Furfag BTFO when it's pointed out that you can't make fun of people posting in porn subs when you yourself engage in furry degeneracy

50  2018-07-03 by Ed_ButteredToast


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Would have been a great time for the "You got put down" quote

The day of the hunt cannot come soon enough.

Should have used Agent Orange tbh fam.

They really missed out by not asking Sen. Tom Cotton about furries. I suspect that Republicans from Arkansas might have some interesting kinks.

Am I being laughed at for being a furry? Is it 2005? /u/nevasky no it's 2018 and your being laughed at because you're a furry.

That's the problem with the consolidation of social media. Furries used to just post on Furaffinity and their MUDs and MMOs and the like, but then they moved onto Twitter and now they feel like they have more mainstream legitimacy. They're still the same gross dogfuckers they've always been, though.

No he is being laughed at because he is a douche bag who tried to slut shame another user who disagreed with him

slut shame? he made fun of a guy for posting on porn subs lol. to be a slut you have to get off the computer and get laid my man.

get laid my man.

Finally putting your testosterone to good use I see.

all that dbz i watched as a tween bro.

Some of us can get laid AND post on porn subs at the same time.

those two things are mutually exclusive and you know it

/u/nevasky it's not a terrible game of gotcha, it's a great one because you seriously can't figure out how you are wrong. Get that fox dick out of your ass and use some critical thinking

but their not? like pretty sure the only furry stuff i post in is strictly sfw, how the fuck is that hypocritical?

He should just scrub that account tbh, no coming back from being outed as a furry, backtracking and going the "only post sfw furry stuff" is not going to help at all.

Smh, it's like saying "I only post sfw BDSM stuff", not only is it hard to believe but it also makes you come across as an even bigger weirdo


This is cream of the crop drama. This is why I browse this subreddit.

I exist to please you senpai ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Here you go! Something on the side https://www.reddit.com/r/DesignPorn/comments/8vq8dq/comment/e1prvlc?context=3

Lolol such a random thread too

That whole thread is a goldmine. I dont know why people take themselves so seriously I. A subreddit that does nothing but suck off shitty commercials.

Is being a furry more degenerate than freak-tier fetishes like cannibalism or gore? 🤔


I can now practice Elizabeth Bathory roleplay sessions safe in this knowledge.

Furries truly are the lowest forms of life it seems. Maybe a little above weebs, not sure.

So, you enjoy pretending to be the Blood Countess or one of her victims?

I can now practice Elizabeth Bathoryroleplay sessions safe in this knowledge.

Maybe a little above weebs

Come hither hither, with chicken dinner, I spy a sneaky ☻

At least you are dealing with other people in cannibalism or gore, unlike some sort of degenerate

Is it less degenerate if you have a gore fetish but only against furries?

repeat after me






Did a pathetic drama thread inspire me to call a furry an incredibly common insult? No, can't say it did

Wow you're mean :(

Pathetic might have been harsh, but I despise dedicated drama shit. Dedicated drama subreddits/twitter accounts/YouTube channels are trash. Everyone likes a little drama here and there, but shit dedicated to desperately trying to find nuggets never results in something good and always causes little things to be blown way out of proportion

Wow, someone read the sidebar!

Lol ur a fag

delet this

Ma dick, u suk

You'll fit right in

But actually anyone who comments on porn should join the furries in the gas chambers.

And i just when i thought i couldn't love you more! 😍💞🌈🦄

Ily too Ed 💕


Unicorn emoji

/u/Ed_ButteredToast is a furfag, here's proof.


RIP 💀👻

Don't kinkshame me.

I wouldn't mind a gas chamber of fox girl farts tbphwy.

Yo. What if I really, really, really need to know where they got that sofa?

idk, i think those comments under porn hub videos are usually pretty funny.

As the person who was talking to that furfag, I'd like to say I'd rather talking to exclusively furries than pathetic cunts who browse drama subreddits to see mundane shit like this

Some of us are pathetic cunts in drama but most are really good cunts in their own way.

If you’re in here chasing tail, you might just find what you’re looking fur.

👁 👀 wat 👆 did there

What's wrong with being retarded on the internet?

It gives you the big gay

u/nevasky I think you should switch to your alts before your daily session of virtue signaling


like pretty sure the only furry stuff i post in is strictly sfw

u/Nevasky What kind of job do you have where you're okay with coworkers knowing that you're a furry?

He is a furbag it seems. The other furries deposit their seeds deep inside of him

/r/drama needs to celebrate the day those furries were gassed in the convention.

i’m all for queermos and muzbols and transformers and gendertrenders and whatnot, i’ll even tolerate dr who fans, but furries are up to no good

even the ace ones, can’t trust em