It's all gamergates fault

134  2018-07-01 by CommonWrongdoer


Now someone needs to claim the alt-right uses HuffPo to recruit new members.

The alt right recruited me on roblox

Well its at least partially true. The shit rags like huffpo public does drive people away from the bat shit insane left, some probably right to alt-right.

alt-right uses HuffPo to recruit new members.

This but unironically.

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I propose that we immediately execute anyone who has ever touched a video game in order to burn out the infestation. Can’t risk leaving any gators alive.

I mean you joke, but if we did this society would inmediately improve by an order of magnitude

Well yea, thanks to smartphones all that would be left of western society would be old people and wierd kids. And that like 90% of drama demography.

don't forget CC mom's.

And Amish people.

So now candy crush is apparently a real game and so gussy owners will be purged too, finally.

video games help society improve by driving mayo men to suicide and white women to mudcum.

This but ironically

Or un....iron....ical...

I dont even fucking know anymore

A lot of normal people have played a video game at some point in their lives. People who identify as "gamers", on the other hand, are a different story.

Also all antifa, Hillarymen, soy-boys, trannies and Jihazis

let's ban porn and alcohol as well.

this but unironically


The issue is gamers, not people that play video game.

Anyone that call themselves gamers do not count as human beings.

The issue is gamers, not people that play video game.

They target people that play video game. Video game!

We live in a society

we need our GG experts to confirm this. Paging /u/nmx179 and /u/i_drink_to_forget

am I an expert in anything ?

being a literal who


Fuck. That's rood! 😭😭😭

All skull, no brains.

"Random idiot spews fringe ideology wherever he thinks people will listen due to having no actual widespread outlets for recruitment"


Good thinking guys, Congress and the executive Branch is run by the actual American hard-right and you're still busy freaking out about random powerless nutcases screeching over headphones on Left 4 Dead 2.

Web Developer, All-Around Nerd, Low-key Queer. Smiley Trashbag. Video & Board Games, Nerd Culture, Politics. You're gonna have a bad time.

What a waste of oxygen.

Should've been obvious with the undertale background in the twitter profile.

What an utter faggot.

Video & Board Games

They've gotten another one

Video & Board Games

The white supremacists have gotten another one

Does “low key queer” mean “I’m a straight cis guy but I want to fit in with the “cool” kids so I’ll say I’m “queer” for not acting like a parody of hyper masculinity 100% of the time”.


You're spot on. Straight people who want to fit in with the LGBT community.

So basically "genderqueer". I hate those types because it seems like it's taking us backwards.

I'm all for breaking gender norms and people doing whatever the fuck they want, but these people come along reassert them by going "I'm not a girl because I cut my hair short and don't like dresses" or "I can't be a man because I loved playing with ponies growing up and we all know men don't that*.

Well, they might at least be a peg above the "demisexuals" in the sphere of people claiming oppression for sharing traits with 90% of the population but being more obnoxious about it.

I agree with you 100%. It's marginalising actual gay/trans people. I'm all for people coming out and being confident in who they are, but the way things are being pushed in the LGBT community just seems like "it's cool to be gay, join us." I have friends who are heavily into the community, and I don't want to degrade them, but they all just say they're "genderqueer" and parade around with their whole personality being built around "hey i'm lgbt!!!!"




They only like bussy ironically.


One case where cultural appropriation is bad.

Well, in terms of "cultural appropriation" it would be more like if a white American wore, say a bindi and then claimed to be Indian themselves.

Low-key Queer.

Actually a massive faggot.

Love how he already proclaims to be an insufferable ass

I love Napoleonic Era grand strategy games and hate Jews. Is there room for me on the alt-right?


Actually it's about the extermination of Gazette journalists

This guy sounds like a {{male feminist}}

He's already been outed as a sexual haraser. His response was to out himself as a gay furry.

Ah - the spacey! Well played.

"my dude"-posting, so gross

They targeted crossburners.


You guys need to check out Matt Myers's kiwifarms thread. This guy is everything wrong with former SA goons.

hahaha what was his goon name

The far left is complaining about pretty much the exact same things as bible thumpers used to.

Horseshoe theory strikes once again.

aight but actually that legit was happening

does no one remember milo shitposting in KiA and getting super into the movement like right after gg was a thing

Is he a white supremacist? Or a misogynist?

He's gay, so definitely a misogynist.

And they have an Undertale banner. Of course.

LMAO, that's the (((male feminist))) who was outted as a sexual predator, but dodged it by coming out as a gay furry.

I give it 2 years before we discover he's also a child molester.

gay furry is still a degenerate waste of oxygen.

Gay furry is honestly worse than sexual harrasser

I heart huckabees


(except when the fucking gold digging cunts come after my ass)

lol this guy was a stereotypical SJW and gamergate whiner until he was called out as a creep by some women, at which point he declared himself to be a queer furry to avoid criticism

Gamers are wastes of skin. I enjoy an hour or 2 here and there of farcry but these weird shut-ins who build their lives around a ps fucking 4 is just sad. They contribute nothing to the world, literally.

One of the replies was something along the lines of "Read up on how you can stop your kids from touching games and exposing them to these things."

Fucking stupid

What the actual fuck. I am blocked on twitter by this person. I don't even know who he is...Really confused.

He most likely subscribed to some stupid blocking list.

these clowns use bots to auto block people or something idk

Guys, don't go into any public places or private places where you can TALK to OTHER people who have DIFFERENT ideas from you.

It's dangerous. And...

It might be racist.

How did the lamest nerd movement on the internet become such a grand boogieman?

Say what you want about goobergate, but it's living rent free in their drama factory brains.