All violent blacks are actually alt-right according to r/ChapoTrapHouse

4  2018-07-03 by WorldStarCroCop


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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how is this right wing violence

a right-winger stabbed a bunch of random people, all of who belong to a group hated by the right

fuck off reactionary scum

Asking how this is right wing is -117 karma. More importantly, daring to ask makes you a reactionary.

The children are becoming unhinged.

Watching their boy get his shit smashed in has them all on edge, they aren't receiving the fear and respect they think their "revolution" deserves.

They are almost getting worse than the Donald idiots with speculating on who committed random acts and violence and they double down the same way when they end up being wrong.

Like when people were trying to blame the alt right on a middle eastern looking incel running people over in Toronto.

I see u/bitterasianman is living up to his name

I'm famous, baby

Famously retarded, yes

Still famous, baby

Wait so if this is alt-right violence does that make this man a leftist revolutionary 🤔.

u/Elm-tree-time u/ClF3FTW u/NruJaC

Why do you hate black people so much that you just assume one is alt-right because he stabbed a bunch of latinos? Is South LA the biggest concentration of violent alt-righters in the country?

Aww we hurt a poor wittle nazi’s fee fees

Truly a shameless display of the ruthlessness and ascerbic wit of the dirtbag left. I am ruined, distraught, and broken. Consider this fash thoroughly bashed.

Rip bigwordalt

Are you like, an adult?

No I’m a reptile


slithers away