Mayo scams countless virgins out of banging sex (eye contact for 2 secs), orbiters consider flinging l(shit)itigation at thot.

21  2018-07-03 by sodiepopfascism


I ordered a shit dildo using Google+. When it first came out, you had to sign up with G+ in order to get the discount. It was supposed to smell and feel like a shit. Was pretty underhelming when it arrived, because it only looked like a shit. It didn't even feel like a shit when it went in my boipussy.

Needless to say, I don't use it anymore.

The one upside was that the shit dildo was password protected, so no one else could use it.


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Crowd estimated at 15,000

How did this literal who scam 15,000 people (mostly mayo gussy from the 30 seconds of video I watched) into attending her con?

Incels are weird

Most probably MDE fags

MDE dudes are literal chads retard

If you look at the video, is more teenage girls with only the occasional lone incel mixxed in, which makes for a rather interesting combination if you think about it.

Teen girls who obsess over celebs creep me out worse than incels, to be honest

Because she didn’t, they just made shit up as they went including crowd numbers

Kids & Teenagers and parents who can be pressured to drive them there

Only 5,000 showed up, almost all ticket holders. They put out the 15,000 number to make it sound like it went to shit because tons of randos turned up when in reality they booked a 1,000 person capacity hotel ballroom.

I'm confused about all that inclusivity stuff they repeatedly cite as the reason, what is that a code for?