Brave mayocide supporter overstates white fragility

54  2018-06-30 by newcomer_ts


leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


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obligatory S E N T I E N T

Is this a new ons?

Reading that makes it look like /u/funeconomics has some really fragile white people fee-fees.

You should have started about one comment level higher, there's more to explore.

I only selected this one because of ....

Defending whiteness hurts everyone.

I'm still debating if it's indeed unironic...

Learn to link with context.

Linked it in another comment, OP fucked up, this should be treated like an NP

It's shocking, dark and offensive to me how much you goddamn autists always fuck up linking.


This is better.

There are certain things you can't really share with reddit, and dreads are certainly one of them. One half of reddit hates them because they align them with antifa and alternative lifestyle in general, and the other because of some cultural makebelief nonsense

Like that time I showed my circumcised penis.

You forgot the remainder who just think that dreads are gross (they are)

we live in where white people's fee-fees are so fragile


I'm always honored to make it on the mean girls sub.


Your posts are great! Keep up the good work friend! Mean Girls was a great movie!

How does it feel to know that no one likes you?

That's an ultrashitpost! I'm doing a good enough job making people like you angry.

Lol fishboys alt. Keep your self safe friendo.

You know me but I don't know you. I think you're the one who's in danger.

Oh dear, is the cummie rooinek gonna tell his daddy Mao on me?

If I were an Afrikaner I'd just tell my daddy who's also my uncle, who's also my grandfather.

So what you're saying is...You imagine yourself being "disciplined" by adult male members of your family? I won't kink shame but that's very cliché broseph. am I the disciplined one in this scenario...

I dunno,you're the one fantasising about an inbred family giving you some much needed attention.

I miss him making a moron of himself on the SA sub to be honest.

What are your thoughts on the insidious Jew?

I'm not sure there is such a thing.

This, but unironically.

It’s cute how your Dunning/Krueger effects you.

/u/JesusSkywalkered We're reaching levels of Reddit autism that we've never seen before, bravo, this is a masterful statement

There is a correlation of 1 between lazy, retarded simpletons and the serious use of various Reddit phrases of the week. Whataboutism, hot take, Dunning/Krueger, optics, hill to die on, gaslighting, etc.

Americans need to calm down with racial shit. Christ Almighty, let it go already.

We had reached peak relations about 2007. I'll let you guess what was the catalyst that began this downward spiral...

"If I had a son...."

A black man having the gall to become president? Lmao so pathetic to blame Obama for the white reeeeeeeing that his presidency brought.

I mean, it IS his fault for disturbing the fragile mayo egos.

REEEEE don't you DARE say anything critical of OBAMA.

Gtfo mdegenerate

A black man as President who, while the corpse was still cooling on a dead black teenager shot by a person we were supposed to pretend was White, proclaimed that he could have been his son.

The same President who would routinely chime in on various police-on-black shootings before any legal proceedings had begun and had his Justice Department try (and fail) to convict these people federally after they were acquitted or judged not guilty at the local level.

There are a lot of racist cumskins in this country who were never going to like Obama, but let's not pretend he didn't have a little hand in some of the race issues we have now.

A black man as President who, while the corpse was still cooling on a dead black teenager shot by a person we were supposed to pretend was White, proclaimed that he could have been his son.

Wtf is wrong with american mayos where they'll list off utter banalities like this as if we're all supposed to be horrified?

Maybe the yass queen brigade wouldn't be so quick to accuse you of white fragility if you stopped being such a histrionic little bitch about everything.

Um, excuse me, I was talking here. Rude tbh

Don't worry they just have white extinction anxiety, once the white people are all gone racism will fade away /s



You’re mad at the president for addressing an issue that caused a lot of discontent in the country sympathetically. White or not, George Zimmerman’s actions brought to light a problem with vigilantes.

The extrajudicial killings of unarmed suspects also brought to light the need to re-examine the rules of engagement for police officers. Frankly it was a net positive because generally speaking very few of the newly released videos are as blatantly unjustified and in the cases where they are, we are actually seeing conviction.

so the police are the issue

Yep, the 80% white police departments that have the nerve to patrol and protect all black neighborhoods.

glad we can agree that its a government institution that is causing race problems. like a good conservative we should eliminate poor performing institutions

Yeah, we need more bodycams that overwhelmingly exonerate the cops.

'Member the book holster? Lmfao.

remember what?

u/FunEconomics you know what's going to be great when daddy appoints the new supreme court justice and we say bye bye to affirmative action.

niggers are dum

Never succumb to the temptation of bitterness.

Unironically, whites should start being murdered in the streets. Hard times create stronger people. That should completely iron out the weird need to obfuscate others' racism by redefining the word right in font of everyone.


Oh my lord.

Nuke murrica

Honestly I found the dude from that thread who spent a year in Bangkok and shits himself at work to be more interesting

Surprising nobody...

flaired as "progress"



low key triggered by unlocked hair being referred to as locks.

That chick in the OP could have saved herself a lot of effort if she would have just brushed her hair to begin with.

/u/FunEconomics "lack of melanin in their skin"? Is that what you perceive as "whiteness"?

White child

Steve Whitey

They both look like the average white american tbh

Dios mio, la creatura americana!

what the fuck is "whiteness" "blackness" and "hispanicness"??

These guys are just making stuff up as they go

do you really need basic platonic philosophy explained to you?

Leftists are the furthest thing from Platonist my guy, most if not all of them are hardcore materialists.

Plato would definitely be a racist, he'd say something about the races have different types of souls or something

most if not all of them are hardcore materialists

no way?! imagine my shock!

you fucking idiot

Why are you seething?

because you missed the joke, dude

Humans did 9/11


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