Survey: What is your opinion about the way /r/Drama?

1  2018-07-01 by Etra

A. This subreddit has problems but I still like it.

B. This subreddit has problems that can solved by banning certain moderators and users.

C. This subreddit is irredeemable trash and I have my popcorn ready to see how much worse it can get before it’s banned.

D. I like this subreddit and don’t think it’s bad at all. I’d like to elaborate further but I need to visit my baby mama’s boyfriend in prison.

E. I’m a faggot and the entire reason the subreddit has gone to shit is because of me. Note: This option is reserved for you know who.

F. Please don’t disparage the only form of entertainment I have and insult the only group that has allowed to feel any sort of camaraderie.


If you have answered A through C, you are a normal user only here for the drama. If you’ve chosen D through F, please consider overdosing on opiates. I assume it’s abundant and easily accessible in the communities you live in.


all problems can be solved by creating a 1/3 rule - for every two posts making fun of soyyisch bernie twinks, you must make one post making fun of drumpfster and vica versa

🐷🐽oink oink🐽🐷

Hi. I’m high on approximately 5mg of Xanax and seriously contemplating adding in Adderall abd Modafinil. How about you? Don’t tell me you’re sober. That would be awful.

┳┻| ┻┳| ┳┻| ┻┳| ┳┻| ┻┳| ┳┻| ┻┳| ┳┻| ┻┳| ┳┻| ┻┳| ┳┻| _ ┻┳| •.•) are you the DEA? Fuck! ┳┻|⊂ノ

Wtf is this?


don't play coy with me you snitch!

Lol. I have Adderall for my ADHD, and my doctor is seriously contemplating trying out Desoxyn, also known as legal methamphetamine, to tread my ADHD. I have Xanax for my anxiety. Seroquel for my bipolar disorder. I have tumors in my brain and lungs, and irregularly sharped moles all over my body, but I’ve said fuck no to biopsies because I don’t give a fuck if I live or die. I’m just hoping they jack me up with opiates to make my ending pleasant.

I like milk.


I’d set off every red flag during my blood and urine test.

👃 arf arf 👃


Xanax and Adderall? Fuck that man

I keep myself confined to my apartment and I use my games phone that isn’t connected to any billing information. It seems to work out pretty well with the parameters I set for myself.

You're projecting buddy. I'm not a snowflake. In fact, I've been wrong plenty of times about plenty of things. I'm not a bad person. I tutor kids in 4h, I volunteer in habitat for humanity and I volunteer to help people in recovery from addiction. What do you do?

That’s cool and all but I don’t see what that has to do with my comment.

Then by your own comment you’ve displayed how ultimately dumb you are.

Wanna stop talking to me?

Then how about block me, how about do anything other than continue to engage with me. Cause all you’ve continued to do, is show ultimately how petty and pathetic you are.

‘All I want in life is for yours to end’

😂😂😂😂 you literally sound like a fucking 10 year old child having a temper tantrum cause you got bullied online....

That entire paragraph you just wrote PERFECTLY summarizes how EVERYTHING I’ve been saying HAS GOTTEN TO YOU.

The fact is you know I’m right as well, otherwise you wouldn’t be getting this mad right now.

Like i said before you stupid little bitch, want me to stop embarrassing you?


You sound like a 13 year old girl crying cause some other girls wrote mean shit about you on Twitter......

Source for this pasta?

The fact you’re focusing solely on copypastas prove you have failed at EVERY aspect of your argument. You wrote all that bullshit to make yourself seem intelligent and probably to make yourself feel that way too.

Well sadly, at the end of all this not only are you pathetic, you’re just sad. You’re sad because you simply could not sustain a single valid argument throughout the entirety of this and yet you genuinely believe you have been.

I’ve had several people messaging me as well that this ‘OutrageousPhrase’ account is just another bullshit dummy account for you to hide and bitch behind.

Well I’m not gonna continue to babysit for you, you clearly love the attention you’re family doesn’t give you so ultimately I just have resolved sympathy for you.

I hope you prosper and attempt to better yourself as well as your pathetic object you call a brain. You should also sign up for some speaking and listening classes, as well as reading and debating classes. You clearly have not been taught in any of them so I’ll leave to your own devices.

By all means claim ‘victory’ because what your definition of Victory is, is just feeling like you’ve accomplished anything, no matter how tiny, anything. Just so you can go a day longer without putting your head in a noose.

Anyways my dear friend, have a lovely day, try to not kill yourself!

Please use copypasta that are actually relevant and not as stale as your love life.

You're projecting buddy. I'm not a snowflake. In fact, I've been wrong plenty of times about plenty of things. I'm not a bad person. I tutor kids in 4h, I volunteer in habitat for humanity and I volunteer to help people in recovery from addiction. What do you do?

You say you have a moral high ground because I'm evil. Do you not see how you're painting with a mile wide brush or do you just not care?

Most conservatives don't want to kill anyone buddy. Just like how most normal people don't want to kill other people but the simple fact that you think politics are a matter of life and death is telling of your hysterical view of the world.


Xir is a proud Sardine, fuckthealtright, and politics poster.

In other words, as mentally deranged as our MDE friends.

I chose G

You probably think you’re being clever by choosing an option that isn’t there. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you’re being more than just an poorly trolling faggot. Please explain your choice.

I’m mentally challenged

G - OP is gay.

0/10 low effort. I’d imagine if you had been lost as a child, your parents would’ve expended a similar amount of effort to find you.

More effort was needed in my post than your overrated tryhard shit.

u/etra was this sub's original u/Ed_butteredtoast. Around the time Ed started posting all the time he stopped. They're either the same retard or etra just couldn't compete. He likes to pop in on occasion and disappoint everyone that he he hasn't killed himself yet.

Is this supposed to be funny?

If you’re going to try to use a copypasta, at least get it right:

Is this supposed to be funny? All I see is someone who is posting just for the sake of posting, or perhaps pleading for undeserved karma.

You aren't exactly making a good case that you are not Ed.

I save my sperging exclusively for you. I'm not sure who's making fun of me, but catching shit on reddit has nothing to do with alternating accounts.

needs alts to "own LE epic style" people you argue in r/drama of all places

thinks it's not pathetic


Btw that was classic pasta you cooked back in the day!

I could make pasta with every comment, and every MDE poster on here could be an alt of mine, and it would still only be a fraction as pathetic as the amount of time you spend on this sub.

You define the expression "no life." Make it a reality.

no u pathetic


literally every anti-TDS poster is one person to you, Ed. It's hilarious. Never stop.


comments from 2 alts within seconds

ok sweaty! 😄

it's hilarious

you IRL:

/u/Etra is an embarrassing retard whose unfunny seriousposts were part of the cancer killing /r/drama.

E. Ironically.

G. I'm better than all of you faggy Marie Claire prolapsed assholes.

This reeks of lawlzposting.

*credit to u/masterlawlz for the term.

We really should start banning non centrists and make this sub a prosper centrist safe space. Think how good it would be for drama coin if we become the latestagecapitalism of the centre.

Joking aside I do worry a tiny bit that we're becoming slowly invaded by the same idiots that turned cringeanarchy into the hive of scum that it is now, alt right degenerates. At the moment these types are mostly mocked or ignored but it's only a matter of time before they're more accepted as a larger proportion of the user base thinks that extremists are welcome here.

OK that's my seriousposting for the day. Dude bussy lmao.