I don't care about soccer

11  2018-07-02 by HodorTheDoorHolder

fite me irl


bitch me too, the fuck?

First off it's football, american football is bitch rugby and second off I agree, and the third one off is a myth cause it ends there.

Are you saying soccer is more mainly than American football? It's played with 75 lb kilo men who if you brush against them fall down like a ton of bricks. Real football are modern day gladiators and are becoming retarded for our entertainment.

You managed to become retarded without anyone being entertained, so I do give them respect in that aspect, but due to your condition you seemed to have not read any of my comment and only picked up key words, and I'm not getting paid for this tutoring session so good luck, Mr. Rainman.

Say words

american football is bitch rugby

Read it again you spastic.

Cause of the pads? So I cute of you little guys and your footie. Can't even invent a game that would be a death sport without proper protection.

You were definitely vaccinated, weren't you.

Yes, are you from one of those silly back water islands that don't belive in those things?

You missed me calling you autistic sarcastically, but I should have expected it, given your condition. I hope you get better soon!

I hope a hurricane brings you some supplies!

I hope the next hurricane is named after you so it too can disappoint.

how is american football bitch rugby if we direct all the blows to our heads instead. that makes us better and not retarded.

Read what you said out loud to yourself.

After an extended period, professional players will experience symptoms of a heavily traumatized brain and be driven to suicide. That means the Jews that own them can just order new ones from the Colleges on the cheap. Damn. Americans win again.

>we direct all the blows to our heads

>that makes us not retarded

When and Where?

I only care about it during the world cup and only so far as I can leverage it to cause drama between rival nationals. Entertaining spats is really nationalism's only purpose.

This. But also the drama when one player just can't stop biting.

I'm rooting for Uruguay just so that the biter can stay in the WC as long as possible. He hasn't bitten anyone yet, but I'm hoping that the increased pressure of higher stakes games will get those chompers going.

We all know Russia winning would be the funniest result


I don’t care either BUT, if you like to gamble...who you sticking your money on???????

I have no idea who is still playing.

Nor do I, just looking for straight up odds.

Uruguay. They've got the consistency and they've got the defense. France looked incredible on attack, but then they let in three goals vs an Argentinian team in total disarray. Brazil would be the only other team I'd rate as a contender to win the whole thing, don't see Belgium going the entire distance.


I don't care about soccer either fite me pussies

this, but unironically.

I don't care about you

don't fite me. irl or otherwise.

How do you feel about mma?

It’s fun to watch but I don’t follow it.

And no one outside USA gives a fuck about "american football" in fact just by looking at ratings less and less people in states give shit about it..so.

there could be some juicy drama now that russia have made it to the quarterfinals while running on average two standard deviations further than every other team - no one cared too much because as hosts they were guaranteed a slot and no one gave them much chance of advancing but now they’re a top 8 team

Fuck this virtue signalling serious post. Enjoy your 2 year ban.