0  2018-07-03 by Etra


With recent subreddit bannings (which were ENTIRELY UNJUSTIFIED, mind you) and increased shilling from the Zionists and globalists, I knew something had to be done. And with /u/spez announcing we were free to post without fear of persecution, the time has never been better. THIS SUBREDDIT WILL strive to further the White identity through combating racemixing propaganda and advertising identitarian movements.

What do I need to PARTICIPATE?

Simple: don't be a cuck, and want to further Whiteness. Blacks are allowed if they realize their proper role in society.

Non-Americans are welcome as long as they abide by the rules and further the goals of a White Society as well.


News articles pointing out black crime, especially black on White hate crimes. Calling out the homosexual and trans agendas is also welcome, but we ask you post mostly about blacks and help further a Nationalist, Patriotic agenda. Trump support is a must, he agrees with us, as he has shown through his actions over the years.

Memes are fine, they are good for redpilling the normies.

What is our ULTIMATE GOAL?

To turn this sub into a place where the White race can discuss the future of our Race without libtards and niggers speaking up about the so-called injustices that they blame us for but our 100% THEIR FAULT.

Sincerely White and yours,

Etra Imperial Wizard of the KKK


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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wow what a slut

Pasta sauce?

I like bolognese for pasta and chimichurri for steak.


it was the u/welfarewatch mission statement.

You’ll be among the first in line for my new torture method: force the prisoners with jobs to watch gay porn and the first to get an erection has it sliced off then have it used to choke every other faggot to death.

Etra what did those SRDines do to you? It's okay, you're safe now.

The PC obsessed ingrates in SRD got to be too stifling of my desire to be hostile. I like SRD because I can be smug as fuck and be upvoted for it whereas here I can simply tell a retarded fuck to look down the barrel of a power washer.

you got banned, didn't you.

Surprisingly, the only sub I’ve ever been banned from was /r/Drama for “spam”, but was obviously unbanned, and a two month ban from /r/PoliticalHumor because I hurt some faggots fee fees by being too mean.

Thank you for ur service o7


What the fuck.

Literally hitler amirite?

These fascists did the same thing to me 😢 https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/8vpwl8/accusations_of_being_a_shill_break_out_in_a/

SRD got to be too stifling

Congrats on freeing yourself from the can of oppression and scaling back


Shut the fuck up. You aren’t allowed to speak. If this were 1940s Germany, my comrades and I would take turns raping you until we could use your rectal bleeding as lube to rape the other degenerates to death.

Talk dirty to me, bby.

When you eventually kill yourself after realizing how utterly worthless you are, you should be cremated as a kindness to the people who would have to attend and pretend to care. Attending a funeral for some piece of shit you don’t give a fuck about is bad enough without having to look at your corpse. The make-up that would only serve to remind your father of how much of a tranny you are. He’d have a difficult time delivering a eulogy without a raging hard-on for his “son.”

Yeah, daddy!

Is this your attempt at deflecting? The mature response would’ve been to simply say nothing but you’re too much of an insecure faggot to be able to do that.

Oh yeah

You’re boring. At least others are exchanging insults with me but you’re just being a passive pussy. Just some advice: laying there waiting for it to be over is never the best strategy as you’re being ass-raped.

Almost there...


There will be peace when the other races have been subjugated and exterminated like the vermin they are. It’s somewhat ironic that rat poison works so well for your kind, no?

Millions of mayos willingly ingest rat poison every day under the guise of taking their blood thinning medication. The end is nigh.

I don’t know if it works for “healthy” people but feel free to try out the medication for yourself. Consider it an experiment and you can be subject 231.

Oh it won't hurt me. I just like marveling at some of the great ironies in modern medicine. Warfarin is both a rat poison and a blood thinner. Viagra was initially developed as a heart medication before we figured out that it helps old dude get their dicks up. The world is full of fun surprises.

Oh it won’t hurt me.

I highly recommend you put that to the test. Ask some of your family members for the best way to find a vein to mainline rat poison.

No need for needle drugs, you degenerate. I can just nab some of my gamgam's rat poison pills.


I apologize. I didn’t realize I was insulting a literal child. Remember to look both ways before crossing the street. Or don’t.

Have you gotten to the part of the curriculum where they teach turning the other cheek when being bullied? Definitely do that. It makes it easier for the child molesters in your school to mark the ones that would be too afraid to resist the rape or tell anyone about it afterward.

Ah yes, the ol' "Let's oppress minorities"-"Minorities are dumb for thinking anyone is oppressing them" one-two punch.

You are exactly right and seem a perfect fit for /r/Drama. Welcome to the resistance.

Maximum cringe.

Suck on a tailpipe and I don’t mean the fun kind.


Mayocide fucking yesterday

Le meme xD. Mayocide, amiright?