AMA I was hacked by Russians and lost control of my account for ten minutes. Try trolling me so hard I run off like an Italian in no man's land!

0  2018-07-02 by ReichSmasher2018


I am writing a trash post please don't listen to hard or you might get brain damage

BTW moon elf boobs are tasty as shit!

Also daddy Trump is a child molester.


don't listen to hard or you might get brain damage

Too little too late for us Dramanauts bud.

In real talk, apparently logging out of your account without having a verified email is a bad idea ... and I didn't have one before because I thought it might be a privacy risk but then I realized the admins already have my IP address and if I had really done something bad before I'd be in jail way before so why the fuck worry LOL?

Real concern is making sure the Altright doesn't figure out who I am and come after me with their cheetoh-crusted fingers and nerf guns.

R u ok? Did you forget to take ur meds today?

Delete your account. Activate it again. It'll help.

BTW moon elf boobs are tasty as shit!