/ substantial run-off from its monstrous industries.

Climate change isn't a hoax it's what you DO WITH THAT INFORMATION that becomes the hoax.

What is with the fucking left and interpreting everything literally and seeing 0 nuance.

Why didn't trump just say that, instead of saying

a hoax created by and for the Chinese

One of you is retarded


Because it's purposefully crafted that way.

Watch how he talks in private legal matters like his divestment hearings, lawsuit hearings, or congressional meetings... but when the audience is 300 million people his language changes.

Hey, as long as we keep our mouths shut, look down when the secret police are sniffing around and rat out our neighbors for thought crime, we are totes way less oppressive than those other authoritarian states that the hipster millennials are currently obsessed with on the twitter!

I am shocked that this post wasn't about /u/devavrata17

Is it "just a meme xD" to pretend that Centrists are LITERALLY always in the middle of every issue or are Leftists really this retarded? 🤷‍♀️

Leftists are wrong about everything except abortion and drugs

Theyre not even on the right side of the abortion debate

They are from a common-sense perspective. But yeah, Not from the “Life is sacred/Jesus is Lord” perspective.

I mean eugenics is right from the common sense perspective too, doesnt mean we do it

How so? I’d rather talk about eugenics than abortion.

Well, it just makes sense to prevent genetic liabilities from breeding because that strengthens the health of the species. There are two problems though, a practical one and a “life is sacred/jesus is lord one” regarding the latter, castrating (or killing) certain people for things they have no control over is kind of icky to people who care about human rights. Practically speaking there is also the question of who exactly gets to decide what a genetic liability is, because if that person is, oh I dunno, Heinrich Himmler or something then that can lead to some messy consequences to put it lightly

The difference is there is a strong slippery-slope argument against eugenics. Worst-case scenario is dystopian.

I didnt say they were exactly the same. Just because something isnt literally the holocaust does not mean its ethical

What would be unethical would someone voting against abortion in a place like India and not adopting any children.

You see the difference. Abortion is less regulation. Eugenics is more regulation.

Im not a libertarian so this doesnt really matter to me

The point was only that they aren’t logically the same at all.

First of all thats not what logically the same means, something doesnt have to have the same conclusion to have an issue that is logically structured congruantly, second of all they are logically similar in that they make perfect sense from pure reason but have certain ethical and practical problems that go along eith them that make them out of place in a just society

Oh sorry Professor Thesaurus

Thats Doctor Dictionary to you, buster

Evolution will work itself out, it doesn't need your help.

We should, but unironically

we already do actually

If you think abortion is eugenics you gotta look up two different words on the dictionary as homework sweaty.

how is using abortion to get rid of genetic defects not eugenics?

Simply removing the defects is not eugenics, sweaty. Eugenics focuses on moving the human race towards more desirable characteristics rather than avoiding the undesirable ones. Defects are 'undesirable' because they're bad and they're not the norm. High IQ is desirable because it's good and also isn't the norm.

Plus the defects you speak of already have no place in the gene pool as actual defects won't be able to breed. If you're aborting your child cuz he's a defect, the chances are a) he wouldn't mate anyway (look up social selection sweaty) and b) he was probably infertile to begin with.

And most importantly, honey; it's optional. Optional baby-drilling does jack shit to affect the gene pool. It needs to be enforced either by societal norms or the governMENt.

There will be a total shitstorm if we figure out how to identify autism in utero. High-functioning autists can be productive members of society. Low-functioning autists might never be able to hold a job or live independently. That's quite the dice roll.

High functioning autists are a gift to the dramaverse

I'll choose to interpret that as a compliment.



The irony being that this entire sub would not exist if we had state forced eugenics to prevent undesirables in the gene pool.

And that's a good thing!

I mean eugenics is right from the common sense perspective too

But we should, tho.

Climate change, stem cell research, education, gay marriage...

Yes to their climate change, stem cell, and gay marriage stances, no to their education stance. It’s a complex issue and the left just wants to throw more money at it. It’s not that simple.

Throwing less money at it doesn't seem to work too well, either.

I never said we should throw less money at it.

How about we throw a reasonable amount of money at it?

Or better yet: search for people who can make a good use of money and throw it at them.


Are you suggesting we throw an amount of money between you’re two stances?

No, but at least you're left with more money when you do that

Take money away from it!!!

Beat students who fail

this tbh

I'll take that over gutting it and stuffing Jesus wherever possible.

The education system was a mistake anyway.

prison reform, environmental regulations, death penalty, religion in schools, flag burning...

Yes. Dump all of the money into climate change. Clearly we'll outpace China, Africa, India, and all the other countries with shit levels of emissions.

Yes keep dumping loads of money into public education when private schools out perform them and spend less money.


Fuck's sake. You're like a parody.

Bob kills 10 kids every year. I only kill 5. Guess I'm off the hook.

Wow, you mean the schools that are overwhelmingly populated by the wealthy are getting better test scores than those that have to serve everyone in every community for peanuts in funding? That's shocking. We should fund them even less.

Wow, you mean the schools that are overwhelmingly populated by the wealthy

Someone can't read. You must have gone to public school.

This was a voucher program... i.e. the thing that should be implemented federally. You pick the school that meets your criteria and go there.

peanuts in funding

Wow you DID go to public school.


That school district is what's called a "money pit." Money goes in and vanishes. They keep raising the budge with no appreciable difference.

Then again I don't know why I'm linking you news stories because with the quality of education you have under your belt I'm surprised you can work an iphone without shitting yourself.

Yes, Detroit schools have been a nightmare for as long as I can remember. But as they taught us in school, a single occurrence usually signifies a pattern.

They usually hold some incredibly weak and naive perceptions about the world so shit like this is pretty common tbh.

galaxy brain centrism: kill 6/2 million jews, invade 1/2 of France, but also destroy 1/2 of Nazi Germany and annex 1/2 of Eastern Europe

I like how they think that the position a "centrist" takes depends on how radical the far right is. Like apparently they think a "centrist" means that you average together the political opinions of everyone in the world, and that's your opinion.

They think that splitting the difference is either between the center left and far right or some sort of retarded king Solomon leap in logic to cut babies in half. When in reality it's more like "you're both retarded and both radical left and right ended up killing millions"

the way i see it a little wouldnt hurt, like cutting the crust off a slice of bread.

Right-wing extremists: kill minorities and poor people

Left-wing extremists: kill white conservatives and rich people

Centrists: don’t kill people it’s not an answer


I thought the centrist would kill both?

Half of both.

Perfectly balanced

As all things should be

le reddit maymay xd

dread it, run from it, low effort memes arrive all the same


So we cut them all in half?

I imagine this all went over u/HHHVGM's head

People are literally the problem of everything. You imbecile. You fucking moron.

you stole this comment

There is absolutely no way that I am as bad as freedom and liberty loving Sargon of Akkad.

thinking centrists just want to split everything down the middle like King Soloman

Imagine being so delusional that you project your radicalism onto other ideologies.

To be fair I think that position on babies isn't going to be widely disputed here.

/u/EquinoxEventHorizon posting on Reddit that you’re against something doesn’t equate to taking action against it. By posting on reddit you are endorsing right wing terrorism.

😂 back under your bridge troll. Thanks for the laugh though.

😂 oh fuck we got a revolutionary LARPer thanks for the laugh I bet I laughed harder literally rolled on the floor laughing haha

Good for you troll. I’m happy for you 😏

JK I wasn’t really laughing I was just LARPing too even better than you. 🤭

Like I said, I’m happy for you. 😏

Do you actually masturbate while talking about how much you hate everyone?

I seem to have gotten under some peoples thin skin haha. 😏

Yeah, it's a common defense mechanism for LARPers to confuse being mocked with actually upsetting people. I'd explain to you how your approach is shit for your political goals or whatever but it's patently obvious you don't actually care about making things better and just want to smug yourself off on the internet.

Haha! You took the time out of your day to let me know I got under your skin. Class! Mission complete. 😏

Even for a LARPer this is really bad shitposting fam. Repeating the same retarded thing over and over is not the wonderful zinger you think it is.

😂 look at you, all raging, mission complete again. Smoke a doobie and chill out, you have too much stress, bad for your blood pressure. You could end up with a heart attack or stroke haha!! You care too much about random people on the internet lol 😘

Man, your only use is as a lolcow and you can't even do that right. smdh

Hmm, I expected a more original comeback, I was expecting too much 😂

What ethnicity are you? Asking so I know what race to genocide first

😂 oh my god that is like theee most funny amazingly edgy comment I have ever read, well done you! Taking a screenshot hahaha!!

Answer the fucking question cunt

Lol, look at you! All raging! Haha!! I got that blood boiling eh? Hahaha! And aww, you called me a cunt, that’s so sweet - you’re saying I have warmth, depth and give pleasure. Thanks! 🤣

You must be a mayo, only cumskins talk like this

Ahahaha!! Says you, a person who actually uses the word “cumskins” 😂 fucking amazing! Thanks for letting me get under your skin today, you’ve been a real champ. 😘

white people smh

Ahahaha!! I’ll have you know I’m a fucking blue avatar, you muppet 🤣🤣

You don't have to be so defensive, it's OK to be white

I know it is. It’s okay to be white, black, brown or yella, fella! 😘

No, it's specifically okay to be white, which you obviously are but won't admit for some reason

I think it’s hilarious how much effort time and energy you put in to what race someone is. Fucking classic! Hold on, taking another screenshot 🤣🤣

FIVE responses to one comment. We're reaching levels of assblasted that shouldnt even be possible

Haha, yes! Pissed off another one, mission accomplished! AGAIN. 😁

This is honestly hilarious. How old are you?

You ask the most meaningless questions: what race are you? What age are you?

That’s it? Really? 😂 Please, be more original, cuck! Come on, scratch that brain of yours! Think! 😏

So you're a 14 year old white boy who doesn't want to admit it.

😂 sure, my friend. Sure, whatever you think. Whatever makes you happy and gives you a boner.

Are you offering to give me a boner? Are you gonna cut it off the horny guy first?

Ok, now it’s just really obvious 14 year old white boys makes your little soldier stand to attention 😂

But you are getting really boring now... don’t you have a job? Or a hobby? Or maybe a girlfri... ah, who am I kidding of course you don’t. The only attention you get is from me on here. Don’t worry, honey, I’ll just give you allll the attention you need that 🤣

You poor wee soul, here, some more attention for you, pedo. 😏

You can count! Woohoo!

Come on dude, ya gotta have a laugh in life, why do you take life so seriously? 😂 hahaha!!!

Keep it coming!! COME ON! Please! Come on duuuuude!


Hahaha!! Why are you in denial about your race? You’re clearly black! Don’t be ashamed! I’m not ashamed to be white, you shouldn’t be ashamed to be black! 😂🤣


Come on, give us more amusement from your highly intelligent comebacks! Come on, you a slow typer or just slow in general? 😂


Come on, where’s my slagging? I can’t live without it, home boy!! 😂

Guys 😂

And you separated your sentence because...? 🤣

Do all you Americans take life this seriously? That’s fucking adorable as fuck! 🤣👍🏻

Holy shit you really triggered him with this one

Every cow can be milked!


This is what it looks like when you're educated on twitter. Take notes kids.

Don’t you mean TWATTER? 🤣

twitter level banter

It’s TWATTER, you dumb bot! 🤣😂

I don't mean to be rude, but you type like a nigger with mental difficulties.

Is that supposed to be an “insult”? 😂😂

Try again and harder next time.

It was just an observation. If you keep typing short sentences you will probably pass for a human, so don't fret.

Lol, do I really annoy you that much? Haha! Excellent! 😂👍🏻 Whoever knew skin could be that thin?!

haha. 😏

Where's the lie?

Where is all this "genocide" taking place?

“Fuck centrists”

“Why the hell aren’t people voting for our candidates?”


Side note: it's a function of that testosterone crippled brain that you are so focused on dicks, and your own dick in particular. Guess what? Take estrogen for a while and you will lose focus on that body part to the point where it doesn't even matter anymore. There is so much more to being a woman that genitals, like the depth and complexity of emotions and bonding with others in ways that are literally incomprehensible to you.


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More accurate:

Right: Let's do genocide

Left: Let's do genocide but call it progress


There's stupid, and then there's /r/fuckthealtright stupid.