cis white feminist complains about being called a cis white feminist, comparisons to nazis ensue in the comments.

69  2018-07-02 by juliette19x


womp womp


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Retard here, what is this meme?


That prissy fuckin' meltdown lmao

That prissy fuckin' meltdown lmao

He's like "This is my chance - MAXIMUM VIRTUE SIGNAL."

We need this recut into a "rules of nature" edit

Ahhhhha I assumed it was

You're not incorrect. It's just the latest version and the one people seem to be pissed about currently.


Right on breakfast time we have white people nonsense. Nice. It's amazing how much they hate white people, not even the women and the gays are safe anymore. I saw a post the other day saying "here's the problem with faggots: they are misogenetics, they hate women, they can't see their sexism" and I'm not joking about the faggot part. Lesbians really hate gays. Amazing how things are turning up

Also, u/hellooverthereyou how does it feel being a man and women hater feminist? You already burned your chances of a good relationship with the vast majority of the population. There aren't many black trannies out there that you can be bff with

The reason there are so many gay people now is because it's a chemical warfare operation. I have the government documents where they said they're going to encourage homosexuality with chemicals so people don't have children.


Please remove "cis white male" from your vocabulary. It isn't representative of who I am, and in current usage implies that I lack understanding, that I am "problematic', I am invalid, and I am an obstacle to something... as if my issues as a man are old news. Which, um... no, they aren't.

What's the point of MRAs if feminists just keep eating each other.

If you mean reddit version of MRA...then there is none, because besides being a reactionary sub they do jackshit...I mean same thing works with GC, Trollx and etc, but point.

feminists just keep eating each other.


What's the point of MRAs

Good question.

They're a gateway to dramaposting.

"Same team", eh?

Since when a movement (talking strictly about USA) taken over by upper middle class white women have teams?

Since when [has] a movement ... taken over by upper middle class white women have teams?

The Twilight "Team Jacob/Team Edward" thing springs to mind...

Well that's easy, Jacob x Edward, Kristen Steward can go and eat a gussy.

It feels really harsh, as your friend, that I am reading about how disappointed you are in "cis white feminists". You understand that you are talking about me, right?

Considering that for the last few years I've had to listen to "fucking white/cis-white males", #YesAllMen, etc, I have 0 sympathy for you /u/Seraph-EN. Just sit back and enjoy the Left eating their own. Again.

Mayocide now

So much text over something so stupid, only on reddit!

I do understand your concerns, and I used to feel them very keenly too. However, a while back, I realised that people who were complaining about cis white feminists weren’t talking about me.

If I didn’t indulge in the behaviours they were talking about, then they weren’t talking about me at all. They were talking about other people who share those specific characteristics with me who do behave that way.

Exactly. Slay girl! When I say niggers, I'm just talking about the bad blacks. Why good black folk gotta be so offended n shiet.

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'

I thought it was, “Which way to the washroom?”

Everywhere's a bathroom when you're brave enough

And in India.

Or in Brazil and you have a gun to scare away the kids.


people who were complaining about cis white feminists weren’t talking about me

This is the problem with the whole intersectionality, oppression olympics. People think just because they are "an ally" or "woke" that they get to be one of the good people. It doesn't work that way.

Isn't that kind of thinking super "problematic"?

Like "Oh I'm one of the good ones" gets used as an excuse for all sorts of shitty behavior.

More to the point, isn't a huge part of Feminism as a movement pushing people to "check their privilege" or otherwise examine themselves in the light of all of this stuff? It seems like saying "Oh if X doesn't apply to you when we refer to you we aren't referring to you." kinda fucks up that whole dynamic, along with being fucking nonsense.


Isn't that kind of thinking super "problematic"?

Like "Oh I'm one of the good ones" gets used as an excuse for all sorts of shitty behavior.

More to the point, isn't a huge part of Feminism as a movement pushing people to "check their privilege" or otherwise examine themselves in the light of all of this stuff? It seems like saying "Oh if X doesn't apply to you when we refer to you we aren't referring to you." kinda fucks up that whole dynamic, along with being fucking nonsense.

Hello there! For clarity since you tagged me, when I started writing that comment this morning, my original intention was something like, "If people are complaining about their problems (which are caused by people who happen to share some characteristics with you), maybe you should focus on the other person and their problems instead of putting yourself at the centre of the conversation."

That probably didn't come across very well by the time I was finished. I'm not a particularly good writer, and I often lose my train of thought when I'm Redditing, so sorry about all that.

Do you think there's any possibility of The Gays/The Jews/The Blacks (used for sarcastic emphasis) rising up to mass-murder The Whites?

Little better internet drama than leftist infighting, hypocrisy, and the ensuing struggle session.

How a white person can be a leftist in 2018 is beyond me

They think if they’re docile and pliant they’ll be spared the rope. It’s kind of cute.

They kind of explain it in that thread. Basically they think that "Oh, when people describe how and why they hate my specific subgroup but that description doesn't fit me, they clearly don't mean me", and they think that means they won't be up against the wall.

This. I have lived OP post at times. I'm white, educated, cis, religious and married. I have been told that disqualifies me from the conversation. Which is frustating, because I am also childless but not by choice, obese, Appalachian and married to an Autistic man. I have my own intersectionality to fight, so please don't leave us out of the conversation. We fight for you too.


Absolutely love watching white American women major in gymnastics to try to explain away their oppressor status in America and American History.

Also I'd love if Twox had a feature where any stenence or though that included (Male/Female/Whatever here, <insert stupid opinion> would be accompanied by a gentle electrical shock to the typer. Ive never seen a place so over run by trolls. Its like the trolls fight the trolls and the few people who are "genuine" there have no idea at all.

I highly doubt your average American can do any gymnastics.

They've expanded the definition of gymnastics to be more inclusive to the "differently abled".
