The Wrestler (2008)

396  2018-07-03 by xNotch

The Wrestler is a movie starring Mickey Rourke, Marisa Tomei, and Evan Rachel Wood. A faded professional wrestler must retire, but finds his quest for a new life outside the ring a dispiriting struggle.

Director: Darren Aronofsky
Writer: Robert D. Siegel (as Robert Siegel)
Stars: Mickey Rourke, Marisa Tomei, Evan Rachel Wood | See full cast & crew »


notch bb come play memecraft with us

I don't do things.

living the dream tbqh

Have you been /u/MasterLawlz the whole time?

If I were you I’d be doing the same nothing

what did i start the server for? you can at least donate to the server costs, you bougie cuck.

how do i make a fence gate

They changed it since he left he wouldn’t know

Did you figure it out yet? Just in case: it's 4 sticks on the sides with 2 planks in the middle.

the fuck

Just in time before this post gets archived, you're welcome.

not so fast

I’m a marginalized shitposter and I think you owe me reparations for having slain me this morn

That film was awful and mickey rourkes face looks like a spam sandwich, wats the point of this post pray-tell?

Living the nerd dream

Lol, do you even still play Minecraft now that you have enough money to afford Legos?

You kidding? He can probably afford, like, one or two sets. /s

Join our sever pls

The Developer is a movie starring Mickey Rourke, Marisa Tomei, and Evan Rachel Wood. A faded professional video game developer must retire, but finds his quest for a new life outside the internet a dispiriting struggle.

Director: Darren Aronofsky Writer: Robert D. Siegel (as Robert Siegel) Stars: Steven Seagal, Marisa Tomei, Evan Rachel Wood | See full cast & crew »

what does this have to do with pizzagate

Damn, nigga, stop trying to impress Notch

I'm not trying to impress him, i just want his fucking money. Is that too much to ask?

Just ask him straight up: /u/xNotch, we all wanna be your friend because you have a lot of money and that's basically all we can ever see in you; you're that foreigner game developer who made that Lego Batman game, and we would all like to come to your house any one of these next few weekends and eat all your candy. We'd all be super nice to you and expect you to buy us cars. You're probably super lonely, too, because you believe that everyone can only see you as a giant walking mechanical-keyboard-enthusing bank account, which you probably aren't, but which you basically are.

Notch, go get some antidepressants or something and start entertaining your fan-board with wanton displays of excess, depravity, and vulgarity. There are enough philanthropic billionaires. Be the first in a long time to do something crazy: film coprophagic midgets perform sex acts on each other; film snuff movies; or film some horrible self-involved vlogs.

Kill some hookerrrrrs


wait, so this is actually the minecraft dude? he actually posts on /r/drama?

Girl, he invented /r/drama, Minecraft, Roblox, the autism in vaccines, and mechanical keyboards. And he did it all so that he could make enough money to just buy some Legos.

those must be some sweet legos.

I think I saw somewhere he's pretty into Harry Potter. I mean, I'd prefer numbly fucking hookers in a vat of blow, but you can't tell the Roblox man not to Roblox.

why do you think r/drama hasnt been banned yet? our ravishing good looks?

Mickey Rourke's best movie tbh.

Mickey Rourkes only two good films are the wrestler and Barfly.

Pope of Greenwich Village is pretty good too

Barfly is underrated tbh. Saying that, Mickey Rourke is definitely the worst part of the movie.

"Angel Heart" you infidel dogs! It's, like, one of the best films period!

I'd hate to be you if I were me!

no one likes sin city?

I feel like the sequel left everyone with a bad taste in their mouth.

it definitely wasn't as good as the first, but i didn't hate it. actually i can barely even remember it at all. the first one is dope though, watched it tons of times.

Angel Heart my friend

Rourke at peak Rourke

no one likes sin city?

I friggin' love halloumi. And the wrap is like a 4.5/5. Not that I know how to improve it.

I friggin' love halloumi


Did you ever play Rimworld? What do you think of it? Or is it too expensive to buy before it gets out of early access?

Yeah, I got it. Seemed a bit confusing, and I knew I'd get too excited with it, so I instead did nothing else instead. Because priorities.

Is it more fun to shit post on reddit or twitter?

> priorities

> have billions of dollars


there are 2,208 billionaires in the world, you would think to

U can rim my world bb

I like it when I'm tired and don't want to deal with micromanaging dwarves.

tbh I think I'd also have no idea what to do with my billions of bucks

I'd be doing the same thing I already do, except there wouldn't be creditors calling all day and my chair would be a lot more comfortable.

hookers and cocaine

Shit movie tbh 🙄

E a t S h i t

لا، أنت

I very fuck you, man


Bussy Preperation Instructions:

Although complete bowel cleansing and maintenance requires herbs, diet, massage and often packs and poultices, enemas are a significant and useful self-help measure which serves an important function in any bowel program. Some types of enema can reach the portal vein and help with enabling the liver to release toxins.

The Artsana enema kit relies on gravity feed. This means that the bag is designed to be placed on a hook at approximately shoulder height.

A tube of about 5 feet connects the container with the nozzle at the other end and there is a small tap with which the flow of the liquid can be regulated.

You will need the following: A convenient hook An enema kit! 2 pints of enema liquid (various types are listed below). Whatever the contents, the liquid should be room temperature. Too warm and it could be dangerous, too cold and it would be hard to retain. You will find your enema a simple and pleasant experience if you organise yourself well, set aside a relaxed half an hour and provide yourself with something to do when you are retaining the enema (music, book, etc). Many people like to take their enema while they are soaking in a warm bath, others prefer to do it on a rug on the bathroom floor, the illustration shows one of the most common positions.

When you are ready:

The enema kit should be filled with 2 litres of your chosen liquid, and hung approx 2-3 feet from the floor, a door handle is suitable. Open the tap on the enema kit to allow the air out, and the liquid to the end of the tip. Lubricate the enema nozzle (e.g. with chickweed cream, coconut or olive oil). Lie on your back or on your right side. Gently insert the nozzle into the rectum until it is firmly in place. Gently turn the little tap to allow the liquid to flow through the tube you can control the level of flow by turning the tap. Don't expect too much of yourself the first time, either in terms of the amount of liquid retained or the retention time (after a number of enemas your body will get used to retaining more liquid for longer). Aim to retain about 2 pints for at least 10 minutes at the outset (your practitioner may have already advised you). Sometimes the urge to release cannot be ignored and it is wise to let it go and begin again. As the bowel condition improves, it will be easier to accept and retain more liquid with a minimum of discomfort. The colon is a very large eliminative organ and is arranged internally like three sides of a large square. The aim is to let the enema liquid go up the descending colon positioned down the left hand side, along the transverse colon positioned from left to right under the stomach and into the ascending colon which goes down the right hand side. It will help to gently massage the colon in a clockwise motion and to change positions.

Lying on your right hand side, insert the anal tip ( this is the shorter tip in your kit ) approx 2 inches, or until you feel it is comfortable, turn the tap gently and slowly to allow the liquid to flow in. If you feel uncomfortable, turn off the tap and take some deep breaths, if you feel the need to evacuate, remove the tip and go to the toilet. After a few times you should be able to retain between ½ and 2 litres.

how to perform home enema

When you feel that you have introduced enough liquid, turn of the tip and remove gently, roll over onto your back and place a cushion underneath you buttocks, take some deep breaths and gently start to massage around your colon area, start from your left hand side above your hip and work your way up to just below the ribcage, then across to right hand side and then back down, you may feel the liquid moving in your colon, this is quite normal, the process of doing this will help to loosen faecal matter in the colon.

The aim is to retain the enema for 15 minutes before going to the toilet, but 5 minutes is acceptable and your first few attempts.

When you are ready to go to the toilet proceed as normal, but bear in mind that it may take a few minutes for all the liquid to pass out.

Congratulations you have now performed your first enema.

Although complete bowel cleansing and maintenance requires herbs, diet, massage and often packs and poultices, enemas are a significant and useful self-help measure which serves an important function in any bowel program. Some types of enema can reach the portal vein and help with enabling the liver to release toxins.

Kill me now please

Not packing your bowel with poultices

Why even live tbh

Not bad for an Aronofsky film at least.

Marisa Tomei 👌😫


What, why are you angery?

Because you are promoting gussy

Notch why don't you fund far right groups across Europe to push your political agenda like Peter theil?

like you don't have to be involved, Just give the money and go back and relax in your hut.

Because money is the root of all evil.

Notch are you the funder behind LSC?

Okay but will you help me pay off my student loans tho?

Nice flair.

TIL Notch is the one funding all the crazy communists we have been seeing taking over Reddit lately.

I'm somehow okay with this, tbh.

The love of money is.

It was the funniest reply I could think of, but you are absolutely correct.

Also the love of those fake testicles you can put on your car.

We have a word for the love of money, it's called greed. Why didn't they say "Greed is the root of all evil"? Lazy fucks who wrote the Bible couldn't get anything right.

the root of all evil is white people

The root of most crime is black people

stfu commie

Sounds like someone's been binge drinking piss. Yeah, money doesn't equate good, or bring you happiness, but it's not evil or the source of unhappiness either. Once you have more money you can spend, you just realize that there are other things that are just as important to you. You may even think that those things are more important, and maybe they really are, but the thing is, you wouldn't have had that insight, had it not been for the money, so in a way, having that much money allowed you to learn and grow and become a better person. You can't change your past, but you have to learn to accept it, but don't blame money, you might as well blame gravity.

I mean it was a joke reply, dangus.

Mayocide is the root of all good.

Who is to say he isn't?

Evan Rachel Wood is my favourite actor. What a brave womyn. Btw Westworld season 2 sucked.

Have you ever noticed that the correlation between people who call movies "films" and smug hipster assholishness is 1? Glad you're a pleb like the rest of us.

I’ve not noticed this but this a great way to tell from now on, thanks.

That’s just what they call them in england


I already said "smug hipster assholes"

I already said "smug hipster assholes"

pig ignorant school shooter detected

Hey, I resent that. I was homeschooled.

Oh, fair enough. Enjoy your Ungrateful Bastards' Day tomorrow, then.

Oddly enough, I'm flying to London today. When I touch down in Redcoatville, it'll be July 4th. Maybe we could meet up and hang out, talk about emotions, swap our underoos. No big story.

Well, that's far more civil than I deserve, and it pains me to have to say I'm a long way out of London. Thanks for the offer!

I'm a long way out of London

The UK is the size of Oregon, can't possibly be that far out of London. Last time I was in the UK, some old guy told me "to an American, 100 years is a long time, to an Englishman, 100 miles is a long journey."

At least that's what I think he said, those accents are unintelligible.

Those are the facts, though. 100 miles in the States, you head out on the highway and you're there in comfortably under two hours. We're something like a quarter of your population in less land than a middle-sized State. You'd spend a fair bit of that two hours just getting out of London, and I wouldn't guarantee it then unless the traffic was moving really freely.

Besides, where's the fun in spending all evening going "What? What did you say?" at each other?

You'd spend a fair bit of that two hours just getting out of London, and I wouldn't guarantee it then unless the traffic was moving really freely.

I would lose my fucking mind.

Yes. London driving is a trial of the spirit. The Underground (urban electric railway aka The Tube) is fast and efficient but hot and crowded. Further out, motorway driving may be no worse than a busy freeway but it's not for nothing that the M25 London Orbital is called "the biggest car park in Europe" - it snarls up really easily under all kinds of conditions. As a rule, fifty miles each way is as far as you want to go for a casual jaunt, and even then, best if you're not trying to get into or out of London. We came to see Les Miserables a few months ago, and Cirque du Soleil last year, and we made each of those a whole-day expedition although we're barely 100 miles out.

I was homeschooled.

End yourself.

I actually went to a public school, but nobody ever got shot. Frankly I'm a little upset that that prestigious rite of passage never happened at my high school.

What about Russia then?

Ah yes, slags and chavs, how smug and hipsterish they are

This is true but Aronofsky is up there with Wes Anderson in the pantheon of smug hipster film connoisseur must love auteurs.


But what does this have to do with Minecraft?

Fucking great movie (especially if you are a wrestling dork), and Marisa Tomei is milf-tacular

10 year old Drama and no tag? Reported. Give us something more recent!

Black Swan is way better. I haven't seen it, but does the Wrestler have Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis engaging in hot Hebrew-on-Hebrew lesbian sex? I doubt it

It has Marisa Tomei's titties instead.

No Holds Barred is a 1989 action film produced by Michael Rachmil, directed by Thomas J. Wright, written by Dennis Hackin and starring professional wrestler Hulk Hogan (who is billed as executive producer alongside Vince McMahon).

Director: Thomas J Wright

Writer: Dennis Hackin

Rewritten by: Hulk Hogan, Vince McMahon, cocaine

Stars: Hulk Hogan, Kurt Fuller, Joan Severance, and Tiny Lister

Rewritten by: Hulk Hogan, Vince McMahon, cocaine


“When the first draft of the script was turned in, Hogan and McMahon disapproved of it, so they checked into a hotel in Redington Beach, Florida, and stayed up for 72 hours rewriting the script together.”

I would pay good money to know how much cocaine was consumed during those 72 hours

Marisa Tomei's Boobs

ur mom gey

Holy shit the billionaire is here.

Q predicted this.


u/xNotch is Q. Think about it.

One of my favorite movies but honestly, I would still fuck Marisa Tomei over our resident shitlord Notch. I'm sorry. Report me for gussy.

The guy who Mickey Rourke faced in the Deathmatch scene was Necro Butcher, he retired after winning a heap on Draftkings. He also got slammed head and face first onto concrete one time.

This was boring as fuck


I hope you’re doing alright, man. I’m just a stranger but if you need to talk, I’m willing to listen.

Willing to li$$$ten

I liked Pi better.

I understood several seconds of Pi.

Marisa Tomei's 40 year old titties are noice.

I don't watch movies. Is it good?


Oh well, then.


Garbage tier movie 😖🤢🤮

Add round to Minecraft please

hol up

Suppose it must be odd getting used to having a spotlight on you then one day having it disappear. I always thought that movie was about how our pride leads us to make crazy decisions...

/u/xNotch why?

great movie thx fam

Wot? I'm not trying to be rude, but why is this posted in the drama sub?

/r/Drama is a mod playground. /u/xnotch is a mod.

The meme mods participating is great.

We have the best meme mods. The only disappointment is that Professor Memerson himself hasn't joined us. And Martin Shkreli ignored us for a year before he went to prison, which serves him right.

I thought we had a chance with Milo. Would have loved to see him get into it with the regulars here.

He would have hated it. The average /r/Drama retard would have out-Milo'd him.

i feel like this place could have really helped out martin its a shame he didnt engage here much

Got it, thanks

It's a drama.

Hey notch, how’s life?

hey notch do you autograph pictures?

Post your bussy, /u/xNotch. We want to see if it's made out of blocks like the legends say.

Notch what is your favorite food to prepare?

Dangel is better....

Can you tell if anyone likes you for you or because you have money?

This film is top, Notch.


I’d like to be sent a dollar from you signed (((/u/xNotch))).

You’d be a meme inside a little group of friends of mine you’ll never meet. They don’t play video games so they have no idea who you are.

So what I offer his your accomplishments will be a nice story that I use to entertain people that come to my house. Incidentally is really what Reddit is about, but I digress

On the other hand, if you don’t acknowledge this comment I’ll look pathetic as fuck.

But this creates quality content for this sub. because at the very nature of it, /r/drama is a sub about how much pathetic reddit has become or has always been, (depending on how you look at it).

So to reassume

I’d like to ask you for a dollar but unironically

Good modpost. Have you ever thought about purchasing/starting an esports team?

ah, Darren Aronofsky’s last movie

Broder notch.

I don't get it.

Apparently movie wasn't dirty enough to be realistic.

You know underage sex and stuff.

What reference is this?

I still have my 0x10c code I feel like a baller

am here to remind you of r/mjtttec, it has been a year

You alive bud? Blink twice if yes