Drama in r/indieheads.

12  2018-06-30 by Ghdust


This is why we need mayocide.


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I don't mean factual, real, realistic, etc, I just mean a song that is true. It doesn't even to have to seek the truth, but it can't ring false or hollow. In the simplest terms it's a song that rings true


Indie music is exclusively listened to by dumb white people.

From one of the YT comments:

the twins from The Shining grew up listening to Kate Bush and decided to make an album.

/u/stackalee may be right

Holy shit women truly are talentless hacks. Listen to this gay ass shit and look at these stupid people

I can't even tell what it is they're trying to be good at.

Looking into a camera lens

Falling down in the sand with legs spread and cooter flying free

Being the intellectual and artistic zenith offered by the female race

Being a shitter version of chvrches.

I kinda like it. Its a bit like a cross between Cocteau Twins and Black Marble.

I heard the influence of Red Gander Crossing and Deschoyev.

Its a bit like...Cocteau Twins

They wish

I think indie bandschoose two random words from a name generator and then go "Purple Smegma will be our band name!"

Fuck your, mister! I like them.

You would, sister fister!

Hey incel, sorry you’re so bitter towards women because you’re unlovable, but that’s your own fault.

It's like cocorosie but awful

Indie is the soy of music.

Well, the second dog was almost as big an emotional roller coaster as the first. I felt dirty for cheating on Max, who is now more of a husband in my heart than my ex ever was.


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