When you're so #woke, politeness and civility is a racial tool

214  2018-07-03 by Odemdemz98


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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There's a word to describe this. Rhymes with bentient.

I have never met a polite jew


It appears their last run-in with u/AnnoysTheGoys left some pretty serious mental scars. Hope they get over it.

Go fuck yourself

did I ever tell you I have a jewish cousin? my mom's sister married a doctor. kid grew up rich as shit, went to high school with odell beckham jr

that's how I found out how much fun bar mitzvas and jewish weddings are

that's how I found out how much fun bar mitzvas and jewish weddings are

Just don't get blitzed on Manischewitz

fun fact: I saw bloodhound gang live when I was like 13

I've never seen so much white trash, you would've thought I was at a Korn concert

Not to one-up you, but I saw ICP live at about the same age. Now that was hwite trash

I have been to denham springs Louisiana before.

Damn, that beats my Shreveport

I live in West Virginia

I knew something smelled funny about you, I didn't know that smell was Faygo.

I was down with the clown before The Great Milenko

(Not really, but I could appreciate the spectacle)

user reports:
1: juggalo

That was you wasn't it

No. I would never out a fellow Faygo fan.


Womp Womp

Damn, I bet you got some sweet dreadlocked white girl poontang.

Oh noooo, I don't mix with the poors. Well, maybe one, but I didn't know she was a horrorcore aficionado until it was too late.

yeah well i used to have a faygo bottle that violent j bounced off of my head at a concert

your move, jew

Look at this Anglo trying to control sobriety levels!!!

Sobriety has nothing to do with it. Get blitzed on Uncle Moishe's "hidden" whiskey flask. Manischewitz justs tastes like ass and all that sugar makes for the worst hangover

He's telling the truth about the hangover... which means that this Jewish trick has layers.

It's the perfect parenting trick, let the kids get drunk, but make the entire experience awful.

Friday night we'll be drinking manishewitz

Going out to terrorize goyem

Stomping shagitz, screwing shicksas

As long as we're home by Saturday mornin'

Fat Mike got ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Goys fuck themselves

DAE le relevant username?!

Go fuck yourself

You're just like Terry Crews. My hero.

She's a researcher at Conde Nast, so this is officially reddit's view on all Jews. Sorry.

Take that problematic cake by your icon and shove it up your ass.

Pls no bully

How much money does someone need to have before they are Jewish?

If you have to ask you can't afford it

Can I kill some Palestinians in lieu of the money?

Case in point.

Seriously tho ever Jew I know is polite. What a weird stereotype that girl made up on the spot.

Cool it with the anti-semitism

When you're so antiracist you forget Japanese people exist.

They actually morph polite into obnoxious.


You should read some Kazuo Ishiguro. He's learned how to express every emotion under the sun through a thick layer of politeness.

This middle-aged Japanese guy on our street unironically used to catcall me (dont get ur hopes up im still ugly) regularly for at least two or three years. SO NOT ALL JAPANESE PEOPLE.

japs are race traitors. they must perish in the mayocide

found the chink. IJA did nothing wrong, nanking wasn't enough

I agree. They should have brought that shit to Yan'an. Instead they got cold feet and moved south.

All the real Chinese have been slaughtered throughout history. When you have 20-50 million people killed every 100 years it adds up.

You will never find people who are more pleasant to be around despite considering you a literal subhuman.

Is that entity male, female or something in-between? I can't tell by the picture.

Referring to a full torso apparition as an entity is archaic and offensive

idk but i'd let it blow me

Female w/ penis envy.

56% meme is on fire right now

You're a living one, after all

Depends on who you ask around here.

Well, the voices in my head are always a good source




Apparently shutting the fuck up in the movie theater is white people culture too ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿ™Š



Are your comments hooked to your function keys?

oblivious to a sarcastic comment


"I was only pretending to be retarded"

"I only play a character who posts 18 hours a day pointless retarded shit that people know me for, and I would never, ever admit in real-life"

Ha! You sure got us, buddy. /u/Ed_ButteredToast, you sure got me introspectin'. Mission accomplished. Now fly back home to your home planet. We'll take it from here.


Keep going! I want more pasta!

๐Ÿฟ https://i.imgur.com/Sc8pgyO.gif ๐Ÿฟ

Ed, people telling specifically you what you come across as is not generic copypasta. It is a symptom of something that is wrong with you. Find something that will make you happy. I cannot believe doing this for as many hours a day that you do this makes you happy. I hope your desk job pays you to be here. I also hope you know that /r/drama is not a real hobby.

No you aren't important enough to care about at all actually.

You aren't an emoji poster. You are one of the biggest serious posters here except you hide behind emojis and trying to pretend you don't care.

No one is fooled by this. At least when Pizza says something he doesn't end it with "I was only pretending lmao XD ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜!!1!"

This gets brought up to you repeatedly and no amount of alts by you pretending to suck up to you changes that.


You take your act on the road too. It isn't just on Drama.


Sorta forgot I'm trying to talk to one of the only people on earth to completely hand over his life to emojis, copypasta, and goading conservatives on Reddit you do you, Ed. I'll never, ever stop downboating your tripe, and while I can't say I respect what you do, I can sort of understand it.

What the actual fuck are you even talking about? The fact you genuinely think youโ€™re either smart or funny is a testament to how utterly pathetic you are.

Now please, stop looking for attention from me. Iโ€™m gonna need to start charging your mom hourly for babysitting your sorry ass lool

Being told off by an aggressively pathetic teenager whose first interests are cartoons and memes is quite possibly the only thing you don't expect from him. If this is pasta, my weak-wristed mobile capabilities lead me to believe otherwise.

Consider finding greater purpose, Ed, if getting told that nobody wants you on this board riles you up. You're the low-intensity lolcow that's engulfed the board, and you're too inoffensive to put out. We all expect to see your comments at the bottom of the thread, kind of like a Snappy post that wasn't sentient enough. If you actually cannot see what nonpurpose you have here (as something other than that grating eyesore in 90% of threads), then I actually value your presence here more than I did before.


r/atethepasta ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ‘Œ

Holy shit your copypasta is now advanced than a Google search with quotation marks around it. Do you keep these in excel sheets? How the fuck do you continue to stay so up-to-date with pasta so fresh?

Ed, can I say, for the record, I quite like you โค๏ธ

Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed today

Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed computer workstation today

Yes please help me.

i don't like that anita chick but that gif is adorable every time i see it.

Imagine using Reddit this much

this is all he has lol. ed is sad as fuck

ed I know it's a pasta but I'm just trying to say that your life is empty and you are of no use to anything, even if you choose to ignore it now maybe one day it'll hit you.

posts on r/drama

oh no, your life is so empty :(

self awareness can go a long my ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

i can see you're in denial and coping. It'll get better

aren't you the guy who's on here 24/7 365 tho

denial and cope

took a toll on you didn't it? sheesh

ed there's no need to be upset this is a time for reflection and improvement

I only play a character who posts 18 hours a day pointless retarded shit that people know me for, and I would never, ever admit to spamming to real-life people because their opinion would invariably be pity or disgust

Mind including this gem of a ๐Ÿ in bussybot's code? Thnx!

I only play a character who posts 18 hours a day pointless retarded shit that people know me for, and I would never, ever admit to spamming to real-life people because their opinion would invariably be pity or disgust

/u/Lightumbra Mind including this gem of a ๐Ÿ in bussybot's code? Thnx!

God I wish that popcorn were me

i hate that chick but that gif is adorable and makes me wanna cuddle her, and then pump my semen deep into her vaginal cavity.

If you died I would probably be kind of happy for a little bit until I forgot about you later in the day.

I hate that bitch, but maaan would I cum in her face. And she'd let me.

He's an agent of chaos.

That's a Joker quote btw, from Dark Knight by Christopher Nolan

I understood that reference.

That's actually a Captain America Quote btw, from the avengers(2012)

We live in a societt

'opinion would invariably be pity or disgust' - don't you understand this is exactly what he is saying?

Someone has an opinion. We have freedom of speech. But for some opinions, there are all sorts of other social punishments. Hence he can only come on the internet and say it, anonymously.

The fact that someone cannot speak their mind without social repercussions, you don't see this as exactly why people are protesting?

What opinions does Ed have other than that he needs to shit up the place?

I dunno - what compelled speech laws are leftists trying to stick down the rest of our throats.

Would you like me to link video's of Jordan Peterson bitchslapping leftist over bill C16 or whatever it was?

What? Are we still talking about how and why Ed is a miserable nuisance that would be banned for the general betterment of all life on earth?

Yes - irrespective of the miserable nuance, or what your opinion is of what polite society should/does accept, he gets to do spout his mouth off.

If you disagree with his nonsense, either (a) refute with fact, or (b) virtue signal. If you go with (a) other can dispute you facts, and process repeats.

If you go with (b) others can also do the same and mock you for it.

How the fuck do you refute a point Ed has made if his point is ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿข๐Ÿ˜บ?

I'm pretty sure I don't have to have an opposing opinion to literal spam.

'Ban Ed for spam' is my opinion. Refute it. First tell me how Ed is not a spammer, and, if failing that, explain why we should have space for spam.

No - what you need to do it agree and amplify back. Explaining it out nicely, does not work.

Man, that's a wild username and comma-use. Are we brothers?

Anyway, what exactly do you want me to do? Explain why I want Ed's presence literally censored?

Mostly cos I'm mobile and don't know how to automatically avoid seeing something written by Ed.

Agree and amplify - hit back mocking. So when people are doing what Ed is doing, agree and amplify.

Let me be explicit - when people say stuff which is logically, treat same back. Otherwise, agree and amplify and hit back.

Are you autistic?

yes... are you a moron?

I don't know. I could be.

Honestly, I'm still confused. Are you trying to help me in my quest to hide all of Ed's horrible comments from my face, or are you saying that Ed deserves a space to post his memes and copypastas and emojis?


autismo memerson autist go


all sarcasm is autism


Are your comments hooked to your function keys?

That sounds like a good idea.



Not really bizarre if you consider there has been an international effort to produce white supremacist propaganda, which has been highly active on Reddit. The "white genocideโ€ and "white oppression" narratives utilise this sub as it was once a racists utopia. There is a belief amongst white supremacists that these utopian racists should be protected.

Added to the fact that many young mayo cave apes remain incredibly racist towards non-whites (even to the point where they do not understand when they are being racist). And this website is largely used by young white men across the world, /r/drama is primed for racists to express themselves.

/u/starship_litterbox_C is a vvvv good BOYE. I can vouch for him anytime.

I remember an old Howard Stern clip I heard on YouTube. He talked about black people in movies.......

As a guy who leans left, I think there needs to be more room for "shocking" and "uncomfortable" views.

"Emmett Till's accuser did nothing wrong" shocking or "why can't black folks just drop the whole slavery and racism issue, shit's getting old" shocking?

I can tolerate the second quote.

"I'm going to let you in my house, I expect you won't steal anything of course" tolerant or "People need to accept you for who you are, despite your clinically diagnosed fear of walking without your penis hanging out through your zipper" tolerant?

I guess the first one??

I didn't know I was taking a diagnostic.....

"Danger Will Robinson" diagnostic or "we're going to need to run this device through into your anus, through your colon and into your stomach, out through your mouth, up your nose, down into your sinuses, back down your throat, into your stomach, through your colon, and back out of your anus" diagnostic?

Diagnostic B.

Analysis: you are a non-racist, mentally normal, deranged sexual deviant.

I like Kinky Alien shit.

The hot one.

Listen and believe

Is there an option C for "Bill Cosby' s accusers should have known what they were getting into when they decided to party with him" shocking?

He told black people to quit bitching and man up; kanye giving girls mdma and raping them will be the next big sex scandal.

I was reading an interview with Jordan Peele around the timeโ€Get Outโ€ came out, and he said something along the lines of:

โ€œItโ€™s a horror movie for black people, where the protagonist is smart. You know, the hero goes into the haunted house, and the black people in the audience yell for them not to do it. This is a movie where the hero doesnโ€™t make stupid mistakes like that.โ€

Everyone knows horror movie protagonists are stupid, itโ€™s just not everyone is dumb enough to yell it out loud.

Sounds like they just don't like horror movies. 90&#37; of horror plots only work with selectively retarded characters, it's has nothing to do with racism and everything to do with horror being a trash genre.

โ€œWhy did the main character do x? Theyโ€™re so dumb! This would never happen in real life!โ€ Like yeah, youโ€™re right, Iโ€™m sure the government wouldnโ€™t make murder and shit legal for 12 hours either, but the main character doing something to drive the plot forward is the unrealistic part?

90% of horror plots only work with selectively retarded characters.

I think it was Stephen King who had an interesting take on it, when the genre-aware protagonist suddenly realized that genre-awareness doesn't help in real life: when you hear suspicious noises from the attic, you don't nope the fuck out of the house and drive to the police station and tell them that you have a ghost infestation, you'd be committed to the mental hospital lol. And you don't do any of the other things you'd expect a reasonable horror movie character to do, because they ultimately involve explaining to someone that you were scared of a ghost in your attic and as an IRL adult you just can't do that.

So you assume that it's a bird or something, get a flashlight and start climbing the stairs, acutely aware of all the times you yelled at stupid horror movie characters doing just that.

The guy in get out was an idiot. It was obvious something fishy was going on, he ignored an outright warning, and he didn't realize his chick was in on it.

Nah that movie was just made to pander to insecure black people who want to think that all white people secretly long to be black

Woof woof

womp womp

You the nigga that ate beans?

Pickled bacon!

oh hi & welcome back, stale gimmick

thnx sweaty

It's aging like a fine wine TBQH

The lovely gang of seriousposters who get super mad and agenda post on anything Trump related actually makes this gimmick fresher every day

they're already here lol. see: above thread


It's like coke, it never gets stale

Especially if it's in my butt

Donโ€™t be salty bby

Stale gimmick, but makes username with bussy in it. Hmmm

bussy is eternal, blasphemer




It's not stale when idiots keep revitalizing it's relevance with #woke shitposting.

Lol triggered!!1!

Literally the worst account on reddit. Keep yourself safe.

Idk why she has to drag us into this. Iโ€™m extremely polite, tyvm.

Are you one of (((them)))?


Fuck u



One of (((us))). Got your sorosbux yet this month?

Founder of Turkey once said that there are many cultures and countries, but only one civilization; the West.

Why would this bigot be racist towards his people? Really gets the noggin joggin

He was blonde and had blue eyes. #mayo

good old ataturk. The last good turk.

An atypical Turk.

Bigotry has only one cause... observation.

Imagine being from a non-Western country that isnt China or Japan. Id have a massive inferiority complex as well.

"Brown" "PeeOhCee" culturally appropriates erases speaks for is totally down with black America.

dirty POCs

Say what you want about this whole civility debate that's been going on lately, but its because of shit like this that Dramacoin's value has been skyrocketing for the past few months.

If you disagree with her, I have to ask you why you're a fragile racist Trump tars Nazi.

Its because she fucking sucks and I hope she opens the borders of her asshole to the AIDS virus.

I like that she works for Reddit's parent company.

Stands to reason. Most of reddit is a toxic shithole. All this time I thought that was a bad thing but apparently we're \#woke

"She"? That thing is a SHE?!

I don't get how someone can make such a huge generalisation and not get how wrong it can be. If I had to think of someone I've known who embodied politeness and civility, it would be my former manager who emigrated to Britain from Nigeria. But according to her, no, wrong.

Hey, how come she's leaving us brown folk out of this whole oppression thing? SMH, Americans and their racism.

She is brown. Obviously they cant ne decent people.

The fact she is a cunt cant ne a personal flaw, has to be genetic

The fuck is WASP

White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. Basically, fuck wyp*ppo.

"My family isn't dysfunctional, it's woke" is the new "I'm a political gay, not sexless"

The fuck u saying it makes no sense you peice of shit

1950: Beating your kids is good because it's effective parental discipline.

1990: Beating your kids is wrong because you shouldn't hit your kids.
2018: Beating your kids is good when it's a celebration of PoC family culture.

Non mayos are the worst

Non mayos are the worst

People are the worst

2018: Beating your kids is good because it's a celebration of PoC family culture.

2019: Beating your kids is bad because it's cultural appropriation.

Fail post.

Are these people plants by racists trying to convince the public thats whites are the "civilized" race?

Now that's a hot take.

I'm gonna go fucking insane if I keep reading these retarded tweets. This guy probably 100% serious. What the fucking hell, gas them all REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Manners and civility are virtually non-existent anymore. Sadly, people no longer realize that manners are a sign of respect for both the other person and yourself. And they also function as a simple test to evaluate another personโ€™s suitability for even simple tasks/interactions.

I knew then we were...different

This is racism... no?

Being civil is a White thing

Asians like to complain White people having no manner.

I guess we are once again proven to be more white than mayo.

Which Asians? Living in China I can say I would not put โ€žCivilityโ€œ as #1 among the cultural characteristics of the general population.

Living in China

Pfft, that's because you are living in the fake China. In Real ChinaTM, we make fun of those weird wypipo of not know how to take care of their parents, and not knowing how to properly maintain personal space all the time.

Also, Japanese got lots of rules in their society, to the point it's not even funny.

Japanese are borderline weird for how nice they are, but there are also only 1 of them every 10 Chinese.

And the ratio keeps growing

Chinese are somen of the rudest fuckers ever, Koreans are even worse.

Only the Japanese are polite and they're shitting on you in their mind.

Frank D had the best reply

Child of refugees

You have to go back!

lol sweaty, immigrants do more than menia tasks. we structure your existence: we are present at every level of leadership and create the images you consume. this along with making your food and watching your kids. don't forget your last president was the son of an immigrant :)

>I have never met a polite African or a Jew that insisted on manners over urgency so.

This is something to be proud of? Btw, I've met Sudanese men that fought in their civil war and I happened to work with them as a security guard during college. They literally saw and might have participated in the actual killing and I don't think I've ever me a more warm, kind group of people ever. I'm just fascinated that these "Woke" black and brown people that have lived in the first world their whole lives think they can speak about a culture they have zero connection with and appropriate it with their sick, twisted ideas.

Do you think a non-hwyte who refers to black people as 'Africans' is a good source on """African""" culture?

joined September 2011

Coincidence? I think not.

when you try to use politics to argue for your own personal issues

It's pretty fun looking at his/her/??? tweets after that stupid blurb

It's almost like these people don't understand that half of the world was looted and destroyed in the name of civility. Human beings were killed en masse and enslaved in the name of civilization. We're not going anywhere and you will learn to live with the sound of our voices.

is there a word for gentrification of food products?

We canโ€™t let local news die. It would make the world immeasurably worse. Idk how to stop this but we have to

I'm not entirely convinced this is a person and not just some twitter bot.

It's almost like these people don't understand that half of the world was looted and destroyed in the name of civility. Human beings were killed en masse and enslaved in the name of civilization.

Wait I thought Africans were not civil?

I always thought that stormfrontORsjw think was a stupid joke

Civility is also white anglo culture. I have never met a polite African

I no longer think that

. I have never met a polite African or a Jew that insisted on manners over urgency so.

That my friend is something out of the KKK manual. Is she their inside agent?