1349  2018-06-30 by Cacacacaba


This is why we need mayocide.


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Pol is consistently reaching autism levels no one thought possible.

/Pol/ is the playground of the worst mayos on the face of the Internet

Its more diverse than reddit ever thought about being.

All the shades of mayo

It's a sausage fest of incels from all countries

The internet is a sausage fest of incels from all countries.

ur mom's a sausage fest of incels from all countries.

Somewhere, either on 8chan or 4chan, there was a pic of a really diverse white nationalist/supremacy gathering of /pol/ incels. It was mostly brown incels with a few mayo incels.

Reddit or /pol/?

That's because Reddit's one incestuous Burgerfest rather than testament to /pol/'s epic diversity drives

they hated him because he told the truth

Well diversity is racism, that's well known. And with that said, I must ask, what is wrong with racism anyway?

Reading your comment history is fun. Show me on the doll where the big bad orange man touched your bussy.

Yah but what's wrong with racism?

Ok I just checked out that image board. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt-right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of 4Chan law. OP is smarter than the average cookie, they head to know he'd be on to them. Sad.

Classic pasta

Fucking Russians.



Is Joshua Ryne Goldberg a mayo? He seemed like a pretty typical /pol/ack.


Ever heard of r/drama?

Whites? On MY SUBREDDIT?! Impossible !

he thinks there are white people on /pol/

That's because that whole board is an autism refinery.

They take raw autism and through pressure and impotent rage they refine it more and more until they reach autism purer than ever could have been imagined.

The miracles of industry.

Crystallized Incel Isolate comes pretty close, and there's an abundant supply though.

It never used to be. It used to be a very rare material. Until Reddit started up their refinery that is.

They're very similar materials, though.

It's pitiful how bad 4chan's gotten. And yet somehow it keeps getting worse

Moot leaving and 2016 in general put a bullet in the fucking brain of that website.

like reddit is any better is better than 4chins

There were three of us this morning I'm the only one this evening But I must go on The frontiers are my prison Oh, the wind, the wind is blowing Through the graves the wind is blowing Freedom soon will come Then we'll come from shadow

(I feel like I’m dancing on Cohen’s grave w/this shameful display; lololololl)

Lol that bitch got already suspended on Twitter.

She was a true martyr

You can get suspended for lying on Twitter?

No, but you get automatically suspended if enough people report you.

That seems dumb

Reported for harassment.

Naah, it's only until Twitter has time to check out your case.

Source: Got suspended once.

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When has mob rule ever been a bad idea?

We really should go back to burning witches.

You have to kill an equal number of babies for radical centrism.

Do we count abortions in that?

Only ones after 8 weeks and before 8 months

There's nothing like a good #WitchHunt.


Everything about Twitter is dumb, so this fits.

You just summed up all of twitter. Did you know that twitter also requires a phone number when signing up for an account, even if the account is for a bot

Strange thing to give your opinion on.

IMO yes.

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I got suspended from Facebook after posting one joke about a child with leukaemia on his mother’s Facebook wall.

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Its sad when peoples bullshit detectors are so weak. The first was obvious bullshit the second is most likely too.

Out of all the shit that comes from 4chan, the second one actually seems believable.

Just how deep does the irony kaleidoscope go? Is this post itself obvious bullshit?


When Shia put the flag on the terrace of a museum, the retards tried to find out the location for one whole day before someone realised that the location was literally listed in the HWNDU's site with a note thanking the museum for hosting the flag

Was that the fifth time he moved/replaced it? Or the fourth? Refresh my memory.


I always remember Shia Lebouf and can never rule out 4chan user effort

Its sad Self reflection

I love when conservatives accidentally prove that they still support slavery.



Absolutely none of this comment made any sense. Throwing that out there.

Yeah, not my best work.

And it’s whoever owns the business not the workers who get to decide

An employee has the right to refuse to work for their employer. They'll probably lose the job, but they can't be compelled to work.

I would prefer not to.

Broke: lol underrated comment iunderstoodthatreference.gif
Joke: follow up with a quote from the Archer scene
Woke: pretend I've read the actual Melville story
Bespoke: meta comment about how people on the autism spectrum construct their attempts at humor

i don't understand, maybe i'm just too uncultured though

i think u need a break

holy fucking shit

you should stop posting in this sub

you might be too good for it

Do you want to get banned for awhile just to save yourself? This chain is a trainwreck.

I think I enjoy being myself here, instead of pretending to be "normal" like usual.

Make of that what you will, and do whatever is best for dramacoin.

I meant for like a day. I don't actually want retards banned permanently.

Oh, no, thanks though. I'm getting it out of my system today for a couple of reddit-less days coming up.


Tbh I've always thought slavery got a bit of a bad rap, I think it's time we get together and seriously give the idea the discussion it deserves.

yep this one is going to my cringe compilation

4chan is actually sort of believable considering some of the stuff they pulled off on the past...i still think it's BS but it's much more a likely story than the twitter post

So, this is a conversation between someone who pretended to work at Applebees with someone who pretended to care enough to call Applebee's HR department?

I think HR meant hours

If you call a company to try and find out if someone works there, you're going to be calling the HR department most likely.

He says "I spent the last 4 HRs", what else could he mean besides time you fucking retard?

that he spent the last 4 hours calling the HR department?

Ok, I'll keep this simple because you're obviously mentally challenged.

If you call a company and want to find out if someone works there, which department are you going to speak to? Here's a hint:

It's the fucking HR department.

I know he meant 4 hours in his post you fucking idiot. Everyone knows he meant 4 hours.

What's the over/under on the number of Trump stickers on your pickup truck?

Applebee's corporate only has one HR, where is he going to find 4 of them lmao

What a smart pede! Best brain folks!!

He has the bigliest brain folks, believe me!!!

How pathetic.


The braintrust that is /pol/

Getting kicked out of Applebee's is a reward not a punishment.

If I don’t get my bloomin onion I can’t promise my vote won’t go the other way this november

Choose wisely libtards

That's Outback.

I just call every variation of a fried onion a blooming onion because I assume all of these restaurants carry one

Applebees’s has rats. Found a whole rat in my cobb salad


I found a rat in my rat salad.

just *a* rat? sorry dude :(

Hell, Ricky I was HIGH!


If this were a smarter subreddit, I would make a David Brooks joke.

Do tell


Aw, the poor guy didn't get to report the big meanie.

>make retarded post

>screencap to reddit

4chins epically owned

Yes, it's inconceivable that the NEETs from /pol/ would fall for a larper or waste their time in an unproductive manner!

Yes, it's inconceivable that the NEETs from Reddit would fall for a larper or waste their time in an unproductive manner!

This is why I unironically believe in sterillising noncentrists.


Salty liberals circlejerking about centrist strawmen.

centrist strawmen

Good point. It's not like anyone goes around saying we sterilize non-centrists or something. That would be crazy.

Lmao imagine taking this subreddit that seriously.

You mean anybody vaguely Republican. We may as well just be honest

Imagine caring that much about the culture war that you spend 4 hours on hold with Applebee’s HQ

The saviors of Western civilization

If you kick someone out for their political beliefs you're an idiot. Sure, if they're talking racist beliefs, kick em out, but Trump supporters? That's as petty as someone kicking out a Hillary supporter.


Kicking someone out of applebees is literally doing them a favor.

OP is clearly a Trump lover looking out for his own.

Sure, if they're talking racist beliefs, kick em out, but Trump supporters?

What's the difference?

fuck off commie shit eater

You first nazi

Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. We're are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.


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this title represents you salty spanish kid

Thank you for displaying your mental age is that of an autistic 5 year old LOOL you must wanna suck my dick real badly if you wanna be tagging me in your posts. I’m flattered but I don’t go for autistic people....

You are some sad spanish kid who gets salty over me posting an emoji chill

You literally post ‘normie’ jokes.

Regardless of your age, you’re 5.

using normie unironically

sad kid

Except I used it while explaining you.

Are you diagnosed Autistic?

Your grammar is shit, you must be spanish

LOL nothing was wrong with my grammar you uneducated fuck 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭😭😭

LOL nothing was wrong with my grammar you uneducated fuck

  • LOL nothing was wrong with my grammar you uneducated fuck.😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭😭😭

Sorry bud, where was your full stop in your previous comment? If you’re gonna talk shit, better make sure you haven’t been doing the EXACT SAME THING!

  • Your grammar is shit, you must be Spanish

  • Your grammar is shit, you must be Spanish.

You literally did the same thing you dumb fuck 😂😂😂😂😂❤️

You post emojis unironically

Emojis are for idiots.

Why can't you express yourself properly using words? I hope you do know that prior to the existence of emojis, we used regular written vernacular, derived from the evolution of multiple languages (Such as spanish) over several millenia, to express ourselves.

Many thousands of years ago, inferior cultures used similar to emojis in order to express their thoughts (Egyptian hieroglyphics being a prime example that is well-known amongst intellegent scholars such as myself). By using similar forms of communication, you're proving yourself to be inferior both intellectually and culturally.

Do you want to propagate the diminishing value of our culture?

Well, I certainly don't want to be a part of that, and unfortunately, your behavior is only promoting the devaluation of the culture with which I am forced to identify due to my birthwright.

So I ask you: please stop using emojis so that we may all become better as a group of people.

The fact you’re focusing solely on the emoji’s prove you have failed at EVERY aspect of your argument. You wrote all that bullshit to make yourself seem intelligent and probably to make yourself feel that way too.

Well sadly, at the end of all this not only are you pathetic, you’re just sad. You’re sad because you simply could not sustain a single valid argument throughout the entirety of this and yet you genuinely believe you have been.

I’ve had several people messaging me as well that this ‘OutrageousPhrase’ account is just another bullshit dummy account for you to hide and bitch behind.

Well I’m not gonna continue to babysit for you, you clearly love the attention you’re family doesn’t give you so ultimately I just have resolved sympathy for you.

I hope you prosper and attempt to better yourself as well as your pathetic object you call a brain. You should also sign up for some speaking and listening classes, as well as reading and debating classes. You clearly have not been taught in any of them so I’ll leave to your own devices.

By all means claim ‘victory’ because what your definition of Victory is, is just feeling like you’ve accomplished anything, no matter how tiny, anything. Just so you can go a day longer without putting your head in a noose.

Anyways my dear friend, have a lovely day, try to not kill yourself!

Sure, show those people

EPiiCxHD, I’m not going to lie. The jokes me and Runecraft started saying about wanting you being spanish started light hearted and just for fun, but then after saying them for so long some of the things we would say started to make sense. At this point, EPiiCxHD, I absolutely despise your presence and I want nothing less than for you to stop talking entirely. Or not just talking, but breathing. EPiiCxHD, all I want in life is for yours to end and once that happens I will be happier than I have been my entire life.

Please perish, do a favor for all of us.

Then by your own comment you’ve displayed how ultimately dumb you are.

Wanna stop talking to me?

Then how about block me, how about do anything other than continue to engage with me. Cause all you’ve continued to do, is show ultimately how petty and pathetic you are.

‘All I want in life is for yours to end’

😂😂😂😂 you literally sound like a fucking 10 year old child having a temper tantrum cause you got bullied online....

That entire paragraph you just wrote PERFECTLY summarizes how EVERYTHING I’ve been saying HAS GOTTEN TO YOU.

The fact is you know I’m right as well, otherwise you wouldn’t be getting this mad right now.

Like i said before you stupid little bitch, want me to stop embarrassing you?


You sound like a 13 year old girl crying cause some other girls wrote mean shit about you on Twitter......

Did you even think about what you said? Or is it blind hate. Because right now you are legitimately just hating for the sake of hating 1. It's not because of me that trolls have arrived. Again, it's the cleanpricegamings Exposure, so congratulations on not understanding shit 2. Temper? Are you shitting me? Are you trying to tell me how to act? Are you my fucking parent? No!? then fuck off with that, you have no room to speak there. 3. "Wanna stop talking to me?" Bitch, you clearly haven't been around during voice conversations where i literally let them speak. and Not to mention, If it isn't aggressive, shit doesn't get done. Rather than shit on me any more blatantly, how about you just leave, because if all you're here to do is act like you know how I work, and what it takes to moderate multiple servers, go to college, deal with family shit, and then have to come on, and clean up messes created by trolls, which again ARE NOT BECAUSE I AM AROUND, THAT LITERALLY MAKES NO SENSE. Then Get out. Just leave. Because the Adults will take care of the community just fine without your kind of people, the kind who think they know what's going on, think they can just state shit without proper evidence or backing to their claims, the people like you, who just want to shit on someone because they don't like them Grow up, Get a life. Thanks!

Your paragraph right there literally falls apart at this comment.

‘Are you trying to tell me how to act’

No. You dumb fuck.

I am telling you.....


And stop acting like you do anything else other than bitch about ‘WarThunder’ and suck yourself off to pictures of Trump.....

You are genuinely one the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. You legit got so mad in your previous comment you were wishing death upon me 😂😂😂😂

Please by all means, I actually want you to continue raging at me. I’m screenshotting every paragraph of your little rage moments 😂

Can’t wait for this these to go to current WarThunder Moderators 😂😂👍🏻👍🏻

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little spanish shit? Ill have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and Ive been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and Im the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. Youre fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and thats just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little clever comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldnt, you didnt, and now youre paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Youre fucking dead, spanish kiddo.

You seriously went to the effort of finding a dead meme for your shitty joke?

that’s just....

No. You're wrong. You're so wrong. This meme is the best meme that has ever existed, and there is no way that no matter how much attention that it gets, that it will ever get beaten to death. IT is pure, and that cannot happen. The raw material of the meme is pure, not cancerous. Have you listened the original We Are Number One, or even Cooking By the Book? These are not just memes, they are incredible songs, almost not worthy of a kids show. They are talented pieces of art, and if you disrespect them again, I promise you that I will find where you live and do unspeakable things to you and your mother. Please, if you wish to live a peaceful life, stop spreading blasphemy.

Are your comments making you laugh? Cause if you even had a shred of knowledge about Internet culture, etiquette or just memes in general.

You’d know you’re just an embarrassment to yourself right now

You really don't realize how long the internet culture has been brewing. You think memes are just something that you can just force? You are the reason the Internet has died. You think memes are just to be laughed at, then thrown away? No you fucking asshat. Memes are an art form. Let me tell you something, loud and clear:


"Ha" you're probably thinking "This kid's a dumbass" Haha, no. I've been on the Internet for almost six years now, I know what it's about. Let's just say If the internet is a form of magic, I'm a magician. But I'm getting off topic. Overall, fuck all of you, I wish meme hell existed, because if it did, you'd all be burning in it.

You’ve been on the internet since wonder you know fucking nothing 😂😂😂😂😂

Try being on the Internet since 2004 like me you pathetic prick 😂

‘I’m a magician’ not you’re just a retarded cunt.

I can’t wait to share this whole conversation on Twitter 😂

‘Meme hell’ yeah you’re definitely under the age of 13.....

The story of EpiiCxHD

One day our boy Autismo went to school. Autismo had no friends but his gym teacher was real nice and would pick up Autismo off the ground whenever he got MAD. (Like last tuesday when someone tried to pick on him but he got angry autistic screeching)

1 day the gym teacher got fired and so everyone hated Autismo. that same day Autismo’s mom hit him with a brick and said “do ur homework.” so autismo said “but I don’t have any homework,” to which his mom replied “then find some homework to do.” autismo was clearly upset by this and he got a FEELING. not one of his normal feelings but one where he wanted to hit his mom with another brick and bite her.

the next day he went back to school and he got a 49 on a math test. the stupid kid next to him named Pepsi said “oh Im sorry u got a 49 but ill be ur friend autismo.” Autismo said “really???” but pepsi said “hahaha no u got a 49 you stupid idiot.” autismo said “i dont like how you said those words to me” and he got the FEELING again.

after school autismo was drinking from the water fountain when he heard a familiar voice say “You like that water you fucking retard?” Autismo turned around and saw it was Pepsi again!!! so autismo attacked pepsi and bit him on the arm. pepsi started laughing so autismo began his autistic screech, and bit him again, so pepsi died. Autismo’s feeling was satisfied… 4 NOW.

Autismo went home and his mom hit him with a brick again. she said “make sure you pick up my new brick from the post office. also i heard what happened today and ur going to military school you fucking retard.” the FEELING returned so autismo bit his mom. his mom said “what the fuck are you doing?” then hit him with another brick. autismo got tired and went to sleep.

but he woke up 30 or so minutes later he was maaaaad. so he went to his mom’s room and saw his NEW DAD doing some MAD DOG STUFF. they both threw bricks at autismo so he went to the bathroom. he decicded that he had enough and so he chopped off his hand and put the brick on it instead. “WHO’S THE MAN NOW?” he said before going 2 his mom’s bedroom again. this time they were all out of bricks. he said to his mom “look at my hand!!! it’s a brick!” then he immediately lunged and bit his mom again. she died immediately. his new dad said “oh shit!” went to the closet to try to get his gun, but little did he know that AUTISMO had taken the gun and filled the gun case with 2 by 4’s!!! “WHO’S THE MAN NOW??” autismo repeated before pointing the REAL gun at his new dad. autismo then threw the gun out the window and bit his dad and he died. Autismo performed his signature autistic screech in victory.

HOWEVER, the gun he threw out the window landed on the ground then went off! the bullet hit autismo’s brick hand and it exploded. autismo shrieked autistically and then he died. but he came back as a ghost. he then made it his mission to stalk and kill anybody that calls someone else a fucking retard or uses a brick as a weapon.

the end… for now

And again, another copy and paste.

And again, another screenshot.

Keep going.

slow claps steps out of the shadows Heh… not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It’s not bad. A good first attempt. It’s plenty dank… I can tell it’s got some thought behind it… lots of quotable material… But memeing isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You’re skilled… that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - they’re out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme. And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it’s “tryhard,” or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don’t just mean the one you just lost :). It’s a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don’t get all mopey on me. You’ve got skill. You’ve got talent. You just need to show your drive.

See you on the boards….

Another screenshot, keep going.

I love that you’re calling me a kid when I’m clearly older than you 😂😂😂😂😂😂

‘I’ve been on the Internet since 2012 I know how this shit works!’

😂😂😂😂😂 I’m crying with laughter

Go take a look in the mirror kid and take some more selfies so everyone can laugh behind your back at how much of a loser you are. Ironic how your sub count is reflective of the time it took your whore mother to get gang banged in the back alley; only later to realize the local store didn't accept welfare checks for Plan B. In less than 120 mins she realized her life was fucked and she would have to raise a retard for a son. Hey, at least she would get a tax deduction for you if she actually made more than what is classified as poverty and paid taxes. Now go tell your mom to tuck you in and tell you the story of your unfortunate birth, because the only pussy you have ever seen kid is the one you were birthed from. Keep cheating on video games kid you won't get far in the real world.

Oooo more insults 😂😂😂😂

You’re getting really mad aren’t you 😂😂


Keep this goldmine of Autism coming!

‘iM a MaGiCiAn oN tHe iNtErNet’ 😂😂😂😂😂😂

3 months I spend working on my latest work. It is a dark, deconstructive thriller taking place in the Smash universe (I would also add that I predicted Ridley being added to Smash as he is a major antagonist in my work), 3 months of my life I spent working on this when some SPANISH ASSHOLE comes along, takes 2 seconds to dismiss it all with 1 comment: "lol autism". FUCK. YOU. I went to your page. I saw your gallery. It has jack shit in it. You think you can just dismiss someone else's work when you've contributed nothing yourself? I'm just sick of these asshole lowlifes on deviantart who think they can go around saying whatever they want wherever they want. You have no followers, no bookmarks, no core membership? Your opinion is not valued motherfucker.

You are literally talking like you have a fucking mental disease that’s decaying at your brain....

You saw my ‘gallery’ LOL I don’t use deviant art you dumb fuck 😂😂 are you seriously gonna repeat this shit about how I’m a supposedly a Spanish YouTube channel 😂😂😂

Jesus this is too good! 😂🤣


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I'm probably smarter than I think I am. In childhood I usually did better at new tasks than I even expected (when I expected myself to do well), then that made me egotistical and for a while in my mid-to-late teens I sometimes did much worse at new tasks than I expected, but usually did how I expected to. Now I usually do about as well at new tasks as I expect, often a little better, rarely any worse, but it's slowly stopped adjusting in response to the better/worse outcomes and I've lost the ability to consciously estimate the difference my instincts aren't picking up on like I could before. This makes it seem like it was set up that way by natural selection - start neutral, get more egotistical through puberty, test all the different self-perceptions so your brain can collect data on it and have the most effective understanding by adulthood. If it weren't set up this way by natural selection, I'd have an idea of how much smarter I am than my instincts say, and my instincts would probably adjust accordingly, since that was how it worked through adolescence. And my understanding at one point in adolescence must have actually been closer to accuracy since it's where I most often did as well as I expected to or as close as possible to that, so I guess minimizing the disappointments/failures is a bigger advantage than having the most accurate possible assessment, thus the brain's gradual settling into a slightly underestimated perception and simultaneous gradual loss of the thought processes for rapidly adjusting it.

If I'm not as smart as I think I am, I guess "beginner's luck" is a real thing and I have way more of it than anyone, and am insanely hella lucky at finding information. Sounds like bullshit though, pretty sure it's just intelligence.

I want to start a list of lives ruined by 4chan


In an attempt to own the libs, all OP owned was himself.

I bet if I polled any Applebee’s anywhere in the United States the majority of the customers in that restaurant would be Trump voters.

If this is true, she did them a favor. Applebee’s is garbage.