Illinois: My son got an underage girl pregnant. Please help.

65  2018-07-02 by highschoolcel



Tell your son not to date thots

Tell your son not to date christian thots.

Never date people who won't have an abortion.

Lol so true. What a stupid bitch. Couldn't keep her legs closed and wants to keep the baby.

This but unironically.

r/braincels this mad at a fEEEEmale

Calm down dude, we know you'd wish to be the one to knock her up 😂😂😂

Only if she was an untouched virgin


Trying to find someone that matches your skill level eh?


Ironic how they'll wave the sex before marriage is a sin part but still insist on no birth control or abortions. They ignore how the bible hates thots more then condoms or abortions.

Christians are against abortion because they don't want people having consequence free sex

Couldn't they just insist on paying the church "penance money" again? Like they did 200 years ago.

Not to mention most Christians aren't against birth control at all. They are largely against pre martial sex because horror stories like this happens.

Wow, the French sure are progressive. By the way, I'll be in Paris in a couple weeks. Wanna get together, maybe you can borrow my underoos. No big story.

Wow, the French sure are progressive.

France and french is pretty regressive, tbh.

Wanna get together



A Frenchman wont swap underoos with me. how will I carry on?

I don't know fam. I don't know.

That's why I liked my girls educated and liberal, they wont hesitate to abort and not ruin both of our lives with stupid bullshit.

If abortion are considered liberal where you live, you need to move asap.

I don't think he was "dating" her, but she was definitely in it for that trap baby paycheck.

Tfw these "children" have more knowledge than our founding fathers due to the internet but parents treat them like retards.

And then get confused when they behave like retards

I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Weird how ppl believe men but not women owe it to their biological children to support them.

That thread was hilarious. People were pretty much calling the kid and the parents Joseph Goebells.

The parents were definitely shitters.

The girls parents? Yeah

No the parents who tried to coerce the other parents becuz their kid is above the law

Is having your life permanently fucked because you had dumb teenager sex in a red state with (presumably) shitty sex-ed that great american freedomŠ I hear so much about?

Just outlaw sex

only if it's between whites

If its between men and women

Just because incels can't get laid doesn't mean BASED POC shouldn't have sex to conceive BASED BABIES! Lol wat

My sole contribution to the mayocide

This but unironically

Illinois is a Blue State

Chicago is blue, everywhere else is red

That's basically every State, Blue cities and Red rural areas with very few actual voters.

Uh Vermont

And unfortunately all those other counties get equal voting power despite over 70% of the state living in the Chicago metropolitan area

Psh fuck that if Chicago had its way Illinois would have even more retarded gun laws and probably would never of gotten our CCW law in place. Chicago shouldn’t dictate what the rest of the states citizens want, and also being the most corrupt city in America doesn’t make me want any part of it.

This is a shitty state period. It's full of semi-illiterate rubes and Chicago is the only half-way decent part.

Chicago shouldn’t dictate what the rest of the states citizens want,

When 9.5 million of the 12.8 million residents of the state live in the Chicago metro area yeah their needs should come before those of retards in Peoria and Belleville.

Saying Chicago is corrupt is just saying the whole state is corrupt (which it is) because this is 74% of the state and the republicans elected by hobunk towns around Rockford and the southern part of the state aren't any better

of the state and the republicans elected by hobunk towns around Rockford and the southern part of the state aren't any better

I never said that they where any better, I just don’t thing Chicago has the right to require super majority’s for simple votes. That’s my belief. I like Chicago, it’s a nice city, but to think what Chicago wants is right for the guys down in Peoria is retarded and that goes the same for the other way around as well. Hell go past Joliet south bound and you’ll be in cousin lovin’ land.

I mean people who live in southern IL deserve to be punished for something. They wouldn't be from southern IL otherwise

Hahah sure, yeah I mean I’m in the dupage area and damn going south of Joliet it’s literally like walking into a whole different society.

As someone who lives in southern Illinois atm, I agree. People fly confederate flags here. I think Sherman forgot to torch this area.

Ain't it great when the system does what it's supposed to do? It's a fair trade, though. People in the cities would starve to death if they had to grow their own food, so it's best to let the farmers pick the president.

With full in automation on the way farmers wont have that defense anymore for their retarded voting choices.

Less than 2% of the US's population is involved in agriculture.

The state is still blue tho, and has been for decades.

it sounds like a redneck flyover state, so i just guessed tbh

the absolute state of e*ropeans.

Everywhere except Chicago is, but chicago outnumbers the rest of the state

Only half of it is

Illinois isn't red thanks to Chicago.

Is he going to get registered as a sex offender now for hitting 15 yo gussy at 17? Americans, lol.

White shariah when?

Y'all Queda




This is why we need a White Caliphate. It's the only way for us to bring the age of consent down to 9 years old.

Yeah this country is hilariously stupid. Is there even any other country in the western would that would consider this rape?

If there are, they're almost certainly in Scandinavia or thereabouts.

In the UK this would be considered statutory rape

it's well within the "my dude they're two years apart" range

And why the fuck should we care about other countries?

Just because pedophilia is legal there doesn't mean it should be here.

To be clear, you believe a 17 year old that sleeps with a 15 year old is a pedophile?

Yeah. They should have gone for someone above the age of consent, or better yet waited until they were older before having sex.

And besides it's just creepy, like how tf do this guy's friends not roast him for diddling someone 2 years younger than him? Was he the same guy who took a freshman to prom?

I can not express how absolutely fucking retarded you are if you think a 17 year old sleeping with a 15 year old is a pedo.

It a deep, profound, and mind blowing retardation.

Don't do this to me, daddy pizzashill. I'm a huge fan of your posts :(

Idc if you're a fan. Like that's some absurdist shit if you unironically believe a 17 year old kid fucking a 15 year old kid is pedophilia.

it's 2 years.

That awkward moment when a Hardcore incel like you is less misogynist and more reasonable than someone else.

/u/Boring_normie you should seriously reconsider your life.

That would be an extreme case. Even the police dont like to prosecute this. Typically if it was a hard rape it is but these kids like each other. It will probably get thrown out.

Americans are absolutely retarded about sex. Too much left over baggage from the Puritans who founded the country and the religious nutjobs who still inhabit it.

And yet theyre also so crazy about it.

Puritans loved sex. They encouraged pre martial relations. It wasn't until Victorian mores became vouge and the rise of a middle class did it get weird in all honesty.

This guy Foucaults

Someone should tell these guys about France. Or Germany.

Read the Its hilarious

The only reason people post on legaladvice is to feel morally superior and judge the OP

/r/legaladvice and asshole cypher blue have that problem

People are talking about how she's too young to consent and how he raped her when they're 17 and 15. Going with their logic my highschool was a hive of rape, cutting both ways

America does have a rape culture after all

Pedophilies being defended on this sub, never thought I'd see that.

This thread in a nutshell:

Girl: It was consensual sex with my boyfriend

Everyone: No it wasn't you have no right to decide for yourself

Fucking retards everyone.

I'm misogynistic as fuck but not misogynistic enough to infantilize women and call them victims all the time

Shes not a woman, shes a child

Shes 16. She fucked a 17 year old. She made the choice to fuck him. Stop infantilizing her.

Being 5'7 i would also want to try to justify fucking children but sorry bro, life doesnt work that way


Being 5'7 i would also want to try to justify fucking children

Let's not do that, pedo.

As if others aren't justifying fucking children in here.

Don't kinkshame.

Sorry I disregard all opinions that come from people who can't reach supermarket top shelves

If you can't grab mattresses from the top of Costco shelves you should probably end your life for being a sub 27' manlet

Personally, I'm always looking for a new supermarket shelf stocking husband. What with your below minimum wage and single skill, you sound like quite a catch! Please insert your man-butter in my various holes.

You know they let you grab things off of shelves at the store if you don't work there. It's really one of the focal points of their business.

What? No low paying menial job utilising your height? Holes closing shut. Slam!

I only get premium bussy dude. Unless yours has been prepared by the seat warmers of a Bentley and shielded from prying eyes by 100% fresh armani trousers then no big loss.

Sweaty, this bussy be so good that it just graduated with a masters in how to please a dick from an Ivy League university (not Brown)

Shes 15. Why lie about that?

you know why

bruh it was a typo and even then it shouldnt be illegal

And he was 17. Do you really wanna live in a nation that's so retarded it legally doesn't allow you to have a 2 year age difference between consenting partners? Why doesn't America do what it clearly wants to do and make any underage sex illegal.

When I was 16, my 15 year old gf and I had sex. We were the same year in high school. Our parents found out (because they caught us). No lawyers (my dad was an attorney, so was her dad). We got a pretty strict talking to and we couldn't hang out with each other for a while. But no one was going to f'n jail.

If Jared Fogle wouldnt hit, you must aquit!

and 17 years old is a child too. it's a 2 year age difference lol

Because she’s considered a child the law says she can’t make a choice

Doesn't make it right. If the law said all women cannot consent to men, would that be ok?

Good thing we have something called checks and balances

He was also underage

Yea, and that is why Age of consent laws are retarded and dehumanising.

What do you think we should have?

We should respect the opinion of the people who are actually involved. Frankly this situation should never have involved courts or police in the first place.

not aborting a wh*te "fetus"

literally wtf? 😖🤢🤮

this but unironically

Whoa first throwaway76's 13 year old and now this guy's kid. Teens in Illinois are really stupid enough not to know about (or use birth control) and even more retarded to insist on keeping the baby afterward.

Dat state needs a sex ed program ASAP.

that one was messed up tbh. it was a 10th grader and a 7th grader. thats not good

Fucking middle school thots

He was 15 and she was 13. It's not his fault her parents waited until she was middle-aged before putting her in school.

Shit, when I was in middle school people thought you were a degenerate if you finger banged a girl just one grade below you. That guy must have had no sense of shame.

Probably means the 7th grader was previously molested at some point.

I'm like 95% sure it's the same troll

I hope they had sex when the boy was under 17, and they both get charged.

Jesus christ, I haven't seen that level of savagery in a comments section since the last time I read Audible book reviews.

He's a kid who banged another kid, not Brock Turner, ffs.

It's pretty amazing how literally no one in /r/legaladvice knows anything about the actual law.

Of course not, they're just there for some IRL court room drama.

/u/EmptyHovercraft why did you not teach your son to not be a rapist? Why is teaching your child good values such an unreasonable thing to do, especially when you're trying to kidnap your grandchild?

More importantly, why did he not tell his son not to bang thots?

I don't think you can really blame this little kid for her part in being manipulated and then raped by /u/EmptyHovercraft's son.

Its not a big deal. They dated and fucked and presumably went to the same school, shared classes, shared clubs/groups, etc. In high school, pretty much everyone interacts with each other. Its not unusual for 17 year olds to date 15 year olds

Tell it to your cellmate you fucking pedo degenerate.

In my state its legal moron

mmm keep denying women agency and infantalizing them. A 15 and a 17 year old had sex, it happens literally all the time. Get over it.

You dumb fuck, that's lolcow bait you're spoiling.

No u

Bad bait

This is what happens when you let your 15 year old thot girlfriend convince you that it's ok to bang her without protection. Even without the age of consent problem, you have to be an absolute retard to go for that and risk being parents at 17 and 15.


I can't be the only one who find this word funny, right... ?

It's just you. No one would use funny words in /r/Drama

The funny thing is, she is 5 months preggo, if that places the sex before his 17th bday, she can be charged with stat rape too due to illinois law

It looks like he's about to turn 18, so no dice.

He's 18 now, so I don't think that will pan out.

Wait, isn't this just the reverse of the "my daughter got pregnant" story from a few days ago? I think 99% of these posts from legal advice and relationships are just bullshit anyway.

Yeah there's a 99% chance that it's someone trying to capitalize on the success of the previous teen pregnancy post. Although it is unusual for the OP in these writing exercises to respond quite so much.

if its on r/relationships, its probably a troll. Same with r/legaladvice

Legal advice can be such a shitty sub, I’ve gone in there with questions about me boosting the law and I get downvoted and never my questions answered like I get it in a fucjstick for going 107 in a 65 but I’m looking for some damn advice not a lecture you fucks

fucjstick for going 107 in a 65

The fuck man

My first time with my new V8 Camaro SS, It was like 10 seconds, but I admit it was dumb and I regret ever doing it, got a Class A misdemeanor 1100 dollar fine. Also being an absolute danger to myself and others.

that's retarded

we need an autobahn

Fuck yeah we do!

That's what the track is for.

With that said, a no limits lane where insurance doesn't cover you would be interesting.

LS engnes are dope brah

I did 130 in my '05 GTO once , don't regret it at all.

Yeah LS motors are good and cheap to beef up as well.

There is no paper trail for these statements.


yeah about that...

FIBs, not even once

Our legal system has its costs and benefits.

We decided that it's very important that the accused knows what they are accused of, so we made certain laws very black-and-white. The flip side of this is that black-and-white laws often have stupid edge cases. Something like this is an uncommon enough edge case that it's probably worth the cost of this occasionally happening; ill-defined laws and punishments are how totalitarian governments keep their citizens permanently on eggshells.

Fucking lol at that random cat fact bot that seemingly appeared out of nowhere

Wait till that baby is ripping its way through that teen vagina. Thats going to change everyones perspective.

She might not even survive tbh.

Wait until the baby comes out with severe autism and it financially ruins everyone involved with the situation. All because some 15 year girl wanted a baby the same way a kid wants a dog as a pet.

He just needs to identify as a Black Male and his problems will go away.

Dumb 15 year old slut gets knocked up and her retarded halfwit parents threaten to tell the cops. A baseball bat for the parents and a coat hanger for the whore should do the trick.



Jesus Christ. How hard is it to push a teenage girl down a flight of stairs?


Sleep with her too so she doesnt know who the father is!

Man that some sexist as fuck laws. And it’s not even just relegated to Illinois. I worked with this guy way back in High School at an Applebee’s and he told me he went up for 2 or 3 years in Michigan for statutory. The woman he “raped” was his wife who worked with us. They both loved their kid a lot and both of them worked shit jobs to raise her. She also carried a lot of anger about how he was treated and how he lost his chance to every become anything.

He could never do much more than work Kitchen jobs cause his record said he was a rapist.

man america is fkn retarded. it's really rape if a teenager has sex with a girl two years younger?

Had to use the removeddit link for this gem.



What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Your comments are stupid as fuck. Why are you on r/legaladvice when you cant give a shred of good advice without being an utter fucking prick? Did you have sex with an older guy when you were older but now regret it? Get over yourself you fucking moron.


My daughter was raped at 14

Does anyone on Reddit fucking care? Do you think Mr. LAOP gives a fuck? Guess what, he doesn't. Your comments are also disgusting and uncivil. If you cant control your emotions, you shouldn't be commenting on r/legaladvice. Have some fucking tact. I feel sorry for your slut daughter. You sound like an absolute trashbag of a mother or father. Perhaps your daughter getting a second round will help you develop some empathy.


Your kid is a rapist because you did a shitty job raising him, just FYI. Garbage raises garbage.

Or maybe the laws are fucking garbage? There is nothing wrong with a 17 year old fucking a 15 year old. Get over yourself faggot. You people are sick. You guys think the law is always correct. I bet you consider Brock Turner to be innocent because that's what the law says. Do you agree with other country's laws too? In some countries, women are jailed for being rape victims. Do you agree with those consequences, you piece of shit?

I've witnessed the raw power of an incel, and I'm....dying of laughter.

Hey, pathetic virgin, no one cares what you think. Stay in your mom's basement, play more video games, and keep crying about how the only way you'll ever get laid is by paying a woman. I don't think a prostitute would ever need money that badly. Thank fuck you'll never breed.

TBH I lost my incel status a couple of days ago so I don't really know if I can call myself that anymore without disgracing the sacred St2BlackOpsCel.

As for breeding... My parents said they're going to get me an arranged bride when I am 22 or something (so 5 more years) so I mean... I can breed with her... even if she doesn't want to ;) if you know what I mean.

Also go fuck yourself. Why are you pissed at that guy? Do you honestly think a 17 year old fucking a 15 year old is that bad? Are you jealous of the ripe fresh pussy he scored and wished you could get inside that sweet sugary cunt?

Dude, I cannot stop laughing. Does your dad own Microsoft too? Parents buying you a bride? LOL Bless you, you insane creepy fuck. I haven't laughed this hard in ages.

It's how my culture/religion is. Arranged marriages is what they do. What you're thinking of is a mail order bride. Arranged marriages is pretty much like a business deal between two families.

But really what's your beef with /u/emptyhovercraft? Why are you so against what his son did? Most people think it should be legal. Are you ultra conservative or something?

Either way, rest easy with the following knowledge.

In a couple of months, that girl is about to go through unimaginable pain as her lower body is quite literally ripped apart. She risks death and she will take possibly YEARS to recover from the damage it will do to her body. Following this, she's going to be a parent. At the age of 15. She'll likely have to drop out of high school. Her family will go broke supporting a new baby. At the age of 18, her family will get sick of her shit and throw her on the streets. There she'll become a drug addicted prostitute struggling to make ends meet and her kid will be extremely unlucky and have a terrible upbringing.

As for the son? Lol. The police wont even arrest him. A DA wont even charge him and he will get no more than community service if in the EXTREMELY unlucky chance he gets convicted. He will go unto college, graduate, and have a good life and wont be an utter shame to his family.

Unless this girl's family listens to LAOP and accepts their help, that is what will happen. Police don't even give a shit about this crap. You know how often this happens? This happens in my state too and technically its illegal and no one gets in trouble. There was a massive nude scandal in my 8th grade and not a single soul got in the slightest bit of legal trouble.

You're, what, 17? Little boy, get used to the only fucking you'll ever receive being from the real world.

Go the fuck away, you human plague. Just thinking about how disgusting you are is making my skin crawl.

You are human trash, and no one will care when you finally off yourself.

Yes, 17.

get used to the only fucking you'll ever receive being from the real world.

Lol what?

Just thinking about how disgusting you are is making my skin crawl.


You are human trash, and no one will care when you finally off yourself.


Anyways, I gave you some free karma farmable comments. Be happy

Also did you get banned in r/legaladvice?

And don't mind my comments... if your smart you could use this for karma for r/iamatotalpieceofshit



So did you get banned from there? I got banned a while ago.


You know who else is to blame Sugar? The family's daughter. She single handedly destroyed her life and her family's all because she just had to have sex with her boyfriend.


A prosecutor doesn’t give a fuck about your son. You need to realize a rapist can be legally banned from having ANY contact with the child and also be ordered to pay child support and sent to jail for failing to pay. You’ve basically threatened this poor girls family when YOU are the one in a position to get royally fucked. The law is 150% on the mothers side, not yours.

Do you know anything about the law? Are you aware that this type of shit happens all the fucking time in every state in the United States? This kid wont even get charged. Like it or not, prosecutors do give a shit about the guy being charged. He's going to be a dad and prosecutors aren't disgusting pieces of shit like your subreddit and wont charge him. He wont even get arrested.


which a doctor would be mandated to report.

Lol. How does it feel to spread misinformation and then be corrected by OP himself?

Uhhh.... OP made a new account just to harass everyone? Wtf

This isnt a new account wtf?

History doesn’t always work right on the app. I see now you’re just a professional douche.

That is a better description of me, yes. But seriously. Your also a douche. Prosecutors do care about the people they charge. They're not emotionless animals.


Can you guys like not infantilize a 15 year old? She ruined her own life as well. It takes two people to fuck.


Holy shit do you know OP's son or something? What kind of an autistic landwhale thinks its ok to put a 17 year old on the sex offendor list for life for fucking a 15 year old? Are you retarded? Do you support throwing rape victims in jail in Afghanistan?