"reddit hates dreads"

33  2018-06-30 by wisty


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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"on white people"

Fact: white people invented dreads but stopped wearing them because they were easy targets in drug-fueled naked prison fights.

That is fun!

What a stupid fucking thread. The vocalist/bassist of Carcass had dreadlocks, and brushed them out in a day with the help of his girlfriend and tonnes of hair mask and conditioner.

No one should no that.

What's your favorite Carcass album, by the way?


I knew a girl who had her dreads brushed out after an all nighter by another girl. Unless they're so bad mold is growing in them dreads can be brushed out.

What about the lice?

I don't know if she was lice infested. I never worked in close proximity. All I know was she had mild/light dreads one day and the next another girl was proudly explaining how she combed them out the night before.

I think metal musicians get a pass with having terrible hair styles. Case in point: Devin Townsend when he had a dread skullet.

Neige has a fabulous head of hair tbf.

That skullet was fucking beautiful 😢😡


"Le cultural appropriation"

White people invented dreads remember the celts

Zulus and and abbos had them way before blue faced mayos.

black people don't have recorded history tho

>What is paleontology.

The absolute state of burgers education.

Fossils are not recorded history. I mean a civilization with recorded texts. The first people to record dreads were the celts. By that logic since every race was originally from africa that means literally everything white people do is cultural appropriation since all our history is from them.

Fossils are not recorded history.

You are aware we can see from a skeleton a lot of shit ? Including, sometimes what their hairs was like.

What is recording

Polacks too, though they're only wh*** if you're liberal with the word.

Potato face

all i see is a stupid roastie posting a pic of herself