A truck-stop tranny finds a sticker advertising /r/greatawakening and decides to visit the subreddit.

12  2018-07-02 by Etra


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Circlejerky as fuck to say it but Snappy is definitely the pre-cursor to Skynet.

Sadly youโ€™re just the pre-cursor to Trumps 2020 re-election.

Skynet 2024!

> Mentions nothing about Trump

> Talks about Trump

Have you tried sending him a letter with boxes saying check yes or no to being his cock-holster?

Naw, I have tried seeing how easily trigger you are tho.


Verified: rationalhuckleberry is a Q cultist, which makes yours an ironic username](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=huckleberry).

Awww youโ€™re cute.

Why anyone thinks youโ€™re Ed Iโ€™ll never know. You grasp for way more straws.

Can someone say #triggered?

Yes you are!


You can respond, thereby proving me correct.


Well we all know youโ€™re a degenerate retard ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

But if you ignore this, youโ€™re Edโ€™s long lost abortion. If you respond to this, youโ€™re a try hard agenda poster.


I guess youโ€™re new here to not now every single user in this sub is a degenerate retard, and the majority of users embrace that and fuck around with it. And you think itโ€™s an insult to call us what we freely acknowledge about ourselves? Get the fuck out, newfag. You simply donโ€™t have the mental fortitude and self-esteem to be able to joke about yourself if this is how you react to a simple joke. Oh, and try not to shoot up a school when itโ€™s back in session.

Mmmm good pasta. And such a triggered sardine.


no u trigger



Glad i came just in time to witness you daily sperg session! Continue by all means! ๐Ÿฟ https://i.imgur.com/Sc8pgyO.gif ๐Ÿฟ

no u sperg

you're boring me


Sadly you bore me more bby





I would be really disappointed if I read bathroom graffiti and only came away with some stupid subreddit.

Be the change you want to see, use bathroom graffiti to direct people here instead

Lol, imagine stumbling on that sub with ZERO context and everyone's like "JOIN US. We possess the single truth. Are you familiar with spirit cooking?"

conservative boomer cringe at its worst ๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ

They're turning back into the hippies they always were.

At this point I wonder when they all start chanting "one of us, gooble-gobble"

Q must be some Puerto Rican guy.

To my fellow /r/Drama users, I highly recommend following the chain of comments under Snappyโ€™s post. Itโ€™s pretty funny.

Dude's a 13 year old kid.

A 13 year old canโ€™t be a truck stop lizard? Thatโ€™s ageist and maybe even sexist.

I can't imagine what it's like to just find out about this. Wow.

I've been following since before Spirit Cooking. (Don't look into that. You'll be sorry you did).

/u/alpine_rain, red pill us fam.