Redditors are some of the most socially incompetent people I've ever had the displeasure of talking to.

68  2018-07-03 by OniTan


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Is this what living in New York does to people?

Everytime I go through airport security I'm reminded that it is for the sake of these assholes. It's not worth it.

That place is a monument to the arrogance of man.

Considering the original price paid, it seems to be a monument to this. or vice versa.

I thought it was Phoenix that was an abomination of man's hubris towards God.

it inspires them to make great points on the internet?


Do arseholes flock to NewYork or does NewYork make them arseholes 🤔

The asshole of the US is located somewhere around San Diego, anatomically speaking, if not culturally.

Nah, that's San Antonio.

My experience is yes.

But doesn't daddy hail from NYC 🤔🤔

Daddy has many good qualities, the best qualities, but I would not put energy into arguing that "not an asshole" is one of them.

That is actually a really, really good point.

this is good, introspection is healthy

it is

the pendantic "well....ACKTUALLY....!" motherfucks are all over this fucking website, fucking up perfectly good converstions with their "well TECHNICALLY...!" bullshit

good lord. You know its a bunch of STEM overlord types with no social skills too.

The pervading "jerk" on this website is "I'm smarter than everyone around me." It fuels the pedantic ACKTUALLY bullshit that ruins this place.

I'm smarter than my parents. I'm smarter than my teachers. I'm smarter than all the retards I go to school with. I'm smarter than that geopolitical expert over there. I'm smarter than that religious guy. This place feeds off smug.

I unironically miss CB from 5-6 years ago.

But CB back then was just “I’m smarter than all these redditors”

It is but he fell into the other annoying reddit pitfall of writing 800 more words than necessary

conflates "celebrities" with actually successful people who have accomplished actual things of actual worth.

Tune in next week as we are regaled with the secret occult history of how the same aristocracy that literally would not deign to dirty its hands with trade, created modern capitalism and therefore deserves to rule us.

Great rant 10/10

He's right though. If everyone on this site necked themselves, the world would be a better place.

If everyone on this site necked themselves, the world would be a better place.


Banged to rights.

He's right ho

acting like these types of people only exist on reddit is all the proof i need that the person saying this shit spends too much time on reddit

Lol, I feel like this comment is just proving his point.

Even if it was officially named Freedom Tower it would be embarrassing to call it that. Like with the "Hugh L Carey Tunnel" or the "Cuomo Bridge".

City/local subreddits are the most miserable fucking hellholes on this site. I haven't seen one that was even remotely pleasant.

"I hate X-Person

Maybe we should change X?-Person 2

Fuck off and leave-Person"

Even national subs suck. People taking the internet too seriously tend to ruin sites. Not to mention mods with skyhigh levels of USI

try hard as fuck. Nobody who actually believes what he wrote would give a shit about this site long enough to sperg so much

Get your copy pasta here guys.

Name on profession, or one guy where you can be rich being completely and utterly socially incompetent, I'll wait.

Also I'd like to introduce to our mod, xnotch.

Man you Zuckerberg'd him!

Also, Zuckerberg.


what the fuck is anybody there talking about, I hate it so much