I'm sick and tired of constantly being banned and called MDEfugee or Trumpkin just for having slightly centre-right opinions in r/DRAMA

9  2018-06-30 by mukumukum

I have never posted on MDE. Up until few weeks ago, I thought Sam Hyde was some guy who shot up a school and the sub was about his rap band. I don't post on T_D and when I did, I was mostly trolling them.

Another prejudice people here make is that if you post on Cringeanarchy it means your alt-right. I'm not, I hate the alt-right and consider them degenerate cancerous faggots. The only valuable service they provide is making far-left antifacucks go crazy, but you don't need alt-right to do that. The only alt-right part of CA is in the comments. I bet if most people on r/DRAMA took off their chastity belts for a second and gratered that leftist tumor from their rotten brains, they would find a lot of the posts on CA pretty funny and dramaworthy.

Next time you think it's funny to call someone alt-right or from MDE in person or online, think carefully about the consequences. They probably are neither. You may think it's funny at first, but think about how much fun it would be for you to be spending time in jail.


Fuck you I posted this and all I got was Ed being a retard


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This definitely does read like copypasta, doesn't it, Snappy?

Go away, Chapo-fugee.

You sound lile a selfhating antifa casting a smokescreen. Just /#walkaway

/u/mukumukum did you see this one? Even your own are throwing you under the bus lmao 😃

Up until few weeks ago, I thought Sam Hyde was some guy who shot up a school and the sub was about his rap band.

I think you are banned peaking through the roof with autism.

Could be wrong but doubt it....

Unless you post something truly ridiculous, even if you are only pretending to be retarded, you are practically indistinguishable from the actual retards who post unironically.

If you think CA is funny, you might be like 14

Once again, I'm proven correct. The further to the right you are, the more likely you are to think this is a left-wing biased sub, and vice versa. OP is two 4chan posts away from activating a gas chamber to stuff Mexican kids into, and he out here complaining about left-wing bias 😂

womp womp

I have the opposite problem i have in multiple occasions been accused of being a SRDine. Drama has become something it made fun of accusing anyone a little left/right of being a nazi and commie.

Radical centrists are constantly waging a two-front war against tankies and fascists.

GTFO SRDine. Keep yourself canned.

Well then maybe you should stop shoving your SJW identity politics down our throat

waaaaaahhhhhhhhh don't 🐝 mean to me


Are u gonna be okay ?

Uhm, you forgot a period. perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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They're not sending their best, folks.

YOU HAVE TO GO BACK, alt-right MDEfag.

Go back to MDE rapefugee