((Dramatic Potential)) Gamergate is about corruption in UN health bureaucracy.

23  2018-06-30 by SandorClegane_AMA


womp womp


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the onion


Post this to KIA and see how manh takes the bait

Be the trolling you want to see in the world.

Homie don't play dat.

I’ve always found the blonde woman used in these onion articles very attractive. Anyone know who she is so I can creep?

There is stuff up on Google, but those pictures are 20+ years old brah.

Sorry to break your stalker heart.

/u/I_Drink_To_Forget was right. It's not 2005 anymore lol.

Are you writing fiction now?\n\nI don't even hate women, and I'm sure as hell not an incel. You seem to have just fabricated that bit. I've literally said like 20 times on here the I hate women bit is ironic.\n\n-Pizzashill


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