Family man is berated and ignored for asking a perfectly reasonable piece of advoce on the Sims sub

0  2018-07-03 by mukumukum


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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delet this

you first

ladies first

Trying to hide the fact that you were OP:

Goddamn you're such a messy bitch

Not only is he a victim of FDS but also suffers from Tranny Derangement Syndrome.

He won't be missed

comparing homosexuality to beastiality

I like that guy

I'm leaving this up so I can tell you all about r/familyman, official subreddit of the Fox hit of the same name. It's a good show and a good sub, so smash that subscribe!

I will however be banning Posty McScreenshot over here.

"How absolutely dare you, sir" the thread.

links screenshot


take dump on a plate

shout "wooaah someone just took a shit on a plate come see"