Girl warns she was raped at a "local attraction" in Seattle. Management shows in thread to question her story.

321  2018-07-04 by shitpost953




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Wait, hold on.

Adult movie theatres still exist? Who the fuck is going to them? Well I guess besides the OP and potential rapists.

I was more surprised they kept over 21 days of security footage, tbh.

They've probably got hidden security cameras in the wank booths.

That'd be one wierd revolving door of revenue /s

You're using a sarcasm tag and you don't understand sarcasm.

Also there are very few rules in /drama, but never using /s is one of them

/s should mean /seriouspost here.


Seriousposters should be purged tbqhwy pham


That does explain where the porn comes from


Yeah. THAT'S what those are for.

It takes time to edit all the footage for pornhub.

Blackmail, duh

Hi. It's 2018. Hard drives are cheap. You don't need to keep a room full of VHS tapes anymore.

I've even seen security cameras that come with a free trial of amazon web storage or google cloud storage, and stream the footage right to the cloud making it very hard to lose.

They probably are used to attention whores like her pretending to be raped.

im sure /u/greenolive777 wasnt counting on it either

counting my blessing tbh, that place is a scum fest and their account of so called footage should come with a grain of salt

People that are voyeurs or into swinging/hotwifing go. Which seems like the situation here if this woman (hopefully) wasnt assulted.

Which seems like the situation here if this woman (hopefully) wasnt assulted.

Yeah, we dont need anymore white babies.

why do you think she's white?

who are we kidding we know she's white

Do white people in seattle say "chose to drank in excess "?

Drank instead of drink seems a hallmark of AAVE

Nah, that's a classic shitty edit. She said "drank too much", then tried to make it look more sophisticated and changed it to "drank in excess", then remembered that the whole point of that comment was to pretend to be victim-blaming herself, so she added a "chose to", to stress that self-blame, but didn't pay close enough attention to the rest of the grammar.

Alternate theory, she was literally shaking and her finger hit the wrong key.


I was done with the crying and shaking at this point.

i'm pretty sure that a past-tense verb in that context is not a hallmark of AAVE, how white are you

also the rest of her writing doesn't match AAVE, it would be a bit weird to switch to AAVE for a single random sentence

I misspoke, I actually majored in

If it makes you feel better I am poor and mixed.

This buy unironically.

Don’t worry, if you look at the hot wife group it’s mostly pee oh seeee bulls and chucked husbands worrying about losing their wives.

It sounds like a place that would give frequent drama harvests...

Eh it’s sporadic and short lived. I used to swing through there and the poly groups once a month looking for stuff. Most of the time it feels like sticky scavenging.

Thank you for your service

That explains why I had you tagged as "bull-prepper"

Hm, how’s that Starcitizen scam coming?

Pretty excellent source of drama actually. Surprisingly people get most upset when you question their retarded ideas for game mechanics, not when you call the game a scam. The single longest thread on the entire SC forums is actualy the thread discussing joystick vs mouse and keyboard balance. So many people got banned in that thread.

Thank you for your cervix.


Being the resident swinging degenerate, we have our own private clubs.

I got friends who are into "the lifestyle" (why the fuck do you all use that term?), so I am aware of the clubs or houses out in the middle of nowhere. And why do you'se tolerate the dude that wants to wear stockings and garters or be used as an ashtray?

And why do you'se tolerate the dude that wants to wear stockings and garters or be used as an ashtray?

This is oddly specific.

You are correct.

My guess it's the new hot places for prostitutes to take their clients to.

You don't have to go to his place, or bring him in in yours...slightly safer, I guess.

I was thinking vagabonds. OP spent 8 hours there

Maybe. The gay bathhouse is a better bet for guys, because you can usually rent a private room for 8 hours. They blast loud music 24/7, but if you can sleep through that, maybe with some earplugs? A hobo would just need to raise like $30, which they can easily do in about an hour, and it beats freezing to death.

For ladies, though, I guess that isn't as much of an option.

For ladies, though, I guess that isn't as much of an option

Women get actual shelters.

Eh, I've seen a few women sleeping in the train station. The extra-crazy ones, I'd guess.

Yeah, there's a small Catholic Church at the base of the space needle that has a women's only shelter.

Though since it's Seattle in 2018 you can just claim your a woman and probably get in.

Would a gay bathhouse let a hobo in? I'm guessing he'd have to walk past other customers to get to his room, and his odor and hobo aesthetic could be a boner killer to all the dudes who just want to have gay orgies without hobos near them.

You pay your money and get handed a towel. First place you go is the shower. THEN you go to your room.

Flairing you as "The reason PREP shoud be illegal"

What if there was a hobosexual in their midst?

They won’t turn any man away that has ID and the money to pay. Usual etiquette is to shower first, though.

A lot of hobos might be reluctant though because of the bag checks (no alcohol, drugs, weapons, etc).

A hobo would just need to raise like $30, which they can easily do in about an hour


They just need to get 30 fucking saps to give a dollar each. These assholes who work the intersections get at least a buck or two per red light.

More like a great place for all sorts of perverts to meetup for some good ole fashioned debauchery.





This particular one in Seattle has been there for ages, and is located literally across the street from where all the tourists (and their kids) go.

Actually between that, the throngs of tourists, the hobos and vendor carts trying to take advantage of said tourists, the traffic, and the teriyaki restaurant that sold stolen iPhones and liquor, the whole intersection is a shitshow.

People go there to fuck.

I've taken dates to the local porn theatre. These were women (yes, I know, I'm sorry) who I knew pretty well, and whom I knew to be sex fiends like me. Never had full-on sex there, just heavy petting.

fuckin, why though lol. i mean i get the appeal of watching porn with a girl, but you can do that on your computer/tv at home.....

I've taken dates to the local porn theatre.

A real-life Travis Bickle, huh?

Are you talking to me?

Peewee herman

I don't understand what that place is. Do people go to watch porn and have semi public sex? That's super weird.

Wars have consequences. When Hitler lost ww2, that was the end of the west.

Okay come on, this is proof Pizza is baiting hard lmfao

he's not wrong though

Baiting I'm not sure, I think it's a performance piece showing the arc of leftist sjw, to incel to alt-right.

I’m convinced that Pizza is a Snally alt performance piece.

I don't think snally could sound that consistently dumb even if she were doing a bit.

the arc of leftist sjw, to incel to alt-right.

The first fascist was an ex-socialist. Obviously there is an avenue (going both ways) between socialism and fascism, but I'm not so sure an SJW could become genuinely alt-right.

I've never thought of it that way before! And I never will again because it's factually incorrect and retarded

You dispute that Mussolini was the first fascist?

The avenue between socialism and fascism just because that's how mussolini started as a kid. Which party uses extreme nationalism and wrapping themselves in the flag. All avenues to fascism today lead directly from the right side of the spectrum

Musso named and theorized about the ideology, but the poet Gabriele D'Annunzio was the godfather of fascism.

It existed even before that, it was just an obscure Catholic meme ideology. Charles Maurras was basically a proto-fascist.

Also, I fucking love Gabe. When Austria-Hungary was collapsing he flew his plane over Vienna and taunted them with leaflets, didn't even bother translate them to German.

"On this August morning, while the fourth year of your desperate convulsion comes to an end and luminously begins the year of our full power, suddenly there appears the three-color wing as an indication of the destiny that is turning.

Destiny turns. It turns towards us with an iron certainty. The hour of that Germany that thrashes you, and humiliates you, and infects you is now forever passed. Your hour is passed. As our faith was the strongest, behold how our will prevails and will prevail until the end. The victorious combatants of Piave, the victorious combatants of Marna feel it, they know it, with an ecstasy that multiplies the impetus. But if the impetus were not enough, the number would be; and this is said for those that try fighting ten against one. The Atlantic is a path already closing, and it's an heroic path, as demonstrated by the new chasers who coloured the Ourcq with German blood.

On the wind of victory that rises from freedom's rivers, we didn't come except for the joy of the daring, we didn't come except to prove what we could venture and do whenever we want, in an hour of our choice. The rumble of the young Italian wing does not sound like the one of the funereal bronze, in the morning sky. Nevertheless the joyful boldness suspends between Saint Stephen and the Graben an irrevocable sentence, o Viennese.

Long live Italy!"

If we're looking for intellectual antecedents, we can probably draw a line all the way back to Fichte. But, yeah, Maurras and Sorel are immediate godfathers of fascism in that way. D'Annunzio was still the first to put it to the test with his takeover of Fiume.

Hitler was literally communist and he purged the communist because they weren't communist enough but the illuminati used their mind control beam

Never said the Nazis were even socialist, let alone communist.

But you'd have to be rather misinformed to not notice significant parallels, e.g. strong critique of capitalism. Which is one of the reasons fascism is so much more dangerous than conservatism.

Ok I just realised you meant Mussolini, fair enough then.

Well that won't do I want an argument!!!

Fuck YOU mussolini wa s a space alien from virgon 6 he sent back in time bythe jews to cause ww2 so the

lol what r u smoking? Mussolini was a fucking Space Gypsy from the Planet Nibiru. Hitler burnt the Jews to provide him with ashes for his gypsy magic, but they began running out of Jews to burn and that's why they lost.

Hitler was the jew (from the dark side of the moon), who did his best to cause the creation of Israel by deporting his people there. Things got out of hand when the Nazis sent V3 rockets to destroy Space Jerusalem, causing Hitler to kill himself in grief. After the allies invaded Rome, they took his corpse and detonated it over Hiroshima. Then recovered it and detonated it over Nagasaki. His strong magic is why the Japs are cursed with anime even to this day.

Mussolini was subcontracted by his home race the grey aliens to do a research project on Italians (a good control group given their dominance by the secret reptilian world order.) however he broke his contract and assumed direct control of Italy before trying to use Germany’s advanced technology to contact the Nordic aliens (known also as Pleiadians) but ultimately their forces could not resist the lizard legions

This is kind of a fundamental misunderstanding of fascism. The parallels exist because A) fascists have no real doctrine, they believe whatever allows them to win. B) They stole socialist rhetoric in an effort to beat the left.

You need to understand that conservatives were really fucking spooked by the left. They hadn't come up with any way to compete with the left legally. The older conservatives didn't have the talent required to compete with the left. Fascism was more so a right-wing response to a growing socialist movement across the western world.

For example:

Fascism was the major political innovation of the twentieth century, and the source of much of its pain. The other major currents of modern Western political culture—conservatism, liberalism, socialism—all reached mature form between the late eighteenth century and the mid-nineteenth century. Fascism, however, was still unimagined as late as the 1890s. Friedrich Engels, writing a preface in 1895 for his new edition of Karl Marx’s The Class Struggles in France, clearly believed that wider suffrage would inexorably deliver more votes to the Left. Both time and numbers, Engels was certain, were on the socialists’ side. “If it [the growing socialist vote]

continues in this fashion, by the end of this [nineteenth] century we

[socialists] shall conquer the major part of the middle strata of society, petty bourgeois and peasants, and grow into the decisive power in the land.” Conservatives, Engels wrote, had noticed that legality was working against them. By contrast, “we [socialists], under this legality, get firm muscles and rosy cheeks and look like life eternal. There is nothing for them [the conservatives] to do but break through this legality themselves.”1 While Engels thus expected that the Left’s enemies would launch a preemptive attack, he could not imagine in 1895 that this might win mass approval. Dictatorship against the Left amidst popular enthusiasm—

that was the unexpected combination that fascism would manage to put together one short generation later.

There were only a few glimmers of premonition. One came from an inquisitive young French aristocrat, Alexis de Tocqueville. Although Tocqueville found much to admire on his visit to the United States in 1831, he was troubled by the majority’s power in a democracy to impose conformity by social pressure, in the absence of an independent social elite. The kind of oppression with which democratic peoples are threatened will resemble nothing that had preceded it in the world; our contemporaries would not find its image in their memories. I myself seek in vain an expression that exactly reproduces the idea that I form of it for myself and that contains it; the old words despotism and tyranny are not suitable. The thing is new, therefore I must try to define it, since I can not name it.

Another premonition came at the eleventh hour from a French engineer turned social commentator, Georges Sorel. In 1908 Sorel criticized Marx for failing to notice that “a revolution accomplished in times of decadence” could “take a return to the past or even social conservation as its ideal.”

Well it's beautiful. Art school kids are such an asset to society.

He's trying to go hard right to balance out any leftist sentiments in the past and become centrist.

It won't work.

(((Porn theaters)))

pizza NO!!! 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🚫🚫✡️✡️‼️‼️

You’re not even wrong.

More than one person uses this account.

The fuck is with you lately??

Are you in a Nazi furfag suit?

Careful, Pizza. You keep going over the line like that and dramanauts are finally going to wake up to your performance art.

It sounds like you understand exactly what that place is lol

Sounds like a weird western version of a Japanese Love Hotel.

by making this 4-month-old post an announcement, are you claiming it's tastier drama than everything that isn't an announcement?

u mad

They mad.

I was raped in the Fantasy Unlimited Adult Theater while unconscious. It went on for quite awhile and no one helped or intervened

We reviewed the footage and the footage shows you going in with a guy and leaving with the same guy willingly

** 9:20pm - Woman and man enter, man buys tickets, they converse with employee for several minutes 10:10pm - Woman comes out and converses with employee for 7 minutes 10:33pm - Employee does theater check 10:42pm**


Woman leaves with man willingly, laughing and smiling

--Every social media rape accusation encapsulated

Women need to be taught not to lie.

(((P R O B L E M A T I C )))

It was real in her mind.

Let me tell y’all about a little somethng called MYTRUTH

i remember giving the counter person money to buy condoms but nothing much. It is kinda rape.

She actually bought condoms for her rapist.

Venezuela wasn't real socialism. #MyTruth

How’s this related

It's #MyTruth you shitlord. Fuck off and stop viewshaming.

I will NEVER know what happened, or what they guy may have given me. That's MYTRUTH.

That counts as victim blaming nowadays.

I think it's sad that people lying about rape is even an issue now. I work in the counseling/social work field and woman I work with who has been a social worker for over 30 years told me that the whole lying about rape thing is mainly a millennial issue, she explained how people lying about rape was such an absurdity when she started working in the field but now, no one is sure of anything.

Who spends that much time at a theater. What in the fuck

I would burn the clothes I was wearing if I had to spin 8 hours in a public masterbatorium.

Sweaty, you spend more time in Drama....

I trashed them at them at the bus station as I ran out of town crying hysterically. Really fucked up the criminal case I would've had... lol

Public rape-a-torium more like it.

They uh... probably weren't watching movies.

You sweet summer child...

I understand how the first 30 seconds went, but what did they do after that?

You uh... might want to consult a doctor about that.

Cuddling and holding hands

holding hands

Get out of here you pervert!

I dated a girl that just watched anime all day and she was really into handholding

I can't believe you would date such a degenerate.

Autism is a hell of a drug

boat sluts agains proving the superiority of the second who

fuck this reddit ass comment chain you should be ashamed.

The shame only makes it hotter.


Sniffing sex drugs and fucking more

I understand how the first 30 seconds went

Look at this fucking humblebragger. "I'm a manly manly man! I pleasure women for THIRTY seconds like an incredible humanoid bull with endless stamina!"

Maybe they were playing those high budget Pirates adult movies and got engrossed by the plots and quality production values.

"sweet summer child"

Please never comment on reddit again you faggot

You first.

Please never comment on reddit again you faggot

I would recommend the same for you. In fact, I'd suggest that your parents should be taking away your internet access.

You're a real bent boi aren't you?

There was a woman that used to post here who posted on various thot subs and talked about going to adult theatres and sucking off strangers. Maybe this is her alt.

Nah, I hadn't had any sexual encounter since 2013. I had gave up sex because I have large uterine fibroids which caused my uterus to prolapse severely. I'm also into clean living so oral sex ain't really my thing.

5:23am - Woman leaves with man willingly, laughing and smiling


She's still going around and claiming that she was raped.

It’s possible she was in denial and only realized it was rape days if not months later.

Woman leaves with man willingly, laughing and smiling


Like how you are in denial about being retarded?

Recall is a troll, if you fall for his shtick, the retard is probably the idiot you see in the mirror.

mbw I'm just reflex posting without checking usernames 😞🔫


Use the force, ragnathorn. Reach out with your feelings!

I don't see a mirror anywhere

your move

If you fall for Recall, look at your hand.

It’s connected to an idiot.

oi vcut nmty jhasnd ofdfd--wehat nmow??

wtf, just because she likes hand holding doesnt make her an idiot


Callback!! Professional.

Is it retarded to identify a rape seven years after it happened? Months later is very good on her part.

That is the best word to describe where you're coming from 😏😏😏

did you actually see the video or are you just accepting their claims wholeheartedly?

My god, I love you. No homo.

luv u fam

some women he knows told me that he and others gangraped me and that he's known for it. the club must be a haven for the rapist crowd..idk go hang out there and find out, go sober though

u/greenolive777 You wanna comment on this?

This girls is visiting rape subs claiming to have been raped. I can only imagine how much she sings this song in real life.

A bad sexual encounter is not rape.

Management pulled security video. She was there for hours laughing and even bought condoms and lube. She left laughing with the guy. Now later claims rape and goes silent after being called out

Equally important is that club staff checked on them like a dozen times throughout the night and reported nothing. I'm sure the staff has seen it all and would know what they're looking at. Management seems very stern about clientele safety

That's bullshit.

O hello :>

I guess that video is good as gold.

It really seems like there is a subset of women out there who want to be a part of the rape victim group. Pretty nasty

It’s like the situation with support groups in Fight Club.

I would've preferred the carefree subconscious I enjoyed before being defiled but w/e. It happens to men, women, and children everyday all over the world since like the dawn of time. Life as we know it is nasty af.

>be woman

>cry rape to gover for geberal thotery

Imagine my shock



complains about fEEEEmales getting laid

Imagine my shock

He's also active in r/datingoverthirty.

What's worse, being over 30 and being an MDEtard or being over 30 and asking redditeurs for romance advice?

Imagine being a 30yo incel rageposting in MDE against "thots" 😂😂😂😂😂

I think you found the next drama post.

being over 30 and asking redditeurs for romance advice

This by far.

/u/NOT_RCMP_ explain yourself

Its an absolute dumpsterfire full of thirsty Nice Guys and worn out gussy that cant compete with younger gals anymore.

Why wouldnt I want to poke that nest?

uh huh sure. That's definitely the reason why you're there. I mean why would you lie to us?

Lies only exist outside the internet

I think you may have just been owned

asking reddit for dating advice PERIOD is as pathetic as it gets.

The first by far. The second includes people who were married for years and got deevorced liberated.

Cool but what does this have to do with rapegret?

raging with agenda about thots because you can't get laid

Idk. You make the connection. You seem smart.

Would've rather had just chalked it off that way, I'm liberal when it comes to sex and I've had a couple one night stands. This was different though. Scary different. Life-changing different.

Well maybe if she were not a godless heathen this wouldn't have happened! No surprise here. If her and her friend had visited church instead of this abominable theater... this entire situation would have been avoided!

Is you comment real? It’s hard to tell if you are being sarcastic or not. You do know that rape happens in churches as well.

Rape is an exceptional event in a movie theater, but a daily occurrence in your average church.

All of the supposed "rapes" in Gods house are rumors spread by the devil ok buddy

rape happens in churches as well.

Only the Roman Catholic ones.

Nah the Mormon church is good at it as well.

You right about that!


Why do so many attention seekers not seem to realize that videos are a thing, or how they work?

Its the same thing with these morons livestreaming themselves committing hate crimes.

All this "employee does theater check" on the play by play. I'm pretty skeptical that they don't have video of what went on inside the theater too. That has to account for at least half their income, but I understand why they wouldn't want to admit to it publicly.

I'm sure its tempting, but consider: If they post footage of what goes in inside, will they have any more patrons? Probably not.

That would be VERY illegal though, enough for them to never tell tge truth whatever happens

Is it hard to admit you have a half a brain?

Presumably they're not going to post the video publicly for the whole world

Two things.

  1. You stupid faggots don’t seem to understand how to facilitate drama. You don’t argue with the poster about what they should’ve done or how seemingly fake something is. No, the best practice is to upvote every one of the OP’s posts and downvote all the rest regardless of who said it and what the content of the comment actually is. This has the effect of making the OP think they have support and would cause them to become bolder in their posts. Also, it pisses off the other users for being downvoted for what I’m sure they consider reasonable posts.

But wait, isn’t that vote brigading? So what if it is? The admins are either too busy fucking up the site with an unwanted design or /u/spez is too busy jerking off to BBC porn while thinking of Serena to notice and give a fuck what happens on Reddit.

  1. Ummm... I forgot what my point was going to be for two. Oh. So I think the best way to help create drama isn’t by siding against a person who is obviously wrong. I think the most controversial position one can hold is to actually take the side of the unhinged, borderline delusion, and high probability mass shooter against the masses of Reddit because... why not? How fucking amazing would it be if you could write on your resume that your words directly led to the death of a few dozen people? Because you’re just that influential. You’d definitely be hired at 7-11 with something like that proudly stated under your achievements.


This is an amazing contribution to the conversation. It’s actually much better than the shit you typically produce. Keep up the good work, champ.


This is an amazing contribution to the conversation. It’s actually much better than the shit you typically produce. Keep up the good work, champ.


Nah, i downvote leftwing lolcoes like SRDines do rightwing ones.

How much closer to suicide would it push you to know some of the most successful professors and graduate students I know are various types of minorities including Arabs and women? Whereas you are... what? Still attempting to complete a college admission form for the local community college? You can do it, champ!

And lol, your post history is full of teenage angst. At least I hope you’re still just a stupid kid. My sides would achieve orbit if you aren’t just a kid going through the typical emotional and rebellious phase, and are actually a “fully-grown” man who hasn’t grown up.

When you eventually realize college or a trade school just isn’t a good fit for you, please get a job in construction. They’ll hire any dumb fuck, if the state of the roads are any indication. May I also recommend volunteering to perform construction on the highway? Trust me, the reason for my suggestion will hit you like a ton of bricks.

Tl; dr: fall into the cement mixer please.

Is this pasta? Cause if it isn't we need to find your meds stat.

You need to find your mother’s stash of opiates and overdose. Stat.

What's up with the increase in the unfunny rageposts from woque mayos?

Have you looked at your own post history? Lmfao.

I don't see no rageposts.

Besides you're getting pretty unhinged as of late I'm just checking up on you as a concerned citizen.

/unjerk for a minute because you’re new here.

This is /r/Drama. The modus operandi for users here is to be abrasive and offensive. If one of my posts isn’t offending st least one person, I’ve failed as a /r/Drama user. The entire point of this sub is to make fun of people for dumb things for absolutely no reason but occasionally there’s a post where derogatory comments are entirely warranted. The rest of the time, the people here enjoy fucking around in whatever manner they choose. So with that in mind, your posts don’t meet the admittedly below standards. Do better or get the fuck out.


Your mom is ugly and your birth is the rest of last call at a redneck bar.


Yep this ones going in my cringe compilation.

you are talking to a man who has conducted battle royale style thought experiments in his head, where only one viewpoint remains standing amidst bodies of inferior ideas slaughtered by samurai swords made of pure logic, and these are the arguments you present to me? don’t make me laugh.

At least I made you use 10% of your autism. Not too bad.

You’re not just a newfag, you’re too stupid to recognize pasta when it slaps you in the face.

>im bretending

Also stop downvoting me. Any more of this and I'll have to call the proper authorities.

You should call the police for this harassment.

You: “Officer, this mean man on the internet is down voting my posts. That must be breaking some kind of law, right”

Officer: “You’re under arrest for being a faggot. Expect a visit from me in your jail cell tonight. Is there a flavor of lube you prefer?”


You dumb fuck, this isn't some kind of incel version of SRD. Drama comes first.

Question: can you read it but don’t want to or are there to any big words and complex concepts for you to want to bother to attempt to decipher my comment?

If the former, you’re unequivocally a retarded fuck who should immediately remove themselves from the gene pool. For the greater good. If the latter, Rosetta Stone is great for improving your reading level and if you don’t understand something I said, let know and I’ll do my best to explain with smaller words while stifling my laughter.

If that’s the huffbag-induced version of reality you and the pajama Nazi OP want to chub each others’ mushroom-cap nubs to, I certainly don’t care to stand in your way! Jerk on, little doods! 😃

(Further tugs on my pant leg for the grown-up attention your stepdad and guidance counselor are denying you won’t be rewarded, Etra. This is all you’re getting for now! This includes all your little pig-piling drama pals here too, Corky.)

Waits for the blunt jab of your spork-sharp middle-school wit.

I legitimately don’t know what you’re even saying here. Please re-write so it’s coherent.

Your argument right there literally falls apart at this comment.

‘Please re-write so it’s coherent.'

No. You dumb fuck.

I am telling you.....


And stop acting like you do anything else other than bitch about ‘vote brigading' and suck yourself off to pictures of Trump.....

You are genuinely one the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. You legit got so mad in your previous comment you were wishing death upon me 😂😂😂😂

Please by all means, I actually want you to continue raging at me. I’m screenshotting every paragraph of your little rage moments 😂

Can’t wait for this these to go to current r/drama Moderators 😂😂👍🏻👍🏻

This guy is right ya know, yall are wrong so I'm up voting him and down voting yall

Am I doing it right /u/etra?

How casual OP warns about such a scarring and traumatic expierence.

It's almost like she didn't go through a scarring and traumatic expierence and is merely full of shit instead.

God is great!

For all the do-gooders and justice seekers who may have some how wound up reading this post, please help me by praying that justice will ultimately be served to ALL of the the people responsible. I can not truly characterize the absolute horror I experienced in the days and weeks after my rape. Realizing that I was likely drugged and raped was almost like visiting the gates of hell and being forced to stay for awhile. It is only the power of prayer that stays the flames. Thank Jesus.

$100 "born again" Catholic convert who feels bad about being a skag and barebacking dudes st the porno theater, now claims her previous bad past was rape instead of bad choices.

I still revel in all the consensual sex I've had.

It was fun, safe, consensual.

Nothing like what went on in Fantasy Unlimited.

That was me being taken advantage of while in a very vulnerable state. Still makes me cry. I'd never do that to a person. Like WTF are men? Heartless dick monsters all along. Damn

replying to a 4 month old thread to say "you werent even raped lol"

You wouldn't brigade now would you /u/YouKnowAsA

Best part is that she says she was drunk, not black out, and now its rape because she had a few drinks. Women...

in one she says she has "a few beers" and yet somehow blacked out, so she must have been drugged. in another post she says accepts the blame because she "drank to excess".

my inner detective says false rape claim.

my inner detective incel


3 tall can 8% beers in 2 hours is excessive but not enough for me to black-out. I was seemingly happy looking because I ingested some substances which would release a lot of dopamine. I had not at that point been aware that 8 hours passed, seemed more like a couple hours. Later on I realize something's not right.

The law might be on my side as far as whether or not it's rape.

Try not to prey on drunk women! It's rapey.

fuck off you nut. i stopped caring about your stupid fake rape story a week ago.

I will have to care about it for the rest of my life but it's good, it helped me clean up. The first part of your brain to be effected by alcohol is the frontal lobe. The frontal lobe is responsible for judgment and reasoning. Drunk people make bad decisions and sober assholes who take advantage of them can and should be punished.

well good thing for me i only ever fucked drunk chicks while i myself was also drunk.

also, you werent raped. getting drunk and making a bad decision sexually isn't rape. accept the fact that you're a trashy slut who went with a guy to a porno movie theater after 3 beers, and did sexual shit with the creeps inside.

this whole thing just reeks of sexual repression and the fact you can't handle that you're not the pure little girl you imagine yourself to be.

Never claimed to be pure. But you sound like a rapist or a potential rapist if you can't see the problem with what went down here. Also I never bought lube, just a condom, twice. Also don't miss the point that many victims are AFRAID to press charges fearing retaliation from the criminals involved. Also if any sexual shit went on with the creeps in the club it was 100% RAPE because even when the guy asked me toward the end of the night if I'd be willing to engage in any such activities I vehemently rejected any proposition for group sex or sex with ANYONE else. I have my limits on what I'll accept sexually and catching me in a roofie is NO EXCUSE to decide what you think I won't mind. Now you please fuck back off to your scum life.

As an actual rape victim, I think you're full of shit. And fuck you for insinuating the commentor above you is a rapist. Playing fast and loose with your accusations is one of the biggest red flags you're throwing up.

Never claimed to be pure. But you sound like a rapist or a potential rapist if you can't see the problem with what went down here.

"if you don't believe my really shady fake rape story you're a rapist."

this is why almost no one on reddit believes you, you're clearly mentally ill, now please leave me alone.

you have to work on your reading comprehension skills in order to be taken seriously.

I don't want to give you anymore of my attention. This will be my last reply regarding the matter. I have said all I need to say. Nothing is out of order or inconsistent.

Please avoid making an argument based on evidence you haven't seen with your own eyes.

You are prejudiced to believe one side over the other when you haven't reviewed any of the evidence.

Your bias is glaringly obvious yet understandable.

you spend lots of time trying to convince random people on reddit you were raped, yet don't want to press charges. it's all very strange.

who even cares if random redditors believe you? does that matter?

Well if their plan was to ruin this place's reputation, this is now the second result on google for this place. So good job.

At least they aren't getting sued. They should be more careful going forward. Don't admit intoxicated patrons and quit allowing outside drinks and drugs to be consumed in your business.

"This is everyone's fault but mine."

hey it's a liar that came to reddit to start an argument for for attention.

Naw bruh

Okay, here's a novel perspective

She was raped. No one in the theater knew she was raped because she seemed to be normal at the time.

It is entirely possible that she was in a gray or or black our or drugged but seemed to be functioning normally enough that most people wouldn't know.

This isn't the theater's fault or responsibility. She can be upset about it but there is no reason to take it out on them. She should file a police report and seek justice from the person who raped her.

It’s almost like human sexual interactions are personal, subjective, and hard to qualify, especially from a 3rd party’s perspective.

Also, keep your reasonable and well-reasoned comments out of my drama :p

FINE! storms off ;p

smiles, laughs, buys condoms and lubricant, chats with staff, comes and goes to a porn theater in a good mood

Help! Help! I'm drugged to the point of incoherence and cannot function!

Sometimes good moods change if someone is all of a sudden a scary asshole once you have your clothes off.

And an ex of mine described having a happy, beat conversation with a huge crush of his and to his humiliation couldn't remember a word of it the next day.

I've never been in a blackout but it seems that things like that can happen.

I am not claiming that she is telling the truth but I also don't think you can automatically claim she isn't.

There is no way of knowing.

A friend of my sister's was fine at a club and then blacked out and wound up home with no idea how he got there. He also took her keys with him so she had to crash with me.

That's aliens.

We asked but he hadn't be probed anything.

Right, I have blacked out too and woke up without any recolection whatsoever what happened. But you can consent on that state as controversial as that might sound.

In fact the day later someone told me I was hitting on a girl that had a boyfriend ( I had to apologize to her latet lol ). Would I have been raped if that drunk girl accepted the advances of blacked out me? I dont think so

yeah that's the thing, it's just treating women like infants. most dudes have woken up next to a beast the next morning and been like "how did i fuck that", cause they were so drunk. they shrug it off and move on, it was their fault, they got drunk and ended up fucking an uggo.

but a girl does the same thing, got stupidly drunk to the point of retarded judgement and maybe fucks a guy she wouldn't have fucked sober, and that's "rape" according to this new menlibs type social climate. it's just nonsense, it's just getting drunk and regretting the sex when sober.

imo it's only rape if the girl is actually unconscious, or so drunk she can barely stand or talk. in this case, it appears that hours after they entered the theater , she was chatting happily to staff, and bought condoms and lube of her own free will. she was just regular ass drunk, and fucked a stranger.

Well legally speaking that is the case luckly. Though I read some UK papers from a legal theorists wanting to lower the bar but still.

The apathetic state argument also supports commom sense intuition from most people, including those tgat drink a lot. If a girl is so drunk she doesnt know where she is or who you are or her name, yeah that seems pretty bad right? and i think most people would agree.

yeah, that would be pretty bad. though in all my years of drinking, i don't think i've ever been that drunk or even seen anyone so drunk they don't know where they are or what's happening, so i'd probably call the fkn ambulance if i saw that shit tbh.

people usually go home before that point, but i have seen people in that state in home parties

It is entirely possible that she was in a gray or or black our or drugged but seemed to be functioning normally enough that most people wouldn't know.

It is not, legally speaking if one is in a mental state where one cant consent is very easy to tell. Merely being drunk or very drunk doesnt do it, you need to be in an apathetic state that goes beyond black out, where you have no judgement or will. Otherwise people would be getting mass raped every day by getting high or drunk and fucking

If she was in this state in a public place someone would notice.

Then how does the rapist know she was raped?

That is a very good question.

And one reason why I think trying to get someone drunk in order to make them lower their boundaries is a really, really bad idea.

You dont have to try. People go and get drunk to lower their boundaries off their own accord.

Right, but dates to get some drinks are really really popular. I hope I dont have to prove the popularity of sex and drugs, you know

So is rape or not depending on the intentions of the guy? or of the girl? what if both thought it was easier to get laid if the other person is drunk?

Dunno fam, there is some hysteria here about rape culture.

here is the thing, most casual sex i've had, i was drunk, and so was the girl. explain why i raped them, even though i was drunk as well, explain how it's not THEM, that raped ME?

that's the main problem i have with this logic. most dudes fucking drunk girls aren't sober while they pump the girl full of booze, they are just two drunk people fucking, yet according to reddit, only the girl can't consent for some reason.

That's you. But there are people who blackout and frankly anyone who tried to get you drunk before you signed a contract would be extremely sleazy.

Did you buy the drinks with the intent of getting those girls drunk so they would fuck you? Did they buy you drinks with that intent knowing that otherwise you might say no?

A lot of it is intent.

actually no. the few times i bought girls drinks, we just bought each other drinks the whole night, like, i bought one round, they bought the next.

the intention we both had was to drink for fun. other times it was a girl at a party, who was drinking to get drunk of her own accord and drinking her own alcohol , as was i.

i think you'll find both of those are the most normal scenario in which drunk people have sex. also what do you mean by blackout? do you mean how some people can't remember stuff they did drunk? well not remembering something doesn't mean that retroactively it was rape. also people who black out while drunk have a respsonsibility to not drink if drinking fucks them up that.

nothing justifies a girl going "oh woops i don't remember having sex, guess i'll charge the guy with rape".

Look, I know your situation happens and it's consensual.

But are you able to envision someone in a different situation? Not everyone is you.

I don't drink much and while I've occasionally accepted drinks from people I went on a date with someone who clearly was trying to get me to drink practically a whole bottle of wine by myself even though I said I didn't want it. So yes there are people who do that.

Not everyone but enough. You are not one of those guys but they do exist.

like i said, a dude trying to get a chick drunk cause he thinks it will be easier, while he isn't drinking himself, is pretty sleazy. i'm still not going to call it rape though, cause it's not. if i just buy my girlfriend some wine and say "lets get wasted baby", and she agrees, how is that rape if we later have sex? like you either agree to drink or you don't. if he holds a funnel and forces it down your throat, then yeah.

even in your anecdote you were able to refuse the wine, so if a girl agrees to drinking hypothetical bottle of wine, she made her own choice. if she was just regular drunk and consented to sex later, wasn't passed out or whatever, that still isn't rape, believe it or not, i believe drunk people are responsible for their own choices.

if drunk aren't responsible for their choices, you better abolish drink driving laws, or make it totally legal for me to king hit people while i'm blasted.

The difference between a drunk driver and a drunk rape victim is that the driver clearly put themselves in the position of harming someone else.

A rape victim just makes themselves more vulnerable they're not committing a crime against anyone else or breaking a law.

That's why you arrest the first one and not the second.

And thats why you arrest a drunk driver but not the people in his/her car even if they're also drunk.

but what we are arguing here is that drunk girls can't consent. if drunk gir's can't legally consent to sex ( and they can by the law btw, this is just some made up reddit bullshit that doesn't exist in the legal system) , then logically drunk people can't consent to anything they do, it's some kind of temporary insanity that gives you a free pass on being held responsible.

we are talking about girls who say "yes , fuck me", but it apparently doesn't count cause they were drunk.

What is your opinion of Brock Turner?

i haven't really read much about that tbh, but from what i know, didn't he just come across a passed out girl, and then fuck her while she was unconscious? correct me if that isn't really what happened, but yeah, that is obviously rape.

Okay, well there are situations that start out kind of okay and then shift more to the Brock Turner type of thing. Maybe without a dumpster.

Was the girl really dumb for getting that drunk? Sure. But what was done to her still wasn't okay.

Now in the case of this woman at that sex play place it might well have started out as a fun thing but shifted to something that made her feel terrible. If the guy she went with willingly was fucking her unconscious body then yes she can claim she was raped even if she would have been up for sex if she was awake.

She didn't sue the place. She just said what her experience was. Unless she was working for a competitor or someone else who wanted to take away that place's business there was no real reason to put herself out there.

well you sort of just changed to talking about the OP specifically, when we were just talking about the concept of drunk girls not being able to consent. or perhaps we were always talking about OP, and i lost track, if so sorry, i'm kind of a retard.

but, yeah, obviously if a chick passes out during sex and the guy shrugs and goes "well shit, when in rome" and continues to fuck her, that is literal rape.

but my hunch is, that this didn't happen. she claims in one post she had a "few beers" and didn't understand how she could have been passed out, claimed she was drugged, in another post she claims its partly her fault because she "drank to excess", which directly contradicts the whole "i only had like 3 beers he must have drugged me ".

we already have contradicting versions of the story. also she refused to report it for months and months and months, despite the establishment repeatedly contacting her and saying they would help her press charges, and she kept refusing. she also seemed more concerned with blasting it all over social media and apparently blaming the establishment for not preventing/stopping the "rape", instead of blaming like, the fkn guy/guys that raped her.

it honestly smells to me like she either is some random who for some reason wants to destroy the business and for some reason that was her plan, or she is batshit crazy and regrets a drunken hook up at a porn theater, so is making up stories.

but idk, i'm not a cop, that is just my hunch, she might have been raped, but even if she was, the guys will literally ever be charged with it now, since she doesn't know who any of them are, and at least 6 months have passed since the rape, and there is no evidence of any of it or even a known person to charge with a crime.

so, she dumb.

so i just wikied it and yeah that's happened, cept he finger blasted a passed out girl, not actual sex, which is obviously a crime and fucked up, no grey area there.

Read the court transcripts. It isnt even as skeevy as that. She was seen making out with him in public minutes before they ended up behind the dumpster.

You can also see that the victim requested leniency for him before a publicist got a hold of her.

yeah, i just quickly read the wiki for a few seconds, it's probably more complicated.

seemed to be functioning normally enough that most people wouldn't know.

And that would mean that there's no mens rea and hence no crime. This is first week of 1L year of law school stuff.

Interesting. I wonder if she asked someone for advice or is a first year law student herself.

The OP of that post now hangs out in a rape counseling sub Reddit giving support.


I survived and newly traumatized women should know that they will also survive the inevitable nature of men.

I also think women have an exceptional ability to tolerate these sorts of things.

And boy! we'd better.

But if a person is too incoherent to give consent to sex it is a kind of rape.

What the fuck is "kind of rape" supposed to mean? You don't "kind of" rape someone. That's like saying you're "kind of" pregnant.

She wanted to fuck the guy, got him in the theatre, did the dirty. 4 months later someone told her "fucking random people makes you a thot" and she went with "yea, I never did it except for the one time I got raped."

Two people had sex, one of em has an IQ below room temperature. Case closed.

without commenting on whether the girl is right or wrong here - i think you're reading that sentence wrong. "a kind of rape" should be read like "a type of rape", not like "a semi-rape".

for instance you could say being pregnant with triplets and being pregnant with one child are both "a kind of pregnancy". likewise, being raped by a stranger in an alley and being raped by an acquaintance who drugs you are both "a kind of rape"

Point taken. Though she also said

One of the only things I remember was giving the counter person money for a condom.

and mentioned they came out together as well.

I get that you can be semi-conscious and have someone sticking it in you or that you freeze up or that you get coerced against your will, but that story is really going overboard.

Bought condom, went into an adult film theater with him, came out with the same person and complains that "nobody intervened".

Ya gotta draw a line somewhere and if "we went to an adult movie theater together and I bought condoms from the clerk." is rape then I guess we're all rapists on this blessed day.

without commenting on whether the girl is right or wrong here

im not really interested in whether or not she was making a fake rape claim or not

you know, the funny thing is i believe "slut shaming" has a great deal to do with this kind of false rape claim. like the girl obviously willingly did everything, but why does she has to rationalize her drunk sex with a stranger as "rape"? because as you said, someone said "fucking strangers makes you a thot".

If chicks didn't have weird guilt complexes around sex, they probably wouldn't cry rape as much.

I'm wondering if maybe the fact she caught an STI from this encounter played a part. A lot of guilt and stigma goes into an STI diagnosis, so this may be her way of pushing the blame onto an other.

No STI's at all. Thank God.

It's a shady ass club. There are some nasty ass predators hanging around there. Be warned.

You literally state on two different websites that you caught an STI dumbass

you need to take some time and work on your comprehension skills. I guess you're just trolling for attention or whatever but just in case you aren't, learn to read and then understand what you've just read. Don't try to read things that aren't there, just focus on what you've read.

trolling for attention

Oh the iron knee

the dirty guilt comes in when you don't know how many of them fucked you because wow where did consciousness go? All my years of drinking and nothing like this. Just 3 tall cans. When I was still drinking I would do 3 tall cans for breakfast on a fun day. I'm almost certain I was drugged but with no evidence it doesn't matter.

There’s mayo crazy, then there’s pacific NW mayo crazy

So what exactly is this place? A porno theater? A club? Im confused

Its home

Why the fuck would reddit be the first thing she'd post it on. Seems false anyway from other people's comments

I swear to god I read this story much longer than 4 months ago.

I used to go here a lot when it was just one theatre space, and had many good experiences jacking off with guys (which is all that I'm into doing with men)... Once they divided it into 6 small rooms, it totally changed for the worse. I went a number of times, and each time, it seemed to be evolving more and more into a hangout for crystal meth idiots, and the last thing I need in my life is that, nor ill dressed cross-dressers that can't even bother to learn how to walk in heels like a lady!... Also, who ever picks the videos that they show should be fired for being clueless.... I went again about a year ago, and it was like that, except I did have fun with a hung businessman that had just gotten off of work. But, overall, it was all guys, drugged out, or hoping to be... On a whim I went back last week, and it was slow, only tweakers, that can't get it up, ever, creeps hogging rooms so they can do their drugs in private, guys asleep and snoring, and even weirder, guys coming in drunk with street whores, that weren't even able to function, again, hogging the rooms, and even being threatening to guys that might try to come into them. The clerk was so in and out to the street smoking pot, I wasn't sure if he was even working. Some of the Meth-heads were really tripping with their constantly fussing with their knapsacks, like they can't find their lighters, for hours!... Very distracting... One of the hookers, when her man passed out, she got naked and wondered around asking for a $10 fuck. Unfortunately she got a customer, and it was not pretty, I moved to another room. She literally looked like she had just walked out of Auschwitz concentration camp! A memory that I wish I didn't have. Then a few dealers arrived with their customers, and it was at that point that I left... Shame on the Owners of this formerly fun, and reputable business! I'm amazed that it hasn't been closed down for public endangerment and as a health hazard. The only good thing I'll say about it is that they clean it regularly, so it doesn't stink, of piss, etc.

What a fucking loser

Reading this really hurt at the time. Like damn. Nigga played me. Club must be in on it. FML

hey guys, "victim" here. interesting little smear campaign you've got going on but hey its the internetz, so it should be expected?

Let's have a conversation about drug facilitated rape, business establishments that admit drunk patrons, and very dangerous people wandering around the city of Seattle.

I had 3 tall can beers in about a 2 hour span before meeting a guy who invited me to a theater hangout for sex. The guy gave also gave me an unknown substance which I ingested. Due to my level of intoxication I AGREED to have a sexual encounter with this man. *This is why I chose not to press charges against him for rape.* But can we get it through our heads that one sober person using a drunk for sex is extremely predatory behavior that borders closely to flat out rape. Secondly the man passed me a joint on the way into the club, I'm not sure what was in it but as soon as I got to the club I stopped recording memories for about 5 hours. He may have drugged me with the joint. I would say it's quite possible considering that it would take about 3 times the amount I'd consumed to cause a blackout. Next issue, who else had sex with me in that club while in this state??? Lord only knows. There are no cameras in the various rooms of the club right? Otherwise they are recording amateur porn movies 24/7. Here's the last issue to address... The fact that I was even admitted in such a horrible psychological state, If not black-out drunk, then drugged. I maybe cleared out of whatever haze I was in about 3 times for maybe 30 seconds each round, the guy is laughing heartily each time and I am thoroughly confused what the hell is going each time.

Now we can address why I am so adamant about these rape allegations. A friend of the guy warned me that he and other men had raped me very severely. Another friend of the guy warns me that he does this all the time and that he is very dangerous. This situation is no joke, and neither is Fantasy Unlimited. As I was sitting in the dark room totally unaware how much time has passed or that I've had any sort of sexual intercourse, aside from giving the guy a drunk and high blowjob, there are multiple people continually trying to come into the room and leaving back out immediately.

I don't take the webz too seriously but I felt warning others was the best I could do since I am choosing to not press charges. I feel really bad that I can't get these pigs off the streets but fuck it, it is what it is.

Thanks to all kind-hearted folks who are helping rape victims get through their trauma, even you assholes. You're doing more good than you know!