Official Announcement! Changes To r/Drama Moderation Policy!

90  2018-07-01 by mukumukum


Jews did this


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I guess /u/AnnoysTheGoys is still pulling strings around here 👻

Forever and always. And I would've gotten away with it too if I wasn't foiled by whiny posts like this!

jfc /u/mukumukum imagine being this much of a messy twink

It's seem that /u/mukumukum is also suffering from Tranny Derangement Syndrome. This gon be gud! 🍿 🍿

Left cant meme. Good try tho. One up from 🥑FCKH8😂.

I'm tired of reporting you so I'll just block you.

lol sweetie BLOCKED :)

Horseshoe theory confirmed.

lol libtard SJW snowflakes

waaaaaahhh meanies REEEEEEEEE

/u/mukumukum lol what a faggot 😂😂😂


aww you poor little bussyblasted mayo trash, are you mad?

Imagine getting upset about this. Even CA thinks you're retarded

CA is full of alt-right post post post-irony cucks who unironically think traps are not gay and jerk off into their waifupillows, so naturally this post went above their heads.

So, in other words

Even CA thinks you're retarded

jerk off into their waifupillows

implying you're not a raging incel

oh sweaty!

imagine being called out for being human trash in fucking CA

awww did babby sjw ged driggered e nuf do go diggin in ma bost histo ree? hussa good babby hussa good babby you are you are, who wants a loli pop? who wants a loli pop? you do you do

I thought you were kidding, but that's the actual quote. Jesus christ, Lmao.

he's a whiny little bitch. Yet his levels of autism still impress me.

/u/mukumukum, in utero fentanyl or meth? I have to know.

Some jews are okay. I don't really think they're the main problem. Problem is the ideological cancer known as leftism and those who are infected by it and spread it upon others.

This guy's posts need to be included in one of those "this is your face on crystal meth" infomercials.

I get the feeling he's of the same age group last night's MEDegen spergo, u/Xcava86X, was.

Well he is a memerson mcmemefag so that's no surprise lol. if only he had self awareness about calling other people "soyboys" when he himself deletes his comments out of shame like a pussy faggot lol

i watching the meltdown but i was also watching a tv show so i didn't bother with commenting much lol.

also, there's always to look back at the autism

u/mukumukum do you imagine yourself as the amazing ebony trap or the big white cock in this scenario

Stop pinging me cunt.

you sound upset centipedo?

/u/mukumukum can you please give your opinion on this matter

imagine being this angry

lol fag doesn't like being bullied

is this true /u/mukumukum

Did you know that despite being only 10% of the population, amazing ebony traps are responsible for 73% of violent crime?

Did you know that amazing ebony traps have an average IQ of only 85?

Did you know that amazing ebony traps are responsible for 85% of amazing ebony trap on big white cock violence?

Sorry for pininging you, /u/mukumukum.

I think apologies are in order from the rest of you as well.

He said on his post on /r/drama.

/u/mukumukum the people of /r/drama demand you answer the question, you big baby.

And /u/Plexipus I probably would not fuck a black girl (all black people are females, some just have overgrown clits.) And I would never in a million years be a trap, ebony or not. Someone once asked what the purpose of this sub was. See they had this conspiracy theory that it was intended as a means to fe.

Hey faggot? Why are you such a pussy that you block people when you can't handle the banter you dish out yourself? Fucking lmao

And /u/Plexipus I probably would not fuck a black girl (all black people are females, some just have overgrown clits.) And I would never in a million years be a trap, ebony or not. Someone once asked what the purpose of this sub was. See they had this conspiracy theory that it was intended as a means to fe.

I have a dream, that one day people will not be judged by the color of their amazing ebony traps but by the content of their big white cocks

(all black people are females, some just have overgrown clits.)

Expand on this?


Is that a nose or a penis? Schnozes tickle the taint.



lol wtf is that link?

It's just the link imgur gave me for an image.

Ain't nothin' more that needs to be said.

I’ll buy that for a dollar.

Kike pride!


evrytiem ;_;


More MEDegenerate immigrants refusing to assimilate.

It makes more sense if you imagine the chocolate cake is an amazing ebony trap and the knife is a big white cock she sucks and rides.

I had no idea there even were any policies for modding this sub.

There are some policies, like stickying especially retarded threads.

I guess I'm officially sticky'd. Please sticky me.

Posting bussy will get you temp ban.

This is the most dishonest comment I have ever seen

Prove him wrong!

I thought it was my dick you wanted to see?

Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

2D>3D in bussy too.

If you tag the big reddit bois they kindly ask you not to do it

violators will be prosecuted

Is this what a fentanyl induced mental breakdown looks like?

I know that the fentanyl joke, as you loser children refer to as a "meme"; is all the rage, but the truth is that if a user was on a healthy enough dose of fentanyl they wouldn't be capable of or otherwise typing on the internet.

More like general mental illness/adderall/stims/redbull/etc.

I know it's pendantic and shallow, but don't blame the wrong drugs if you don't know what you're talking about.

Fentanyl only lasts like 15 minutes, so no

As the pharmacist for your trailer park, you would be the expert on that.

for your trailer park

As a Hillary campaign operative, it was important for me to engage with and understand the concerns of the poor and lower middle clahahahahahahahahaha

Hillary guys am I right? Remember the 2016 elections? Haha

And the one ten years ago! That one was great, too. One day, it will Be Her Turn.

If done right it lasts for the rest of life

Your family tree says otherwise.

When did you mod Ben Garrison

OP is not a mod you retard, a mod just stickied it

caring enough about reddit to know who the mods are

being so fucking retarded you dont even know the basic functionalities of the site you're using, getting called out on it, then trying to act nonchalant

brilliant stuff there newfriend

trying this hard to look smart

Oh look, a bussyblasted mdegenerate ,how quaint

> Being so retarded you do not understand the concept of stickied posts

Jokes are hard

Gud jorke

Don't sperg out just because you don't get the joke.

Gud joak

It was actually a really good joke and you should kys

call me whatever you like but dont wound me like that ;( ;( ;(

womp womp

/u/wewuzkang5 /u/scrivenontheedge /u/boyoyoyoyong

there is a desperate need for retarded whiteknighting here

your fellow centipedo is melting down here


you forgot about the Aussie and Brit battalion of DDF /u/captainpriapism /u/gadolboobies /u/lemonscore_ 😂😂😂

You sound b8d tbh 🤣😏✌🏾

oh right, ur ironic?

“Someone disagreed with me and completely decimates my pathetic soy existence”



“Lmao must be joking”


you are a mdegenerate centipedo DDF member and should maintain personal safety immediately

Now that what I call “projecting” 😧

hang on, is

you are a mdegenerate centipedo DDF member and should maintain personal safety immediately

me projecting onto you?

Lmao yes crack a 📚 kiddo

Lmao you are proper retarded aren't you, """"""ironic""""" centipedo

Do you call everyone who you disagree with ironic to cope like 😏🤔🤭

I'm projecting you away from here.

Begone mdegenerates

I delet my account often, I’ve been hanging around here since trumps elections :)

wow, congrats

you win nothing


adjust personal safety protocols according to status quo

and this one guy with 3 accounts 😂😂😂

/u/comedictrans /u/ticktockwarrior /u/whataboutthe_donald

formerly known to screech on /u/annoysthesoyboys (F) and /u/sophistrycated (F)

/u/mukumukum call on your friends here to help you not get bullied for your retardation, they are your only friends after all

They all assemble to form Retarded Voltron.

Imagine being u/kippot and being a faggot unironically. The tds has rotted your brain my dude

there we are, now get to work centipedo!

rouse the other retards of DDF into battle :D

Whose rousing anyone, I like that my shitposts are so engrained in your mind that you need to ping me. Not only do you have tds but bds

ah, you were merely shitposting and totally not taking Daddys cock?

That's what the sub is for is it not. Imagine thinking making fun of the Reddit leftists makes someone a daddy lover. That is your brain on tds

pls post DINDU statistics. it's been quite a while now

so just to clarify, you DONT agree with everything trump does?

That would be a no, I do enjoy how over the top the Reddit liberals react to him though

pls you retarded centipedo, you think anyone believes that?

Thinking I give a fuck about what some dude who seems obsessed with me on a message board thinks. 😂

B-but I'm b-being i-ironic 😟😟😟



I guess the stereotype of colleges being overwhelmingly lefty is true


i didn't knew /u/kippot screeched about trannies like OP or /u/_magamemnon_ lol.

Also lol at you yourself being a NDS faggot 😂😂😂

Why am I not surprised that the other BDS poster would show up. It was so nice when you were gone. 😂

what is BDS


he thinks it's funny 🙄

Oh right, top humor here 🙃

boycott, divest, sanction

Womp womp

pathetic showing, really up to par for you ;)

Womp womp

that you on the left ?

Womp womp


Womp womp

merely pretending to be retarded


The thought police gang, a groups of mayos with panties so tight they have no recourse but to correct anyone on the opposite side of them. Jesus you're so goddam pathetic Ed.


mmmm! that was tasty! Also, did you forget to post "WOMP WOMP" or did my comment threw you off? 😂😂😂

Remembering what I should post requires effort, I'll leave that you and the gang Ed, until my next half dozen ping from you or kip or mat or whoever else you circle jerk in irc with.


Remembering what I should post requires effort,

It sure does when you're a senile drunk boomer that abuses oxy pill prescriptions.

Nah that'd be ur boy kippot, I don't use drugs.

Damn WWK, you forgot to WOMP WOMP! Did these comments got under your skin? Hit a nerve? 😏

I didn't want to spam drama with uninteresting drivel, like you and your boys are doing...


I told you, fentanyl is what your inbred family does, I'm not a rural degenerate druggie like your immediate family 😃

Jesus you're so goddam pathetic Ed.

lmao imagine getting bootyblasted so casually

womp womp, motherfucker :3

Jesus you guys are all over this sub defending each other, make it a little less obvious...

Linking it hoping your boys downvote it huh? Could your half hearted butt boy brigades be any more blatant?

unironically caring about losing imagine Internet points

I don't understand, you're the guy pinging in buddies and linking upvoted comments to garner support. Wouldn't that make you the one "caring".

Jesus Ed, might be time for a nap bud.

the virgin projection vs. the CHAD FACTS


Ed is one of those guys along with his who unironically takes this shit seriously. Not sure whether to laugh or cry at how pathetic that actually is

Ah yes, the """"""ironic"""""" nazi has something to say

I've never seen ed bitch about downvotes.

You on the other hand, cry about downvotes all the fucking time 😄

ThE ThóUghT poliCe ;((((

What did he mean by this?

Someone plz explain this to me.

/u/mukumukum lets see if OP has some commentary shall we?

He's an MDE rapefugee that hates being called that. He's also really dumb. Somehow the end result of those two things is the incoherent mess that you see.

/u/westofthetracks /u/SlackBabo /u/kippot

Drama mods will target you for posting any content right from far-left and then brand you as far-right and ban you for brigading from MDE (Even if you have never even posted there) because "you will make r/Drama too right-wing for having actual centrist views and then we can't larp radical centrists while actually being antifa tankies anymore," yet at the same time they will allow distant-left shitholes like SRS to actively brigade and make post literally calling for genocide of white people.

"Yeah, those 100 posts from SRS brigade are fine because muh radical centrism, but don't you dare to say that women don't have dicks or you're getting banned for brigading from MDE."

The plate is /r/drama

The hand is /r/drama mods

The big piece is any content right of far-left being banned.

The small piece is what is left after anything right of far-left is removed: A sub talking about how not mentally ill trannies are and jokes about white genocide.

The CUP is the Kike piss and ape cum that the mods are drunk on. You can also think of it as the leftist propaganda that has rotten their non-existant brains.

Hmm , yes. And how does the school shooting relates to this? Where the "mods" bullying you?


That’s the card you’re pulling now, Trump supporters? That’s where you’ve landed? That’s your go-to play at this stage of the game? It’s a little late for you to roll that out now, isn’t it?

After voting for a self-proclaimed genitalia-grabber. After he suggested dissenters at his rallies should be beaten up. After hearing him call violent nazis “fine people.” After he bulldozed sacred Native American lands and turned frigid hoses on tribe elders. After he ignored mass deaths in Puerto Rico and vilified their public servants. After he began dismantling protections to our planet and shrinking our national parks. After witnessing Flint, Michigan go without clean water. After watching exhausted refugee families stranded at airports. After leveraging religion to justify all manner of discrimination. After ignoring evidence of a Russian interference that threatens our national sovereignty. After seeing ICE raids in hospital rooms and workplaces. After his gross, reckless fabrications about Muslims and Mexicans and immigrants. After witnessing him work tirelessly to take healthcare from the sick and the poor. After he vilified kneeling black athletes and badgered their employers into silencing their peaceful protest. After his unhinged Twitter rants against private citizens and their businesses, against celebrities and political opponents and world leaders. After terrorizing teenage shooting survivors on social media. After allowing the radicalized Christian right and soulless NRA gun zealots to shape national policy. After sanctioning Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller and Sebastian Gorka and Jeff Sessions. After retweeting the toxic filth of Dana Loesch and Laura Ingraham and Ann Coulter. After celebrating while he’s alienated our greatest allies and aligned with malevolent dictators. After your silence in the face of migrant children being ripped from their parent’s arms and placed in dog kennels. After digging in your heels for the past two years on every bit of it.

Now you want to pretend to be civilized? Now want to talk about measured debate? Now you want to wag your finger at us for being disrespectful? Now you want to shame us for our supposed lack of manners? Now you want to gaslight us into guilt and apology—as if we’ve lost our dignity, as if we’ve sacrificed our humanity, as if we’vebastardized our religion, as ifwe’re the ones impervious to other people’s feelings.

With all due respect—to hell with your phony civility.

No, you don’t get to play that card. That request is off the table for you. You lost that moral high ground somewhere between excusing his mocking of a disabled reporter—and celebrating brown-skinned kids in cages. Your lengthy, sickening body of work over the past two and a half years is the greatest witness of your fraudulence.

You don’t really want civility, anyway. That’s not what you’re asking for. If you were simply asking for that, we wouldn’t have an issue.

You want something else: You want consent to your abject cruelty. You’re not going to get it. You want our silence in the face of perversions of justice. It will not be forthcoming. You want tacit approval for a white Evangelical theocracy.That ain’t gonna happen. You want to us to quietly witness this President dismantling democracy. We’re simply not going to. You want us worship your white, angry, American, gun-toting God.We won’t. You want us to join you in your blind idolatry of a man fully lacking nobility. We won’t be. You want the steady stream of Sarah Sanders lies, alternative Fox News facts to go unchecked.We’re not giving you that courtesy. You want us to allow you to perpetuate dangerous false stereotypes of immigrants and young black men and Transgender people. We’re not going to. You want us excuse your supremacy and indulge your privilege and sanction your President’s bigotry and applaud this Administration’s legislated assaults on marginalized communities. It’s gonna be a long wait, friend.

Oh wow

You didn't take your meds today did you?

Did mommy forget?

Whining about fucking srs IN CURRENT YEAR lmao little angry boy, keep yourself very safe and don't be such a weak ass faggot that you try running to the fucking admins next time someone opposes your "ideas"


violators will be prosecuted

also: lmao

violators will be prostituted


violators will be transitioned


violators will be violated


violators will be persecuted


"Prosecutors will be violated"


How is the bottle kike piss AND ape cum?

/u/mukumukum emptied his bussy

you know what they say an empty bussy is the devils playground

I know this is unrelated, but can I get recourse for being downvoted for the veganism thing the other day?

All vegans need to be shot into the sun

sunchoke is one of my favorite root vegetables

do you know what that is? a root vegetable?

You can suck my root vegetable

carnivore semen smells like shit

Hippies complaining about smell. Well, I never.

Sure, go ahead.

It's the most radically centrist of diets

Ok I hate you

I don't know, can you?

You seem frazzled.

Owen Wilson voice, “wow”

Lemme help you with that


women have penises


Hey /u/mukumukum when are the banwaves coming along?

r/mde jokes can be pretty funny sometimes but ever since i saw a thread where they unironically discussed pewdiepie, his private life, and how he's redpilling the masses i cant take that sub seriously anymore

literally a bunch of larping 20yo boomers making fun of larping 30yo boomers and larping 40yo boomers

You know a mod posted it because it's outdated and retarded.

I’m not retarded enough to read this graph.

Mdetards deserve the rope

I’m still confused as to who we are banning. The mayocide is still on right?

How do you retards get all that kike piss and ape cum?

if this is OC you should check yourself in to a mental institution

I did. They threw me out after I went on a hunger strike because I didn't want to take the medication they were giving me.


This post gave me schizophrenia.

I don't know wtf I just read, but Im going to masterbate to it anyway