Sam "Hyde" Harris guns down Memerson in an unprovoked daylight attack

49  2018-06-30 by ComedicSans


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Philosopher, neuroscientist, author, podcast host, and prominent atheist Sam Harris

You need to stretch the definition of 'philosopher' harder than the average r/Drama mod's bussy to include Harris in it.

Are you suggesting that "clean your room" doesn't elevate Memerson into Plato's company? I'm shocked!

Great example, it's not like he delves deeply into why sorting out your room will fundamentally alter your entire reality in a philosophical way or anything.

it's not like he delves deeply into why sorting out your room will fundamentally alter your entire reality in a philosophical way or anything.

Imagine actually believing this.

Plato was an incel

Plato in Timaeus (90e) claims that men who were cowards and were lazy throughout their life shall be reborn as women and in the Laws (781b), he offers his reasons why women should be educated: "Because you neglected this sex, you gradually lost control of a great many things which would be in a far better state today if they had been regulated by law. A woman's natural potential for virtue is inferior to a man's, so she's proportionately a greater danger, perhaps even twice as great." Plato further establishes his opinion on the inferiority of women's "natural potential" by claiming in Republic (455d) that "Women share by nature in every way of life just as men do, but in all of them women are weaker than men."

On a related note, Aristotle reckoned women had fewer teeth than men because they were lesser beings. He married at least once, and not once did he ever actually check to see.

That's because he knew that women are disgusting and poking through their mouth wasn't worth the trouble.

Aristotle never checked any of his shit, he just spewed bullshit

Women share by nature in every way of life just as men do, but in all of them women are weaker than men.

Which was actually a pretty progressive view for the time, as if you read that chapter further he suggests that women can do anything a man can do, just generally not as good. He even says that they can be warriors and political leaders if they’re born for it. He simply makes the point that the best women still won’t be as good as the best men.

Plato was also a wrestler who competed in the Olympics. Plato was a chad.

Plato literally claimed that diddling children made you a good person.

Plato said nothing wrong.

lol @ philosophy gatekeeping on r/drama

tbh I don't see why you would need an advanced degree to do philosophy. The main purpose of philosophy departments seems to be justifying their own existence anyway.

What new big ideas have come out of an academic philosophy department in the past 20 years? All they do is "analyze" the works of better philosophers from centuries ago in increasingly narrow and useless ways.

You don't even have to get into all that. Peterson's definition of truth is retarded enough.

So like, are we supposed to suddenly forgive Sam Harris for all of his racist and sexist nonsense just because he is resisting Trump? Opposing president Cheeto is not some kind of accomplishment, it just means you are not completely braindead.

Or just enjoy two arseholes having a slapfight.

Nothing could be better than the slap fight with Chomsky, lol. We aren't going to see any burns like that from Memerson.

How is Sam Harris racist?



apostasy and blasphemy against the prophet.

Troll harder, an better pls

Marry me sam harris



Clean your room.

to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Jordan Memerson. The dedication to jungian psychology is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Philosophy most of the psychological nuances will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also the Post Modern Marxist agenda, which is deftly woven into the American educational establishment, there personal philosophy draws heavily from communists literature, for instance. The real truth seekers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the treat to Modern America, to realize that they’re not just cleaning there room- they are fighting for the future As a consequence people who dislike Jordan Memerson truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the struggle in the 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos quote “Women select men. That makes them nature, because nature is what selects.” which itself is a cryptic reference to women being bad and their reproductive rights needing to be taken over by men. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Jordan Memerson genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. And yes, by the way, i DO have a Don’t tread on me tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎

But where are the lobsters bucko?

Wtf I thought this post was about Sam Hyde. Sam Hyde’s one of the most intellectually notable men in the world today. Who are these fucking dumbasses?

Sam Hyde’s one of the most intellectually notable men in the world today.

Sam Hyde gets results.

Sam Hyde’s one of the most intellectually notable men in the world today.

Imagine unironically worshipping aman who shoves buttplugs up his mayo ass on live TV.

Fake news

He can't possibly getting away with it!

Man doesn't believe in secular morality.

“professional speaker drums up controversy to help sell expensive tickets to his event”

You guys do realise that Harris is a hack, right? But it's better to circlejerk about hating Peterson than to be intellectually honest...

They're both hacks.

Where is Peterson wrong? Give me a link and I'll believe you.

Ouboryous because ancient DNA. Clean your room! Lmao. He's a fucking meme machine.

Interesting how you can't debate his ideas, so you resort to base insults.

What subreddit do you think this are, dumbfuck? I suggest you significantly revise your bleach intake.

everything he has ever said in regards to religion is hilariously ironic post modernist tripe.

Religion dont real, honey.