Man called into HR and grilled about his schedule and personal preferences based on an anonymous female complainant whose 'intuition' says he is creepy and weird. Plus one time he didn't make eye contact with her. Also he should avoid her, despite not knowing who the fuck she is.

146  2018-07-01 by random_bullshit_blah


You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


  1. This Post -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

this is called "hey lets ruin a man life cuz I got creeped out by him once for no reason!"

I mean...why not?

everyone needs a hobby

Women are truly the privelaged gender.

yah but her 'intuition' tells her he is a bad man!

can HR just go around ingnoring folks intuition?

I mean men's intuition sure, that's fucking stupid. But a woman's intuition? no way man

hes a man. U know that's automatically bad right

Le men are oppressed and this Reddit post is proof. Where are my reparations for this traumatizing incident?

Dae women are never wrong

There was an article on boing boing many years ago that proclaimed that society needs to take women's intuition more seriously, with the "journalist" citing a personal experience where she was at a crossroads and they didn't know which way to go. The driver thought right, her "intuition" thought left. She was right.

Women are amazing human beings.



Not seeing that this is bait


Just wondering, what's your native language?


If you look at/talk to crazy woman when she says hi: "Oh my god, that creepy guy is hitting on me!"

If you ignore crazy woman/give her a one word response without looking at her: "Oh my god, that creepy guy is ignoring me!"

Of course it's in your best interests for women to not be suspicious of you

You keep her locked in the basement and she's all omg you're a maniac, but you know for sure that if you let her out she'll immediately run to the police claiming that you're a maniac as well. Just can't win with women, every interaction is a potential kafka-trap.

comparing working a job with some faggot's rape dungeon



I'd strongly advise against calling /u/OniTan "some faggot". He got several redditors permabanned and I shudder to think what he did to others. Though if you're reasonably far from Canada, you're probably OK with minor infractions like that.

Have to keep her locked up until stockholm syndrome kicks in.

this chick sounds like a true wack job

I know. Defending her sexual harassing husband smh

there is nothing worse than a guy who is so engrossed in his work he refuses to make eye contact when you flit about the office greeting people

a true monster

Look at this face it has "male feminist" written all over it.

ok, not sure how thats relevant, but whatever

It's her and her husband?

Are you talking about the OP in /r/legaladvice? I'm pretty sure that's not her.

no it's not you fucking retard

They're surprisingly attractive.

The whole thing reminds me of u/McMillanAndHusband getting that autistic kid fired from his job

Hey, what's your system for refinding threads?

I just use Google or the built-in search function and search using keywords that I remember from the thread (or, if it's not a thread that I saw myself, keywords that were mentioned by another user referring to the thread).

Can I unsubscribe from you?

I don't know, can you?

You think that's attractive? You must live in a small town. Did you complain to HR?

You have no idea how low my expectations for the appearance of redditors are.

Still too high.




she's a 5 tops and he looks like every other chubby dude with a beard who exists. both solidly average, but they are more attractive than i would think redditors from a small town would be.

All the attractive people post on facebook


Wow they look weirdly normal for autistic people posting on reddit.


LMAO Jason Momoa scribbled over the dude’s face.

B R O W N E D by the Momoa himself!

Nothing short of a privilege.

Actually, I think that's just a signature written all over it

This photo reminds me of an old Russian anecdote:

Wife and husband decided to visit Spain for the first time. So while she left on the room to deal with luggage, the hubby went swimming in the sea, all happy and shit. In couple hours he returns, she is nowhere to be seen. He asks the staff, they say that she is at room 44 with don Pedro.
Furious, he busts in the room 44, and sees the guy on the bed. All tanned, muscular, with white teeth and moustache a-la Antonio Banderas... they look at each other and then the bathroom door opens and his wife comes out - all messy, fat in everywhere, even fingers, short and crooked legs, cracked yellow teeth...
Hubby takes a look at her, takes a look back at Pedro, then averts his gaze in shame mumbling "Jesus, how shameful before don Pedro"


I got fired from a tech support job for not looking at a customer the whole time as a joke.

Not really too sad they didn't let me come back after my long break

The wife was the one who complained to HR.

holy shit that is the most obvious incel bait I have ever seen.

And this post in drama is pizzashill bait.

As they all are.

I don't know, I thought that it might be another creative writing exercise at first, but the OP in /r/legaladvice has a post history going almost two years back and she mostly posts about normal things like her hobbies. She also has a picture of herself in /r/blunderyears.

Fakest shit I ever read.


This is why we need feminism.

Making eye fucking contact is just a way for men to oppress teh wymynz, everyone knows that......

On a serious have a bigget chance to find a jobless, dateless Neet in bestoflegaladvice than in let that sink in.

Fuuuuuuuuuck Small towns.

They're just fine if you're not a stalking rapist though LOL

Nothing has ever been more bait than this.

Retarded incel mdegenerates can't even tell, shameful display

You'd be surprised what's happening in the world if you'd ever leave the comfort of your room

But this is bait for those who don't leave their rooms, incel mdegenerates.

Where are you lost?

Forget the mayocide.

Gussycide when?