Black man gets revenge against racist Twitter watch dogs.

12  2018-07-03 by ArlenBilldozer


I respect Hitler but I don't idolize him. He is partly to blame for the loss of the Reich and the destruction of Fascism's public image. He done fucked up, but he is still one of the greats.


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And to expand: Look at the dude's ([timeline]. RacismWatchDog and the "owners" are taking more L's than the '92 Dallas Mavericks.

And to expand: Look at the dude's [](timeline). RacismWatchDog and the "owners" are taking more L's than the '92 Dallas Mavericks.

And to expand: Look at the dude's timeline. RacismWatchDog and the "owners" are taking more L's than the '92 Dallas Mavericks.

And to expand: Look at the dude's timeline. RacismWatchDog and the "owners" are taking more L's than the '92 Dallas Mavericks.

Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Mike loves calling out hypocrites and race baiters. Of course at some point the racism dog would try to bash him

The pathetic faggot that runs racism watchdog needs to get his arse kicked into next week. What an insufferable cunt.

Hope he keeps doubling down though lel.

The pathetic faggot that runs racism watchdog needs to get his arse kicked into next week. What an insufferable cunt.

Hope he keeps doubling down though lel.

I love this account

Time to give it the Old Yeller treatment 😤

Anyone who pretends to be a dog clearly wasn't baptized as a child,

Who would have tought there would be this much drama over a fucking twitter account that barks at people