Chapo Trap House violating site wide rules and calling for the death of a dear 16 year old ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ patriot ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…

209  2018-07-01 by nosteppysnek


Avoid parenthetical insultsโ€”they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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>Riiiiiiight because teens can't comprehend pregnancy, which is a baby being forced through a vagina "this medical procedure sounds harmless to me, I've never read anything about women dying," ignorance is no excuse past a certain point

So 700 women die a year from pregnancy in the US out of 4 million that do give birth.
That doesn't sound like a high risk at all, and according to what little researchโ„ข I did, it seems to be because of fatties, even if they didn't say it outright.

Regardless of if you support the vacuum cleaning of ones insides, a 16 year old with a dad who called Planned Parenthood the devil, has probably been influenced by his father.
And more than likely would have matured as he grew, but no logic here, only feels ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’…

Regardless of if you support the vacuum cleaning of ones insides

How do you retards not even know how abortions are actual performed?



Back in my day, women had to nut up and do that shit themselves using a coat hanger. Fuckin millenials nowadays just go to some doctor who punches the woman repeatedly in the stomach, I assume

Coathanger right?

How do you retards not even know how abortions are actual performed?

Can you go ahead and describe to us all the different ways your mother tried to abort you?

Karmic justice

wow yikes looks like we got a chud!
this is like, hella icky and bad guys :/

A normal 16 year old woulda asked for some bussy

Did a kid ever ask for a whore?

The admins have clearly decided to allow Chapo and MDE to live for the sake of containment and drama. Tardchambers serve a useful and necessary function and maybe itโ€™s time for us to accept that.

I want every political subreddit banned so they flood into ordinary subreddits and ruin this whole website

I just want everyone to die

I want you to die to

I just want to die

I just die

I die





Team meteor represent

team astroid baby

All the big ordinary subreddits have been ruined by drumpf posting for like 2 years. Where have you been.

It could be worse

And that's a good thing

>Implying Reddit isn't already ruined

The only good thing about Reddit are the small subs that haven't become swamped with Facebook-tier discourse.

A flood of political refugees to the Facebook-tier subs might scare the normies away and end up fixing Reddit.

There are niche places I lurk but yes the website is bad, it just needs a killing blow my man

Reddit is too large to destroy.

All that is going to happen is that Reddit continues to lose its appeal to the young, educated techies, instead becoming a quirky Facebook.

Amusingly, the net neutrality repeal might save Reddit, if the price for accessing Reddit is high enough to keep normies away.

Amusingly, the net neutrality repeal might save Reddit, if the price for accessing Reddit is high enough to keep normies away.

The Telcos have it pretty good in the US with their legal monopolies - I doubt they'll be that blatant, they need to be able to at least pretend that any new charges are justified, and Reddit uses bugger all data compared to video streaming.

They should have just went and said that streaming is more taxing on the infrastructure or some shit and just charged more based on outgoing traffic frequency.

That's exactly what they are going to try and do.

They're just smart enough to not do it while the topic is still in everyone's minds.

So why did they attack NN? It's a pointless gesture that just pisses people off when they could just fuck with the streaming companies without breaking it.

I misread your comment. Charging for data is legal under NN, but charging extra for certain kinds of data most certainly is not.

They attacked NN because they want a cut of your monthly Netflix subscription, and it worked. Now they're just waiting for the outrage to die down before they try and collect.

Ironically, the flood of political refugees irl mirrors the same ones as on reddit; they'r going to massively decrease the average IQ and fill their chosen locations with massive piles of democrap.

Give full-blanket amnesty to undocumented Chapo and MDE users.

r/politics already ruined r/pics.

I second this, reddit is stuck up itโ€™s own ass.

Doesn't work, we got mdetards everywhere now

That's not how it works at all. Echo-chambers embolden them and give them a place to run back to when they get smacked down in other threads.

Remove the echo-chamber and they will scatter like roaches. It'll get annoying for a week or so but the reeeeee will die with time and they'll end up just the heavily downvoted comment in the bottom of the thread.

Lmao, send them all to voat and crash them again.

I don't think I've ever made it past the front page of voat and I've watched meatspin loops I nto the 1000's

Containment chambers are always breeding grounds.

They still need to ban /r/the_donald though.

Itโ€™s like you think nobody can see you lol. Imagine thinking MDE and CTH are tardchambers while this isnโ€™t.

He is cancer and he has cancer. I wonder if he'll end up in the same hell as TotalBiscuit.

I agree with him. Let's end abortion. Mandatory sterilization of those posters would be a good start.


Nice water gun you got there, buddy.

I say this now, but daddy Bill will blitzkrieg your bussy through his mandatory updates.

I'm not a phoneposting tard sweetie ๐Ÿ’…

๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚NIGGA U GAY๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Another link to my thread when someone in SRD says that Chapo is a subreddit without issues.

Another link to my thread when someone in SRD says that Chapo is a subreddit without issues....and has better users than

Chapo does have better users than here, not that that is much of an achievement.

"actually based on the last survey, CTH skews older than most of reddit. only like 3% of respondents were younger than 18"

This makes more than half of shit chapo says even more pathetic.

...That cannot be accurate. I'm going to need a source on that.

Though I have seen surprisingly many 60+ year olds on there, I'd be damned impressed if such good memes were being produced by the demographic that can't even use email without wiring their money to a Nigerian.

Chud isn't a good meme

Apart from that and the lobster obsession.

pretty sure we skew older too, which is unarguably even more pathetic

That's not surprising, Generation Zyklon wouldn't be there. Just bitchy white millennials.

SRD generally hates the chapo sub more than drama does tbh.

Something I've noticed with basically every political group (including subreddits) is that they try to cover every issue. For example, that very sub of the OP seems to have started as a communist sub, but instead of focusing on redistribution of wealth and what not that communists promote, they're getting to all of these side issues like abortion and such that have nothing to do at all with communism.

I don't know why people overcomplicate their ideologies and risk entangling ideas. I, for one, am fixated on flat Earth and nothing more. I don't care about health care, industrial regulations, or anything else, just the fact that the Earth is flat.

Because the issues of abortion (and gun rights) are based on legally fragile ground in the U.S, they have become stand in issues for entire ideologies.

There definitely is something creepy about abortion bans from a constitutional perspective. I mean think about the typical response from this by conservatives, "She's the one that chose to have sex, so she should bear the responsibility". But having sex is not a crime, and people can't be deprived of rights without due process under the 14th. They are effectively forcing her to have the baby as punishment for the wenches wicked sexual immorality.

instead of focusing on redistribution of wealth and what not that communists promote, they're getting to all of these side issues like abortion and such that have nothing to do at all with communism.

No two leftists can agree on what communism is, so who are you to say that abortion has nothing to do with it?

Communism means eliminating poverty and the easiest way to eliminate poverty is to kill the poor and the best time to kill the poor is when they're trapped inside their mothers and defenseless.

Tbh I support a zero child policy for mayos

So how far up does the atmosflat go anyways

Atmosplane, no? We don't call it an atmosround.


It's coalition building. For example, the fiscal conservatives in America aren't large enough to win an election, so they join forces with the social conservatives.

fiscal conservatives are hilarious

Fiscal conservatives are usually people who believe a large government should be financed through debt instead of taxation.

but... who's going to pay the debt?


The Earth is round.

It's actually a cone.

The complete and utter irony that Chapo wants the death of a rando 16 year old, because "he is a mysoginist" while posting bigger incel worthy hateposts about every woman, who is not "chapo enough", even on one of their podcasters...because she dared to critique them for not actually doing anything more politically than reeeing on their sub.

right wing groups have unit because they can accept when someone that doesnt align with them can bring them closer to their beliefs (see: /r/Libertarian celebrating trumps election)

Left wing groups are always fighting about who panders to their psy-opped identity politics more, and which form of communism is the best

Fuck both.




And more

right wing groups have unit because they can accept when someone that doesnt align with them can bring them closer to their beliefs

Also lol at this after the TD ban waves following dissent to his "take the guns first" comment, his trade war crusade and every single comment not praising BASED GLORIOUS DEAR LEADER DADDY for LEADING DPRK FEARLESSLY MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. There's a reason threads can rarely break 100 comments over there.

Get your head out of the fucking sand you unbelievable idiot.




And more

right wing groups have unit because they can accept when someone that doesnt align with them can bring them closer to their beliefs

Also lol at this after the TD ban waves following dissent to his "take the guns first" comment, his trade war crusade and every single comment not praising BASED GLORIOUS DEAR LEADER DADDY for LEADING DPRK FEARLESSLY MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. There's a reason threads can rarely break 100 comments over there.

Get your head out of the fucking sand you unbelievable idiot.

Are you okay?
I'm not saying they aren't retarded, I'm saying they work together in their retardedness, the day after trump won /r/Libertarian was celebrating the fact that he would be amazing for some reason.
there is far less division on le reddit with right wing groups
yikes sweatie ๐Ÿ’…

Are you okay?
le reddit
yikes sweatie

What's with the influx of retards that speak like this? Are you using 'yikes' ironically as a boomer expression in the 21st century or do you really think that's how non-autists talk?

le reddit is a very old term, are you ok is from tumblr mainly, yikes and sweatie is a twitter thing

"My mental retardation is compatible across multiple websites" isn't a good selling point.

Are you kidding me? I hope he stays here forever now, he's perfect.

>not being retarded with backwards and forward compatibility

Torvald is going to get the banhammer

Yikes sweetie, who blasted ur bussy

Right wingers are authoritarians, they follow their leader unquestioningly, especially the more extreme they get. Trump is the most ideologically extreme and unlibertarian candidate in American history, the people in /r/libertarian clearly no longer resident the ideology and have just become a wing of rabid nationalism and totalitarianism.

Everything in past history is hitler to you retards. Get a fucking grip

Ya know this sub goes through phases. A few months ago it was Trumptards/alt-righters running wild, now we have a bit too many of the opposite kind shitting up the sub.

but he was specifically pointing out examples of them not working together in their retardedness, not just calling them retarded

Easy now

Easy now

I didn't ask how your mother was doing you fucking mong.


/r/libertarian has no rules, it's a blessing and a curse

You alright there big guy?

I just like that the left wing bigwigs have pushed identity politics so far they are going to get pushed out by people who think everyone should have a government jobs.

/r/Libertarian hates Trump. What are you on?

During the election cycle they were far more optimistic about him, most of the user base was just /r/conservative refugees uptoking stupid shit

right wing groups have unit because they can accept when someone that doesnt align with them can bring them closer to their beliefs

Except for /r/lolbertarian all the right-wing subs are ban-happy.

Or maybe the entire right has been taken over by the far right and libertarianism has ceased to exist?

I thought r/LateStageCapitalism was a joke sub? I mean, I get that it is.... But I thought that it was made to be humor.... Huh. Guess I just drove on by and never went inside.

LSC was never โ€œsatireโ€ in that sense, but it used to be intentionally funny

There's that passion again! Lmao

/u/voicelesshoodwinker why the downsnozzle? ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜ข

I upboated u, someone else must have downsnoozled

it's not him, i have a bot that downvotes edposts

Yo, make two. I want everything Ed says hidden by default.

/u/Ed_ButteredToast this guy is TNM at you, for real lol

like /u/vidiotgamer

imagine being a r/drama poster dishing out edge posts but not being able to take it from time to time ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

hey vidiot, how's BFV doing? is it a win for gamergate?

lmao look at you getting all butthurt by yourself in this thread. you're not even staying on topic, randomly came in just to be angry at this guy


no u sperg


What the fuck is that cancerous screenshot?

the Linux-cel used a "privacy" accepting image hoster to upload that screenshot which got deleted after a certain amount of time.

Anyone who REALLY cares about internet privacy is either a pedophile libertarian or paranoid schizophrenic. Tbh though, the Ven Diagram overlaps quite a bit.

I can literally not think of anything lower on the food chain than being Ed's buttboy, yet here you are.

Pointing out eds special gift of making you guys rage, makes you rage, I get it dude

I made a tamper monkey script that blocks turns pretty much every comment he makes into him calling himself a colossal faggot.

I'm sure he think it's because he's too edgy for lyfe, but honestly I just got tired of seeing his endless emoji spam. At least Pizzashill is a funny kind of pathetic, Ed is just annoying.

Jesus Christ youโ€™re invested in this

๐Ÿ‘ If ๐Ÿ‘ you ๐Ÿ‘ don't ๐Ÿ‘ respect ๐Ÿ‘ women ๐Ÿ‘ You ๐Ÿ‘ deserve ๐Ÿ‘ death ๐Ÿ‘

Jeremiah had already been speaking out against abortion, joining his siblings and mother on the sidewalk outside of abortion facilities to preach and save babies and women from abortion. He also happens to be the son of Rusty Thomas, National Director for Operation Rescue, an organization that works to expose the โ€œhorrific practicesโ€ of the abortion industry and the โ€œsubstandardโ€ care they provide to women. Jeremiah and his family would visit their local abortion facility on Wednesdays, the day abortions were performed, to minister and harrass people going in. While his sister played guitar, his other sister would also harass and preach to the women entering the facility. His brother would hold pro-life signs (with full term miscarriages on them) and harrass women as well.

So he goes with his families to harass people outside of clinics? Not really a loss.

Do you really think he thought of all of this himself, and it isn't just him doing what his parents told him from childhood?

I mean no itโ€™s probably not all his self thought out views at 16. His dad is obviously crazy heโ€™s ran this org since 1999 and the kid has been indoctrinated in it since birth. Kinda lost my sympathy though when he used his make a wish for the whole call the governor of TX to try to make abortions and those who have them outlawed and charged with murder.

you really think his dad didnt push him to call about this?

Iโ€™m sure he did. Dying 16 yr old had one last chance to grow a backbone and speak for himself and he chose.

I mean, it takes a lot of backbone to public ally speak out against abortion when a bunch of violent crazies are going to call for your head.

But that's why this lil fella is headed for heaven.

What a waste of a make-a-wish. He could have got that phone pretty easily through other means.

If anything, he unintentionally argues for abortion by going with his family.

Is it calling for death wrong if the mong is going to die anyway?

less mayos


I hope I can get a reaction out of them like that when itโ€™s my time to bite the dust. The edgy facade is already faltering with some gendered slur bickering. Weak.

You'll die alone and no one will notice ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Given your recent replies to me I know a special someone who might ๐Ÿ˜Š

When I replied to someone else about your learning disabilities and then you replied to me?

Is that what you're referring to?

Yes. I new you wouldnโ€™t give up on me Kippot.

You know exactly how worthless and hopeless you are dude ๐Ÿ˜‰

is he a centipedo though?

Is he not a brave DDF member? Is he not obsessed with trans and Le SJWs?

idk, is he? you know him better than me.

He is

they aren't calling for his death he's already gonna die

/u/Guantanamo_Baybay imagine thinking that reddit will consider chapo the good guys.

Anyways keep calling even who doesnt want mass baby murder a misogynist and wonder why Trump wins again

wonder why Trump wins again

Because, for some reason, Democrats keep trying appeal to people like you?

Is it too late to abort you?

Because, for some reason, Democrats keep trying to appeal to people like you?

This is news to me

Kill all men

So appealing. I do like their kill all whites platform though.

Anyways keep calling even who doesnt want mass baby murder a misogynist and wonder why Trump wins

Because tards like you canโ€™t stop trying to force your religious views on the rest of us?

Luckily I live in a non shithole county where peoples rights are well protected. It would be nice if the us would stop electing republicans, but as long as you retards keep saying shit like pro life = misogynist that aint never gonna happen

force your religious views on the rest of us?

I think it is at least a question of ethics as much as it is religious. I know many atheists/agnostics who oppose abortion.

After all, abortion is the death of something many people consider to be actual human life. Perhaps they see modern abortion in the same way we look at the ancient Romans' and Greeks' infanticide.

An incredible amount of pro-choice argumentation relies on the premise that fetuses are not humans.

It turns out that body agency arguments don't really convince pro-life proponents because they believe you're literally killing a baby, hence the religion aspect because scientifically it's assess whether or not a fetus is a human being.

Jfc, could this place not turn into /r/forwardsfromgrandma ? How is not caring someone is dying from cancer untreatable cancer calling for their death, you pussy?

for real, they should be suspending god cuz he's killing the kid ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘Œ

snowflakes in this sub can't handle banter

its fucking mdegenerate mayo fragility bullshit, purge them inshallah

Looks like God is calling for the death of this 16 year old so I wouldn't worry about some internet socialists.

Add that to the list of reasons why that cesspit should be removed

โ€œNo doubt about it, this is a place of demonic stronghold,โ€ he said. โ€œSacrificing babies to Satan himself.โ€

Sounds a bit like East Kilbride.

sounds metal as fuck

Ironic, he could save others but not himself.

guess you can be dying of cancer and still be a total cunt

lol some of those facebook retarded on the website

who comments on newspages?

Peresada โ€ข 10 days ago

I am speechless. God bless him!


WorldGoneCrazy-NotMurderedYet โ€ข 10 days ago

Jeremiah may be only 16 years old, but he is more a man than ANY pro-abort!


savhcheshire-GONE CRAZY โ€ข 10 days ago

God Bless you, Jeremiah. I'm so sorry that you had this burden laid at your door step at such a young age but you are handling it like a man (which is so much more than what some many times your age do). May God's Mercy cover you all the days of your life.

seems god hated this little fag and gave him cancer LUL

I'd rather die from cancer than live to be a /r/destiny poster

Im not really. I post anywhere I feel like it.

How bout you post a logout request and fk off

how about you get your bussy checked, seems really blasted

/u/Orsonius 2 days ago

I once blurted out "that's gay" to my gay friend, I felt super shitty about it and instantly apologized but you know when you were a teenager once and said "that's gay" all the time, sometimes those come back

/u/Orsonius today:

seems god hated this little fag and gave him cancer LUL

it seems to me that you're blasted enough to forego all pretenses that you're reformed (and woke) just to get a cheap shot on a dying 16 year old.

lol reformed, I don't wanna say "that's gay" to something that I don't like, especially not when I talk to my gay friend, because that is super offensive to him and I don't wanna be an asshole to my friends.

Calling some christian retard online a fag is not that big a deal. I have given up on all attempts to be as PC as possible online while shitposting on /r/drama

holy shit you're retarded


man, killing kids really seems like the hot thing rn

Thinks heโ€™s doing what his God wants

Gets cancer and paralyzed

Based Allah ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿพ

โ€No doubt about it, this is a place of demonic stronghold,โ€ he said. โ€œSacrificing babies to Satan himself.โ€

Sounds like a future Qultists.

So they're a patriot because they agree with you? So anyone else isn't a patriot? Fuck your fascism.

Sorry CUCK are you jealous of my freedom?

So edgy.

sorry sweatie im just me ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…

Honestly, this seems like a David Hogg equivalent for conservatives. Better to talk about how indoctrinated he is than to celebrate his death. Kids are expected to be ignorant about politics; being mean to them just makes you look bad.

What a death threat

I don't even have to call for his death, that's the beautiful thing. Cancer has a pretty bad rap, but this it's definitely a point in its favor.

Hey /u/miscifilullaby and /u/General--Kenobi

Jusat want to thank you rodents for providing yet more evidence for the case of giving babies/fetuses (humans) human rights, and removing human rights from actual non-humans (commies and lefties.)

Get back to your thread you cowardly little cunt

Tbh, I agree with them. Down with any and all mayos, right?

You're supposed to wish for something tangible. He's dumb.

TIL being against or unsure about 'abortion' means you want women to have no rights at all. If your only hill you choose to die on is the unrepentant slaughter of fetuses and infants then you're not on the right and wholesome side of history.

defending the unrepentant slaughter of fetuses and infants then you're not on the right and wholesome side of history.

Anyway I don't care about any of this, one way or the other

Sure you don't.

wtf is a chapo

Wants to end abortion

"Wants women to have NO RIGHTS"

Wow, that is some reaching

Pro-Life Dies

fucker got aborted in the 68th trimester lmao

Ok that's pretty funny.

Eh, to be fair, the top reply is calling OP out.

Funnily enough he's the best example for abortion there is

Iโ€™d love a full rundown on what is wrong with CTH because Iโ€™m a member of a Chapo-adjacent community and Iโ€™m not sure if Iโ€™m retarded or not