"It's not stealing if it's from the man, man."

77  2018-06-30 by piper06w


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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Women should be able to ruin someone's life with false rape accusations and be lavished with praise in Buzzfeed articles

Hip hip, hooray!!

Stealing isn't so great

You fucking motherfucker on your high horse piece of shit

Listen and believe shitlord

/u/outlawa, stealing is a crime. Crime doesn’t pay.

Crime is gay af

Unless the crime is hiring a prostitute... But I'm my case that'd still be gay af

disagree, crime does pay bigly

You do the crime. You pay the time.

God some of you retards have the moral intelligence of children. Things aren’t as black and white as they taught you when you were five.

/u/ripcitybitch is woke as fuck, y’all. He knows all about shades of grey.

posts all day about politics and being butthurt all the time.

/u/ripcitybitch go outside and throw your computer out the window.

I can’t lift it

I'm not surprised.

Well it’s heavy ffs

Why does ur computer weigh 500 pounds? Is it a server rack?

Based pre-boomer user

You must be one of those bugmen the MDEgenerates are always on about.

Does that mean jewish...

No, but close enough.

what DOES it actually mean?

somebody kept calling me one, then obama one like 2 weeks ago and i honestly have no idea where to find this information

Apple Watches are great for working out and they shame you when you don't, no wonder MDEtards hate then



some kind of sub full of wackos, not sure what flavor

I know what it is

except they seem to hate the gays for some reason?

it's really weird actually. the show itself has nothing to do with the sub. the people who populate the sub are alt right extremists with conspiracies about the jews, they hate gays, and they are sexually conservative.

none of that has anything to do with the sketch show which was cancelled off adult swim fucking ages ago. apparently the main guy from the sketch show spouted some alt right beliefs after his show got cancelled, so that turned into the sub being an alt right hang out.

that sub used to be just shit posting and funny stuff references the show several years ago.

wasn't one of the sketches called "Jews Rule"?

And it had shots of the Turner executives watching it being made, visibly uncomfortable?

the show itself wasn't anything but just weird shit and edgy jokes, they made fun of whatever.

Go to the gym, stop being a pussy

I just started starting strength give me a break geez

>go outside

>and throw your computer out the window

But I'm outside...

Shoplifters are legit subhuman.

I'd classify shoplifters with other degenerates like pedophiles, rapists, buzzfeed SJW's, fascists, anarchists, Tankies, ancaps, neoliberals, theocrats.

And Jews. You missed Jews.

It was great when a local store installed some tag scanners at the entrance. So many people busted for makeup.

Yeah but they get shit for free so it evens out

Maybe radical islam might be good for America. Chopping hands off thieves, no more social justice shit, I can stay home on my lazy ass all day while my husband works. Best off all, all the bad posters on reddit will be denied HRT and eventually thrown off roofs.

As Allah intended

denied HRT

In Iran, isn't it pretty much mandatory for gay people to get HRT?

claims to be gussy



Mandatory to fuck gussy


He is worse than a Jew, he is—may Allah forgive me for saying this—a SRDine.


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u/Nielscorn After 6 years you really should have learned by now that there's no point in trying to have a serious discussion on reddit.

Omg awesome! I made it on drama? That’s insane! I mean, it’s not really a positive thing but I suppose bad publicity is better than no publicity right?
Either way, to be serious, I’m really happy I did comment on as much comments as possible. I learned a bunch and my opinion on my earliest comments has changed during the discussions. It was a very educational experience!

If us actual users were as happy to be here as you are, this wouldn't be such a shit hole.

us actual users


and it's like, obviously we

I'm sorry :(

damn right you're sorry

a sorry sack of illiterate shit

Shut the fuck up you white piece of shit, your opinions are worthless and you should delete your account

who the fuck are you bitch?

Just some random stranger on the internet. Nothing to see here

Man, reddit is so self-righteous about everything under the sun, until it's something they find justifiable and suddenly how dare you hold them to a standard.

Hey! That’s me :O!

Reddit has a bigger problem with people reposting cute animal pictures than they do with actual theft.

The left man, they never grow older.

Of course not, they’re toys r us kids

The summerfags have to go back 👉👉👉

What the fuck is up with all this Toys R Us shit? I'd nearly think it's some kind of shilling if they weren't going out of business. Is a toy store really that important to reddit that there's hundreds of threads about it?

It's true. I helped my company close an entity and their priority is liquidating valuable assets, small assets usually get thrown out because it's cheaper to just count them as a loss than chase dollars that may not turn up. So employees can basically go dumpster diving and get loads of free shit.

I for one am shocked that the left views stealing stuff from other people is acceptable.