《META》*** /r/Drama Discusses Toxic Masculinity ***

8  2018-07-02 by Shark_life


Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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/u/SirApatosaurus squats to pee.

No, I sit.
Get your facts straight.

vid pls

i have a boyfriend though I'll have to ask him if that's ok

do his balls smell amazing? 😍😩

idk who smells men's junk?

Men like you

Well, you're wrong on that one. I don't recall ever sniffing his balls.

Smell them for meeeee!

If you so wish?
Might be hard since I'm moving this weekend but I'm sure he can pop over for a few minutes at some point.

What did you expect to happen with those shitty fake screenshots? Genuinely curious.

They're not fair, the fact that they show 66 where it doesn't belong shows that something weird went on with my beowsee

lmao he actually faked a screenshot to prove himself right

my sides

This is easily the least productive type of discussion ever held on Reddit.